Top hits aggregations

The top_hits metric is a multi-value metric aggregation that ranks the matching documents based on a relevance score for the field that’s being aggregated.

You can specify the following options:

  • from: The starting position of the hit.
  • size: The maximum size of hits to return. The default value is 3.
  • sort: How the matching hits are sorted. By default, the hits are sorted by the relevance score of the aggregation query.

The following example returns the top 5 products in your eCommerce data:

  1. GET opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_ecommerce/_search
  2. {
  3. "size": 0,
  4. "aggs": {
  5. "top_hits_products": {
  6. "top_hits": {
  7. "size": 5
  8. }
  9. }
  10. }
  11. }


Example response

  1. ...
  2. "aggregations" : {
  3. "top_hits_products" : {
  4. "hits" : {
  5. "total" : {
  6. "value" : 4675,
  7. "relation" : "eq"
  8. },
  9. "max_score" : 1.0,
  10. "hits" : [
  11. {
  12. "_index" : "opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_ecommerce",
  13. "_type" : "_doc",
  14. "_id" : "glMlwXcBQVLeQPrkHPtI",
  15. "_score" : 1.0,
  16. "_source" : {
  17. "category" : [
  18. "Women's Accessories",
  19. "Women's Clothing"
  20. ],
  21. "currency" : "EUR",
  22. "customer_first_name" : "rania",
  23. "customer_full_name" : "rania Evans",
  24. "customer_gender" : "FEMALE",
  25. "customer_id" : 24,
  26. "customer_last_name" : "Evans",
  27. "customer_phone" : "",
  28. "day_of_week" : "Sunday",
  29. "day_of_week_i" : 6,
  30. "email" : "rania@evans-family.zzz",
  31. "manufacturer" : [
  32. "Tigress Enterprises"
  33. ],
  34. "order_date" : "2021-02-28T14:16:48+00:00",
  35. "order_id" : 583581,
  36. "products" : [
  37. {
  38. "base_price" : 10.99,
  39. "discount_percentage" : 0,
  40. "quantity" : 1,
  41. "manufacturer" : "Tigress Enterprises",
  42. "tax_amount" : 0,
  43. "product_id" : 19024,
  44. "category" : "Women's Accessories",
  45. "sku" : "ZO0082400824",
  46. "taxless_price" : 10.99,
  47. "unit_discount_amount" : 0,
  48. "min_price" : 5.17,
  49. "_id" : "sold_product_583581_19024",
  50. "discount_amount" : 0,
  51. "created_on" : "2016-12-25T14:16:48+00:00",
  52. "product_name" : "Snood - white/grey/peach",
  53. "price" : 10.99,
  54. "taxful_price" : 10.99,
  55. "base_unit_price" : 10.99
  56. },
  57. {
  58. "base_price" : 32.99,
  59. "discount_percentage" : 0,
  60. "quantity" : 1,
  61. "manufacturer" : "Tigress Enterprises",
  62. "tax_amount" : 0,
  63. "product_id" : 19260,
  64. "category" : "Women's Clothing",
  65. "sku" : "ZO0071900719",
  66. "taxless_price" : 32.99,
  67. "unit_discount_amount" : 0,
  68. "min_price" : 17.15,
  69. "_id" : "sold_product_583581_19260",
  70. "discount_amount" : 0,
  71. "created_on" : "2016-12-25T14:16:48+00:00",
  72. "product_name" : "Cardigan - grey",
  73. "price" : 32.99,
  74. "taxful_price" : 32.99,
  75. "base_unit_price" : 32.99
  76. }
  77. ],
  78. "sku" : [
  79. "ZO0082400824",
  80. "ZO0071900719"
  81. ],
  82. "taxful_total_price" : 43.98,
  83. "taxless_total_price" : 43.98,
  84. "total_quantity" : 2,
  85. "total_unique_products" : 2,
  86. "type" : "order",
  87. "user" : "rani",
  88. "geoip" : {
  89. "country_iso_code" : "EG",
  90. "location" : {
  91. "lon" : 31.3,
  92. "lat" : 30.1
  93. },
  94. "region_name" : "Cairo Governorate",
  95. "continent_name" : "Africa",
  96. "city_name" : "Cairo"
  97. },
  98. "event" : {
  99. "dataset" : "sample_ecommerce"
  100. }
  101. }
  102. ...
  103. }
  104. ]
  105. }
  106. }
  107. }
  108. }