CAT Index tool

Introduced 2.13

The CatIndexTool retrieves index information for the OpenSearch cluster, similarly to the CAT Indices API.

Step 1: Register a flow agent that will run the CatIndexTool

A flow agent runs a sequence of tools in order and returns the last tool’s output. To create a flow agent, send the following register agent request:

  1. POST /_plugins/_ml/agents/_register
  2. {
  3. "name": "Test_Agent_For_CatIndex_tool",
  4. "type": "flow",
  5. "description": "this is a test agent for the CatIndexTool",
  6. "tools": [
  7. {
  8. "type": "CatIndexTool",
  9. "name": "DemoCatIndexTool",
  10. "parameters": {
  11. "input": "${parameters.question}"
  12. }
  13. }
  14. ]
  15. }


For parameter descriptions, see Register parameters.

OpenSearch responds with an agent ID:

  1. {
  2. "agent_id": "9X7xWI0Bpc3sThaJdY9i"
  3. }

Step 2: Run the agent

Before you run the agent, make sure that you add the sample OpenSearch Dashboards Sample eCommerce orders dataset. To learn more, see Adding sample data.

Then, run the agent by sending the following request:

  1. POST /_plugins/_ml/agents/9X7xWI0Bpc3sThaJdY9i/_execute
  2. {
  3. "parameters": {
  4. "question": "How many indices do I have?"
  5. }
  6. }


OpenSearch returns the index information:

  1. {
  2. "inference_results": [
  3. {
  4. "output": [
  5. {
  6. "name": "response",
  7. "result": """health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
  8. green open .plugins-ml-model-group lHgGEgJhT_mpADyOZoXl2g 1 1 9 2 33.4kb 16.7kb
  9. green open .plugins-ml-memory-meta b2LEpv0QS8K60QBjXtRm6g 1 1 13 0 95.1kb 47.5kb
  10. green open .ql-datasources 9NXm_tMXQc6s_4uRToSNkQ 1 1 0 0 416b 208b
  11. green open sample-ecommerce UPYOQcAfRGqFAlSxcZlRjw 1 1 40320 0 4.1mb 2mb
  12. green open .plugins-ml-task xYTlprYCQnaaYici69SOjA 1 1 117 0 115.5kb 57.6kb
  13. green open .opendistro_security 7DAqhm9QQmeEsQYhA40cJg 1 1 10 0 117kb 58.5kb
  14. green open sample-host-health Na5tq6UiTt6r_qYME1vV-w 1 1 40320 0 2.6mb 1.3mb
  15. green open .opensearch-observability 6PthtLluSKyYCdZR3Mw0iw 1 1 0 0 416b 208b
  16. green open .plugins-ml-model WYcjBHcnRuSDHeVWPVupoA 1 1 191 45 4.2gb 2.1gb
  17. green open index_for_neural_sparse GQswGabQRIazM_trnqaDrw 1 1 5 0 28.4kb 14.2kb
  18. green open security-auditlog-2024.01.30 BhXR7Nd3QVOVGxJNpR0-jw 1 1 27768 0 13.8mb 7mb
  19. green open sample-http-responses 0gmYYYdOTiCbVUvl_uDL0w 1 1 40320 0 2.5mb 1.2mb
  20. green open security-auditlog-2024.02.01 2VD1ieDGS5m-TfjIdfT8Eg 1 1 39305 0 39mb 18.6mb
  21. green open opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_ecommerce wnE6r7OvSPqc5YHj8wHSLA 1 1 4675 0 8.8mb 4.4mb
  22. green open security-auditlog-2024.01.31 cNRK5-2eTwes0SRlXTl0RQ 1 1 34520 0 20.5mb 9.8mb
  23. green open .plugins-ml-memory-message wTNBU4BBQVSFcFhNlUdfBQ 1 1 93 0 358.2kb 181.9kb
  24. green open .plugins-flow-framework-state dJUNDv9MSJ2jjwKbzXPlrw 1 1 39 0 114.1kb 57kb
  25. green open .plugins-ml-agent 7X1IzoLuSGmIujOh9i5mmg 1 1 30 0 170.7kb 85.3kb
  26. green open .plugins-flow-framework-templates _ecC0KahTlmG_3tFUst7Uw 1 1 18 0 175.8kb 87.9kb
  27. green open .plugins-ml-connector q45iJfVjQ5KgxeNC65DLSw 1 1 11 0 313.1kb 156.5kb
  28. green open .kibana_1 vRjXK4bHSUueB_4iXiQ8yw 1 1 257 0 264kb 132kb
  29. green open .plugins-ml-config G7gxGQB7TZeQzBasHd5PUg 1 1 1 0 7.8kb 3.9kb
  30. green open .plugins-ml-controller NQTZPREZRhWoDdjCglRLFg 1 1 0 0 50.1kb 49.9kb
  31. green open opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_logs 9gpOTB3rRgqBLvqis_k5LQ 1 1 14074 0 18mb 9mb
  32. green open .plugins-flow-framework-config JlKPsCh6SEq-Jh6rPL_x9Q 1 1 1 0 7.8kb 3.9kb
  33. green open opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_flights pJde0irnTce4-uobHwYmMQ 1 1 13059 0 11.9mb 5.9mb
  34. green open my_test_data T4hwNs7CTJGIfw2QpCqQ_Q 1 1 6 0 91.7kb 45.8kb
  35. green open .opendistro-job-scheduler-lock XjgmXAVKQ4e8Y-ac54VBzg 1 1 3 3 36.2kb 21.3kb
  36. """
  37. }
  38. ]
  39. }
  40. ]
  41. }

Register parameters

The following table lists all tool parameters that are available when registering an agent.

inputStringRequiredThe user input used to return index information.
indexStringOptionalA comma-delimited list of one or more indexes on which to run the CAT operation. Default is an empty list, which means all indexes.
localBooleanOptionalWhen true, retrieves information from the local node only instead of the cluster manager node (default is false).

Execute parameters

The following table lists all tool parameters that are available when running the agent.

questionStringRequiredThe natural language question to send to the LLM.