Geospatial Functions
openLooKeng Geospatial functions that begin with the ST_
prefix support the SQL/MM specification and are compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) OpenGIS Specifications. As such, many openLooKeng Geospatial functions require, or more accurately, assume that geometries that are operated on are both simple and valid. For example, it does not make sense to calculate the area of a polygon that has a hole defined outside of the polygon, or to construct a polygon from a non-simple boundary line.
openLooKeng Geospatial functions support the Well-Known Text (WKT) and Well-Known Binary (WKB) form of spatial objects:
POINT (0 0)
LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 1 2)
POLYGON ((0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0), (1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2, 1 1))
MULTIPOINT (0 0, 1 2)
MULTILINESTRING ((0 0, 1 1, 1 2), (2 3, 3 2, 5 4))
MULTIPOLYGON (((0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0), (1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2, 1 1)), ((-1 -1, -1 -2, -2 -2, -2 -1, -1 -1)))
Use ST_GeometryFromText
and ST_GeomFromBinary
functions to create geometry objects from WKT or WKB.
The SphericalGeography
type provides native support for spatial features represented on geographic coordinates (sometimes called geodetic coordinates, or lat/lon, or lon/lat). Geographic coordinates are spherical coordinates expressed in angular units (degrees).
The basis for the Geometry
type is a plane. The shortest path between two points on the plane is a straight line. That means calculations on geometries (areas, distances, lengths, intersections, etc) can be calculated using cartesian mathematics and straight line vectors.
The basis for the SphericalGeography
type is a sphere. The shortest path between two points on the sphere is a great circle arc. That means that calculations on geographies (areas, distances, lengths, intersections, etc) must be calculated on the sphere, using more complicated mathematics. More accurate measurements that take the actual spheroidal shape of the world into account are not supported.
Values returned by the measurement functions ST_Distance
and ST_Length
are in the unit of meters; values returned by ST_Area
are in square meters.
Use to_spherical_geography()
function to convert a geometry object to geography object.
For example, ST_Distance(ST_Point(-71.0882, 42.3607), ST_Point(-74.1197, 40.6976))
returns 3.4577
in the unit of the passed-in values on the euclidean plane, while ST_Distance(to_spherical_geography(ST_Point(-71.0882, 42.3607)), to_spherical_geography(ST_Point(-74.1197, 40.6976)))
returns 312822.179
in meters.
ST_AsBinary(Geometry) -> varbinary
Returns the WKB representation of the geometry.
ST_AsText(Geometry) -> varchar
Returns the WKT representation of the geometry. For empty geometries, ST_AsText(ST_LineFromText('LINESTRING EMPTY'))
and ST_AsText(ST_Polygon('POLYGON EMPTY'))
ST_GeometryFromText(varchar) -> Geometry
Returns a geometry type object from WKT representation.
ST_GeomFromBinary(varbinary) -> Geometry
Returns a geometry type object from WKB representation.
ST_LineFromText(varchar) -> LineString
Returns a geometry type linestring object from WKT representation.
ST_LineString(array(Point)) -> LineString
Returns a LineString formed from an array of points. If there are fewer than two non-empty points in the input array, an empty LineString will be returned. Throws an exception if any element in the array is NULL
or empty or same as the previous one. The returned geometry may not be simple, e.g. may self-intersect or may contain duplicate vertexes depending on the input.
ST_MultiPoint(array(Point)) -> MultiPoint
Returns a MultiPoint geometry object formed from the specified points. Return NULL
if input array is empty. Throws an exception if any element in the array is NULL
or empty. The returned geometry may not be simple and may contain duplicate points if input array has duplicates.
ST_Point(double, double) -> Point
Returns a geometry type point object with the given coordinate values.
ST_Polygon(varchar) -> Polygon
Returns a geometry type polygon object from WKT representation.
to_spherical_geography(Geometry) -> SphericalGeography
Converts a Geometry object to a SphericalGeography object on the sphere of the Earth’s radius. This function is only applicable to POINT
geometries defined in 2D space, or GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
of such geometries. For each point of the input geometry, it verifies that point.x
is within [-180.0, 180.0]
and point.y
is within [-90.0, 90.0]
, and uses them as (longitude, latitude) degrees to construct the shape of the SphericalGeography
to_geometry(SphericalGeography) -> Geometry
Converts a SphericalGeography object to a Geometry object.
