
OpenFaaS can host multiple types of workloads from functions to microservices, but FaaS Functions have the best support.

Common properties

All workloads must:

  • serve HTTP traffic on TCP port 8080
  • assume ephemeral storage
  • be stateless

And integrate with a health-check mechanism:

On Swarm:

  • create a lock file in /tmp/.lock - removing this file signals service degradation
  • add a HEALTHCHECK instruction if using Docker Swarm

On Kubernetes:

  • or enable httpProbe in the helm chart and implement /_/health as a HTTP endpoint
  • create a lock file in /tmp/.lock - removing this file signals service degradation

Note: You can specify a custom HTTP Path for the health-check using the annotation

If running in read-only mode, then you can write files to the /tmp/ mount only. These files may be accessible upon subsequent requests but it is not guaranteed. For instance - if you have two replicas of a function then both may have different contents in their /tmp/ mount. When running without read-only mode you can write files to the user's home directory subject to the same rules.

FaaS Functions

To build a FaaS Function simply use the OpenFaaS CLI to scaffold a new function using one of the official templates or one of your own templates. All FaaS Functions make use of the OpenFaaS classic watchdog or the next-gen of-watchdog.

  1. faas-cli template pull
  2. faas-cli new --list

Or build your own templates Git repository and then pass that as an argument to faas-cli template pull

  1. faas-cli template pull
  2. faas-cli new --list

Custom binaries can also be used as a function. Just use the dockerfile language template and replace the fprocess variable with the command you want to run per request. If you would like to pipe arguments to a CLI utility you can prefix the command with xargs.

Custom service account

When using Kubernetes, OpenFaaS workloads can assume a ServiceAccount in the namespace in which they are deployed.

For example if a workload needed to read logs from the Kubernetes API usng a ServiceAccount named function-logs-sa, you could bind it in this way:


  1. functions:
  2. system-logs:
  3. annotations:
  4. com.openfaas.serviceaccount: function-logs-sa

Here is an example Role that can list pods and work with Pod logs within the openfaas-fn namespace:

  1. kind: Role
  2. apiVersion:
  3. metadata:
  4. name: function-logs-role
  5. namespace: openfaas-fn
  6. rules:
  7. - apiGroups: [""]
  8. resources: ["pods", "pods/log"]
  9. verbs: ["get", "list", "create"]
  10. ---
  11. kind: RoleBinding
  12. apiVersion:
  13. metadata:
  14. name: function-logs-role-binding
  15. namespace: openfaas-fn
  16. subjects:
  17. - kind: ServiceAccount
  18. name: function-logs-sa
  19. namespace: openfaas-fn
  20. roleRef:
  21. kind: Role
  22. name: function-logs-role
  23. apiGroup:
  24. ---
  25. apiVersion: v1
  26. kind: ServiceAccount
  27. metadata:
  28. name: function-logs-sa
  29. namespace: openfaas-fn
  30. labels:
  31. app: openfaas

Stateless microservices

A stateless microservice can be built using the dockerfile language type and the OpenFaaS CLI - or by building a custom Docker image which serves traffic on port 8080 and deploying that via the RESTful API, CLI or UI.

An example of a stateless microservice may be an Express.js application using Node.js, a Sinatra app with Ruby or an ASP.NET 2.0 Core website.

Use of the OpenFaaS next-gen of-watchdog is optional, but recommended for stateless microservices to provide a consistent experience for timeouts, logging and configuration.

On Kubernetes is possible to run any container image as an OpenFaaS function as long as your application exposes port 8080 and has a HTTP health check endpoint.

Custom HTTP health check

You can specify the HTTP path of your health check and the initial check delay duration with the following annotations:


Stack file example:

  1. functions:
  2. kubesec:
  3. image:
  4. skip_build: true
  5. annotations:
  6. "/healthz"
  7. "30s"

Note: The initial delay value must be a valid Go duration e.g. 80s or 3m.