
id: generator-opts-client-android title: Config Options for androidsidebar_label: android

sortParamsByRequiredFlagSort method arguments to place required parameters before optional parameters.true
ensureUniqueParamsWhether to ensure parameter names are unique in an operation (rename parameters that are not).true
allowUnicodeIdentifiersboolean, toggles whether unicode identifiers are allowed in names or not, default is falsefalse
prependFormOrBodyParametersAdd form or body parameters to the beginning of the parameter list.false
modelPackagepackage for generated modelsnull
apiPackagepackage for generated api classesnull
invokerPackageroot package for generated codenull
groupIdgroupId for use in the generated build.gradle and pom.xmlnull
artifactIdartifactId for use in the generated build.gradle and pom.xmlnull
artifactVersionartifact version for use in the generated build.gradle and pom.xmlnull
sourceFoldersource folder for generated codenull
useAndroidMavenGradlePluginA flag to toggle android-maven gradle plugin.true
androidGradleVersiongradleVersion version for use in the generated build.gradlenull
androidSdkVersioncompileSdkVersion version for use in the generated build.gradlenull
androidBuildToolsVersionbuildToolsVersion version for use in the generated build.gradlenull
serializableModelboolean - toggle "implements Serializable" for generated modelsfalse
librarylibrary template (sub-template) to use- volley- HTTP client: Volley 1.0.19 (default)- httpclient- HTTP client: Apache HttpClient 4.3.6. JSON processing: Gson 2.3.1. IMPORTANT: Android client using HttpClient is not actively maintained and will be depecreated in the next major release.null