Relationship Tests
ST_Contains(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if and only if no points of the second geometry lie in the exterior of the first geometry, and at least one point of the interior of the first geometry lies in the interior of the second geometry.
ST_Crosses(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the supplied geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common.
ST_Disjoint(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the give geometries do not spatially intersect —if they do not share any space together.
ST_Equals(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the given geometries represent the same geometry.
ST_Intersects(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the given geometries spatially intersect in two dimensions (share any portion of space) and false
if they do not (they are disjoint).
ST_Overlaps(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the given geometries share space, are of the same dimension, but are not completely contained by each other.
ST_Relate(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if first geometry is spatially related to second geometry.
ST_Touches(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the given geometries have at least one point in common, but their interiors do not intersect.
ST_Within(Geometry, Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if first geometry is completely inside second geometry.
geometry_union(array(Geometry)) -> Geometry
Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the input geometries. Performance of this function, in conjunction with array_agg
to first aggregate the input geometries, may be better than geometry_union_agg
, at the expense of higher memory utilization.
ST_Boundary(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of this geometry.
ST_Buffer(Geometry, distance) -> Geometry
Returns the geometry that represents all points whose distance from the specified geometry is less than or equal to the specified distance.
ST_Difference(Geometry, Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the geometry value that represents the point set difference of the given geometries.
ST_Envelope(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the bounding rectangular polygon of a geometry.
ST_EnvelopeAsPts(Geometry) -> array(Geometry)
Returns an array of two points: the lower left and upper right corners of the bounding rectangular polygon of a geometry. Returns null if input geometry is empty.
ST_ExteriorRing(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns a line string representing the exterior ring of the input polygon.
ST_Intersection(Geometry, Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the geometry value that represents the point set intersection of two geometries.
ST_SymDifference(Geometry, Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the geometry value that represents the point set symmetric difference of two geometries.
ST_Union(Geometry, Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the input geometries.
See also: geometry_union
, geometry_union_agg
ST_Area(Geometry) -> double
Returns the 2D Euclidean area of a geometry.
For Point and LineString types, returns 0.0. For GeometryCollection types, returns the sum of the areas of the individual geometries.
ST_Area(SphericalGeography) -> double
Returns the area of a polygon or multi-polygon in square meters using a spherical model for Earth.
ST_Centroid(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the point value that is the mathematical centroid of a geometry.
ST_ConvexHull(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the minimum convex geometry that encloses all input geometries.
ST_CoordDim(Geometry) -> bigint
Return the coordinate dimension of the geometry.
ST_Dimension(Geometry) -> bigint
Returns the inherent dimension of this geometry object, which must be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
ST_Distance(Geometry, Geometry) -> double
Returns the 2-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units.
ST_Distance(SphericalGeography, SphericalGeography) -> double
Returns the great-circle distance in meters between two SphericalGeography points.
ST_GeometryN(Geometry, index) -> Geometry
Returns the geometry element at a given index (indices start at 1). If the geometry is a collection of geometries (e.g., GEOMETRYCOLLECTION or MULTI*), returns the geometry at a given index. If the given index is less than 1 or greater than the total number of elements in the collection, returns NULL
. Use `` ST_NumGeometries
to find out the total number of elements. Singular geometries (e.g., POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON), are treated as collections of one element. Empty geometries are treated as empty collections.
ST_InteriorRingN(Geometry, index) -> Geometry
Returns the interior ring element at the specified index (indices start at 1). If the given index is less than 1 or greater than the total number of interior rings in the input geometry, returns NULL
. Throws an error if the input geometry is not a polygon. Use ST_NumInteriorRing
to find out the total number of elements.
ST_GeometryType(Geometry) -> varchar
Returns the type of the geometry.
ST_IsClosed(Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if the linestring’s start and end points are coincident.
ST_IsEmpty(Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if this Geometry is an empty geometrycollection, polygon, point etc.
ST_IsSimple(Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if this Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency.
ST_IsRing(Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if and only if the line is closed and simple.
ST_IsValid(Geometry) -> boolean
Returns true
if and only if the input geometry is well formed. Use geometry_invalid_reason
to determine why the geometry is not well formed.
ST_Length(Geometry) -> double
Returns the length of a linestring or multi-linestring using Euclidean measurement on a two dimensional plane (based on spatial ref) in projected units.
