
To print the General Ledger, you can use the menu Accounting ‣ Reporting ‣ Legal Reports ‣ Accounting Reports ‣ General Ledger. You will find the following wizard which is used to filter the resulting report.


Wizard for selecting the specific entries in report

Select the proper options and journal(s) from the above wizard to print the General Ledger.


General Ledger


Simulated Balance

While you are printing account balances, if you have installed the account_simulation module from extra-addons, OpenERP asks you which level of simulation to execute.

Results will vary depending on the level selected. You could, for example, print the balance depending on various methods of amortization:

  • the normal IFRS method,

  • the French method.

More generally, it enables you to make analyses using other simulation levels that you could expect.

To print the Trial Balance, you can use this menu Accounting ‣ Reporting ‣ Legal Reports ‣ Accounting Reports ‣ Trial Balance. This report allows you to print or generate a PDF of your trial balance, allowing you to quickly check the balance of each of your accounts in a single report.


Trial Balance

You can print the General Ledger and Trial Balance report directly from the Account form also.