








  1. --查看插件清单
  2. openGauss=# SHOW PLUGINS;
  3. Name | Status | Type | Library | License | Comment
  4. -----------------+----------+------+---------+---------+----------------------------------------------------
  5. roach_api_stub | DISABLED | | NULL | | roach api stub
  6. file_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  7. security_plugin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | provides security functionality
  8. hdfs_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  9. plpgsql | ACTIVE | | NULL | | PL/pgSQL procedural language
  10. dolphin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | sql engine
  11. dist_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access
  12. postgres_fdw | DISABLED | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
  13. hstore | ACTIVE | | NULL | | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
  14. log_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data
  15. --插件状态的更新显示
  16. openGauss=# drop Extension hstore;
  17. openGauss=# SHOW PLUGINS;
  18. Name | Status | Type | Library | License | Comment
  19. -----------------+----------+------+---------+---------+----------------------------------------------------
  20. roach_api_stub | DISABLED | | NULL | | roach api stub
  21. file_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  22. security_plugin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | provides security functionality
  23. hdfs_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  24. plpgsql | ACTIVE | | NULL | | PL/pgSQL procedural language
  25. dolphin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | sql engine
  26. dist_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access
  27. postgres_fdw | DISABLED | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
  28. hstore | DISABLED | | NULL | | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
  29. log_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data
  30. openGauss=# CREATE Extension hstore;
  31. openGauss=# show plugins;
  32. Name | Status | Type | Library | License | Comment
  33. -----------------+----------+------+---------+---------+----------------------------------------------------
  34. roach_api_stub | DISABLED | | NULL | | roach api stub
  35. file_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  36. security_plugin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | provides security functionality
  37. hdfs_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
  38. plpgsql | ACTIVE | | NULL | | PL/pgSQL procedural language
  39. dolphin | ACTIVE | | NULL | | sql engine
  40. dist_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for distfs access
  41. postgres_fdw | DISABLED | | NULL | | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
  42. hstore | ACTIVE | | NULL | | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
  43. log_fdw | ACTIVE | | NULL | | Foreign Data Wrapper for accessing logging data