ST_PointN(LineString, index) -> Point
Returns the vertex of a linestring at a given index (indices start at 1). If the given index is less than 1 or greater than the total number of elements in the collection, returns NULL
. Use ST_NumPoints
to find out the total number of elements.
ST_Points(Geometry) -> array(Point)
Returns an array of points in a linestring.
ST_XMax(Geometry) -> double
Returns X maxima of a bounding box of a geometry.
ST_YMax(Geometry) -> double
Returns Y maxima of a bounding box of a geometry.
ST_XMin(Geometry) -> double
Returns X minima of a bounding box of a geometry.
ST_YMin(Geometry) -> double
Returns Y minima of a bounding box of a geometry.
ST_StartPoint(Geometry) -> point
Returns the first point of a LineString geometry as a Point. This is a shortcut for ST_PointN(geometry, 1).
simplify_geometry(Geometry, double) -> Geometry
Returns a “simplified” version of the input geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Will avoid creating derived geometries (polygons in particular) that are invalid.
ST_EndPoint(Geometry) -> point
Returns the last point of a LineString geometry as a Point. This is a shortcut for ST_PointN(geometry, ST_NumPoints(geometry)).
ST_X(Point) -> double
Return the X coordinate of the point.
ST_Y(Point) -> double
Return the Y coordinate of the point.
ST_InteriorRings(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns an array of all interior rings found in the input geometry, or an empty array if the polygon has no interior rings. Returns null if the input geometry is empty. Throws an error if the input geometry is not a polygon.
ST_NumGeometries(Geometry) -> bigint
Returns the number of geometries in the collection. If the geometry is a collection of geometries (e.g., GEOMETRYCOLLECTION or MULTI*), returns the number of geometries, for single geometries returns 1, for empty geometries returns 0.
ST_Geometries(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns an array of geometries in the specified collection. Returns a one-element array if the input geometry is not a multi-geometry. Returns null if input geometry is empty.
ST_NumPoints(Geometry) -> bigint
Returns the number of points in a geometry. This is an extension to the SQL/MM ST_NumPoints
function which only applies to point and linestring.
ST_NumInteriorRing(Geometry) -> bigint
Returns the cardinality of the collection of interior rings of a polygon.
line_locate_point(LineString, Point) -> double
Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on the LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length.
Returns NULL
if a LineString or a Point is empty or NULL
geometry_invalid_reason(Geometry) -> varchar
Returns the reason for why the input geometry is not valid. Returns null if the input is valid.
great_circle_distance(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2)-> double
Returns the great-circle distance between two points on Earth’s surface in kilometers.
convex_hull_agg(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns the minimum convex geometry that encloses all input geometries.
geometry_union_agg(Geometry) -> Geometry
Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of all input geometries.
Bing Tiles
These functions convert between geometries and Bing tiles.
bing_tile(x, y, zoom_level) -> BingTile
Creates a Bing tile object from XY coordinates and a zoom level. Zoom levels from 1 to 23 are supported.
bing_tile(quadKey) -> BingTile
Creates a Bing tile object from a quadkey.
bing_tile_at(latitude, longitude, zoom_level) -> BingTile
Returns a Bing tile at a given zoom level containing a point at a given latitude and longitude. Latitude must be within [-85.05112878, 85.05112878]
range. Longitude must be within [-180, 180]
range. Zoom levels from 1 to 23 are supported.
bing_tiles_around(latitude, longitude, zoom_level) -> array(BingTile)
Returns a collection of Bing tiles that surround the point specified by the latitude and longitude arguments at a given zoom level.
bing_tiles_around(latitude, longitude, zoom_level, radius_in_km) -> array(BingTile)
Returns a minimum set of Bing tiles at specified zoom level that cover a circle of specified radius in km around a specified (latitude, longitude) point.
bing_tile_coordinates(tile) -> row
Returns the XY coordinates of a given Bing tile.
bing_tile_polygon(tile) -> Geometry
Returns the polygon representation of a given Bing tile.
bing_tile_quadkey(tile) -> varchar
Returns the quadkey of a given Bing tile.
bing_tile_zoom_level(tile) -> tinyint
Returns the zoom level of a given Bing tile.
geometry_to_bing_tiles(geometry, zoom_level) -> array(BingTile)
Returns the minimum set of Bing tiles that fully covers a given geometry at a given zoom level. Zoom levels from 1 to 23 are supported.