
本章节内容针对对象为OpenERP的administrator系统管理员。 您将学到在OpenERP中如何配置相匹配到贵公司的需求以及系统的每个用户。

OpenERP 很灵活滴哦,它体现在,外观的修改,不同的功能,分析,工具等,您都能选择匹配贵公司的需求最为密切的一般方法。这些配置的变化是通过用户界面进行的。





The word personalization is sometimes used in this book where you might expect to find configuration or customization.

Customization generally refers to something that requires a bit of technical effort (such as creating specialized code modules) and creates a non-standard system.

Configuration is less radical – it is the general process of setting all the parameters of the software to fit the needs of your system (often called parametrization or setup). Configuration is also, by convention, the name of the sub-menu below each of OpenERP’s top-level menus that is accessible only to the administrative user for that section.

Personalization is just that subset of configuration options that shapes the system to the particular operational and/or stylistic wishes of a person or company.

Using the OpenOffice Report Designer module (base_report_designer), you can change any part of any of the reports produced by the system. The system administrator can configure each report to modify its layout and style, or even the data that is provided there.



The OpenOffice Report Designer plug-in enables you not only to configure the reports of the basic products in OpenERP, but also to create entirely new report templates. When the user uses OpenERP’s client interface, OpenOffice can create a report template that has access to all the data available to any OpenERP document type.

You can easily create fax documents, quotations, or any other commercial document. This functionality enables you to considerably extend the productivity of your salespeople who have to send many proposals to customers.

Finally, you will see how to import your data into OpenERP automatically, to migrate all of your data in one single go.

For this chapter, you should start with a fresh database that includes demo data, with sale and its dependencies installed and no particular chart of accounts configured.