

  1. benchmark=# \d part;
  2. id | integer |
  3. p_brand | character varying(256) |
  4. p_type | character varying(256) |
  5. p_container | character varying(256) |
  6. p_mfgr | character varying(256) |


  1. benchmark=# select count(1) from part1;
  2. 10000000


  1. benchmark=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename='part1';
  2. public | part1 | brand_type_container | | CREATE INDEX brand_type_container ON part1 USING btree (p_brand, p_type, p_container) TABLESPACE pg_default
  3. public | part1 | brand_type_mfgr | | CREATE INDEX brand_type_mfgr ON part1 USING btree (p_brand, p_type, p_mfgr) TABLESPACE pg_default
  4. public | part1 | brand_container_mfgr | | CREATE INDEX brand_container_mfgr ON part1 USING btree (p_brand, p_container, p_mfgr) TABLESPACE pg_default
  5. public | part1 | type_container_mfgr | | CREATE INDEX type_container_mfgr ON part1 USING btree (p_type, p_container, p_mfgr) TABLESPACE pg_default


  1. explain analyze select * from part1 where p_container='LG CASE' AND p_brand='Brand#34' AND p_mfgr='Manufacturer#2' AND p_type='SMALL BRUSHED COPPER';


  1. benchmark=# explain analyze select * from part1 where p_container='LG CASE' AND p_brand='Brand#34' AND p_mfgr='Manufacturer#2' AND p_type='SMALL BRUSHED COPPER';
  2. Bitmap Heap Scan on part1 (cost=5.30..336.06 rows=17 width=56) (actual time=0.953..7.061 rows=103 loops=1)
  3. Recheck Cond: (((p_brand)::text = 'Brand#34'::text) AND ((p_type)::text = 'SMALL BRUSHED COPPER'::text) AND ((p_container)::text = 'LG CASE'::text))
  4. Filter: ((p_mfgr)::text = 'Manufacturer#2'::text)
  5. Rows Removed by Filter: 773
  6. Heap Blocks: exact=871
  7. -> Bitmap Index Scan on brand_type_container (cost=0.00..5.30 rows=84 width=0) (actual time=0.704..0.704 rows=876 loops=1)
  8. Index Cond: (((p_brand)::text = 'Brand#34'::text) AND ((p_type)::text = 'SMALL BRUSHED COPPER'::text) AND ((p_container)::text = 'LG CASE'::text))
  9. Total runtime: 7.213 ms
  1. benchmark=# explain analyze select * from part1 where p_container='LG CASE' AND p_brand='Brand#34' AND p_mfgr='Manufacturer#2' AND p_type='SMALL BRUSHED COPPER';
  2. Bitmap Heap Scan on part1 (cost=10.59..723.97 rows=210 width=56) (actual time=0.112..0.434 rows=103 loops=1)
  3. Recheck Cond: (((p_type)::text = 'SMALL BRUSHED COPPER'::text) AND ((p_container)::text = 'LG CASE'::text) AND ((p_mfgr)::text = 'Manufacturer#2'::text))
  4. Filter: ((p_brand)::text = 'Brand#34'::text)
  5. Rows Removed by Filter: 64
  6. Heap Blocks: exact=167
  7. -> Bitmap Index Scan on type_container_mfgr (cost=0.00..10.54 rows=183 width=0) (actual time=0.081..0.081 rows=167 loops=1)
  8. Index Cond: (((p_type)::text = 'SMALL BRUSHED COPPER'::text) AND ((p_container)::text = 'LG CASE'::text) AND ((p_mfgr)::text = 'Manufacturer#2'::text))
  9. Total runtime: 0.533 ms
