
GET /wopi/files/(file_id)

Returns information about the file properties, access rights and editor settings.


file_idThe file ID that must be URL safe.string

Query parameters

access_tokenAn access token that the host will use to determine whether the request is authorized.string

Request headers

X-WOPI-SessionContextSession context if it is provided on the initial WOPI action URL.stringoptional

Required response properties

BaseFileNameA file name without a path that is displayed in the user interface (UI) and determines the file extension.string“Example File Name.docx”
VersionThe current version of the file based on the server file version schema. Every time the document is edited and saved, the version must be changed. The version values must never repeat for a given file.string“Khirz6zTPdfd7”

Breadcrumb properties

BreadcrumbBrandNameA name that the WOPI client displays to the user to indicate the brand name of the WOPI server.string“Example Brand Name”
BreadcrumbBrandUrlURL to a web page that the WOPI client navigates to when the user clicks the UI displaying BreadcrumbBrandName.string
BreadcrumbDocNameA file name that the WOPI client displays to the user. If this parameter is not specified, then the BaseFileName parameter is used.string“Example Breadcrumb File Name.docx”
BreadcrumbFolderNameA name that the WOPI client displays to the user that indicates the name of the folder that contains the file.string“Example Folder Name”
BreadcrumbFolderUrlURL to a web page that the WOPI client navigates to when the user clicks the UI displaying BreadcrumbFolderName.string

PostMessage properties

ClosePostMessageSpecifies if the WOPI client should notify the WOPI server in case the user closes the rendering or editing client currently using this file. The host expects to receive the UI_Close PostMessage when the Close UI in the online office is activated.booleantrue
EditModePostMessageSpecifies if the WOPI client should notify the WOPI server in case the user tries to edit a file. The host expects to receive the UI_Edit PostMessage when the Edit UI in the online office is activated.booleantrue
EditNotificationPostMessageSpecifies if the WOPI client should notify the WOPI server in case the user tries to edit a file. The host expects to receive the Edit_Notification PostMessage.booleantrue
FileSharingPostMessageSpecifies if the WOPI client should notify the WOPI server in case the user tries to share a file. The host expects to receive the UI_Sharing PostMessage when the Share UI in the online office is activated.booleantrue
FileVersionPostMessageSpecifies if the WOPI client will notify the WOPI server in case the user tries to navigate to the previous file version. The host expects to receive the UI_FileVersions PostMessage when the Previous Versions UI in the online office is activated.booleantrue
PostMessageOriginA domain that the WOPI client must use as the targetOrigin parameter when sending messages as described in [W3C-HTML5WEBMSG].string

File URL properties

CloseUrlURL to a web page that the implementer deems useful to the user in case the user closes the rendering or editing client currently using this file.string
FileSharingUrlURL to the location that allows the user to share a file.string
FileVersionUrlURL to the location that allows the user to view the previous file version.string
HostEditUrlURL to a web page where a file can be edited using the WOPI client.string

Other miscellaneous properties

CopyPasteRestrictionsSpecifies if the WOPI client must disable the Copy and Paste functionality within the application. By default, all Copy and Paste functionality is enabled, i.e. the setting has no effect. Possible property values:
  • BlockAll - the Copy and Paste functionality is completely disabled within the application;
  • CurrentDocumentOnly - the Copy and Paste functionality is enabled but content can only be copied and pasted within the file currently open in the application.
DisablePrintSpecifies if the WOPI client must disable any print functionality under its control.booleantrue
FileExtensionA file extension which must begin with a “.”.string“.docx”
FileNameMaxLengthThe maximum length of a file name, including the file extension, supported by the WOPI server.integer20
LastModifiedTimeThe last time when the file was modified. This time must always be a UTC time, and must be formatted in ISO 8601 round-trip format. This property can be specified as an alternative to the Version property.string“2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z”

User metadata properties

IsAnonymousUserSpecifies if the user is anonymous.booleantrue
UserFriendlyNameA user name. If it is undefined, the WOPI client may be configured to use a placeholder string in some scenarios, or to show no name at all.string“John Smith”
UserIdA unique user identifier that is specified by the WOPI server.string“uid-1”

User permissions properties

ReadOnlySpecifies if a file cannot be changed by the current user.booleantrue
UserCanNotWriteRelativeSpecifies if the user has permissions to create new files on the WOPI server or not. The true value means that the PutRelativeFile execution will fail for this user on the current file. By default, this parameter is false and the PutRelativeFile operation is executed.booleanfalse
UserCanRenameSpecifies if the user has permissions to rename a file.booleantrue
UserCanReviewSpecifies if the user has permissions to review a file.booleantrue
UserCanWriteSpecifies if the user has permissions to edit a file.booleantrue

WOPI host capabilities properties

SupportsLocksSpecifies if the WOPI server supports the Lock, Unlock, and RefreshLock operations.booleantrue
SupportsRenameSpecifies if the WOPI server supports the renaming permission.booleantrue
SupportsReviewingSpecifies if the WOPI server supports the review permission.booleantrue
SupportsUpdateSpecifies if the WOPI server supports the PutFile and PutRelativeFile operations.booleantrue

Nextcloud/Collabora/Seafile properties

EnableInsertRemoteImageSpecifies whether to enable the menu entry and toolbar item which call the UI_InsertGraphic message. This property is used to display a user interface element (for example, a dialog) allowing the user to pick an image from the integration. The integration is supposed to provide a temporary URL that may be downloaded once, and return it back via the Action_InsertGraphic message with Values set to the temporary URL.booleantrue
HidePrintOptionSpecifies if the WOPI server hides the print option from the file menu bar in the UI.booleanfalse