cat templates

Introduced 1.0

The cat templates operation lists the names, patterns, order numbers, and version numbers of index templates.


  1. GET _cat/templates?v

If you want to get information for more than one template, separate the template names with commas:

  1. GET _cat/shards/template_name_1,template_name_2,template_name_3

Path and HTTP methods

  1. GET _cat/templates

URL parameters

All cat templates URL parameters are optional.

In addition to the common URL parameters, you can specify the following parameter:

localBooleanWhether to return information from the local node only instead of from the master node. Default is false.
master_timeoutTimeThe amount of time to wait for a connection to the master node. Default is 30 seconds.


  1. name | index_patterns order version composed_of
  2. tenant_template | [kibana*] | 0 |

To learn more about index templates, see Index templates.