
id: generator-opts-client-typescript-angular title: Config Options for typescript-angularsidebar_label: typescript-angular

sortParamsByRequiredFlagSort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.true
ensureUniqueParamsWhether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not).true
allowUnicodeIdentifiersboolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is falsefalse
prependFormOrBodyParametersAdd form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list.false
modelPropertyNamingNaming convention for the property: 'camelCase', 'PascalCase', 'snake_case' and 'original', which keeps the original namecamelCase
supportsES6Generate code that conforms to ES6.false
npmNameThe name under which you want to publish generated npm package. Required to generate a full packagenull
npmVersionThe version of your npm package. If not provided, using the version from the OpenAPI specification file.1.0.0
snapshotWhen setting this property to true, the version will be suffixed with -SNAPSHOT.yyyyMMddHHmmfalse
npmRepositoryUse this property to set an url your private npmRepo in the package.jsonnull
withInterfacesSetting this property to true will generate interfaces next to the default class implementations.false
taggedUnionsUse discriminators to create tagged unions instead of extending interfaces.false
providedInRootUse this property to provide Injectables in root (it is only valid in angular version greater or equal to 6.0.0).false
ngVersionThe version of Angular.8.0.0
serviceSuffixThe suffix of the generated service.Service
serviceFileSuffixThe suffix of the file of the generated service (service<suffix>.ts)..service
modelSuffixThe suffix of the generated model.null
modelFileSuffixThe suffix of the file of the generated model (model<suffix>.ts).null
fileNamingNaming convention for the output files: 'camelCase', 'kebab-case'.camelCase
stringEnumsGenerate string enums instead of objects for enum values.false