- Configuring for Azure
- Before you begin
- The Azure configuration file
- Example inventory for OKD on Microsoft Azure
- Configuring OKD for Microsoft Azure
- Using the Microsoft Azure external load balancer as a service
Configuring for Azure
You can configure OKD to use Microsoft Azure load balancers and disks for persistent application data.
Before you begin
Configuring authorization for Microsoft Azure
Azure roles
Configuring Microsoft Azure for OKD requires the following Microsoft Azure role:
Contributor | To create and manage all types of Microsoft Azure resources. |
See the Classic subscription administrator roles vs. Azure RBAC roles vs. Azure AD administrator roles documentation for more information.
Configuring Microsoft Azure for OKD requires a service principal, which allows the creation and management of Kubernetes service load balancers and disks for persistent storage. The service principal values are defined at installation time and deployed to the Azure configuration file, located at /etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf
on OKD master and node hosts.
Using the Azure CLI, obtain the account subscription ID:
# az account list
"cloudName": "AzureCloud",
"id": "<subscription>", (1)
"isDefault": false,
"name": "Pay-As-You-Go",
"state": "Enabled",
"tenantId": "<tenant-id>",
"user": {
"name": "admin@example.com",
"type": "user"
1 The subscription ID to use to create the new permissions. Create the service principal with the Microsoft Azure role of contributor and with the scope of the Microsoft Azure subscription and the resource group. Record the output of these values to be used when defining the inventory. Use the
value from the previous step in place of the value below:# az ad sp create-for-rbac --name openshiftcloudprovider \
--password <secret> --role contributor \
--scopes /subscriptions/<subscription>/resourceGroups/<resource-group>
Retrying role assignment creation: 1/36
Retrying role assignment creation: 2/36
"appId": "<app-id>",
"displayName": "ocpcloudprovider",
"name": "http://ocpcloudprovider",
"password": "<secret>",
"tenant": "<tenant-id>"
Configuring Microsoft Azure objects
Integrating OKD with Microsoft Azure requires the following components or services to create a highly-available and full-featured environment.
To ensure that the appropriate amount of instances can be launched, request an increase in CPU quota from Microsoft before creating instances. |
A resource group
Resource groups contain all Microsoft Azure components for a deployment, including networking, load balancers, virtual machines, and DNS. Quotas and permissions can be applied to resources groups to control and manage resources deployed on Microsoft Azure. Resource groups are created and defined per geographic region. All resources created for an OKD environment should be within the same geographic region and within the same resource group.
See Azure Resource Manager overview for more information.
Azure Virtual Networks
Azure Virtual Networks are used to isolate Azure cloud networks from one another. Instances and load balancers use the virtual network to allow communication with each other and to and from the Internet. The virtual network allows for the creation of one or many subnets to be used by components within a resource group. You can also connect virtual networks to various VPN services, allowing communication with on-premise services.
See What is Azure Virtual Network? for more information.
Azure DNS
Azure offers a managed DNS service that provides internal and Internet-accessible host name and load balancer resolution. The reference environment uses a DNS zone to host three DNS A records to allow for mapping of public IPs to OKD resources and a bastion.
See What is Azure DNS? for more information.
Load balancing
Azure load balancers allow network connectivity for scaling and high availability of services running on virtual machines within the Azure environment.
See What is Azure Load Balancer?
Storage Account
Storage Accounts allow for resources, such as virtual machines, to access the different type of storage components offered by Microsoft Azure. During installation, the storage account defines the location of the object-based blob
storage used for the OKD registry.
See Introduction to Azure Storage for more information, or the Configuring the OKD registry for Microsoft Azure section for steps to create the storage account for the registry.
Service Principal
Azure offers the ability to create service accounts, which access, manage, or create components within Azure. The service account grants API access to specific services. For example, a service principal allows Kubernetes or OKD instances to request persistent storage and load balancers. Service principals allow for granular access to be given to instances or users for specific functions.
See Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory for more information.
Availability Sets
Availability sets ensure that the deployed VMs are distributed across multiple isolated hardware nodes in a cluster. The distribution helps to ensure that when maintenance on the cloud provider hardware occurs, instances will not all run on one specific node.
You should segment instances to different availability sets based on their role. For example, one availability set containing three master hosts, one availability set containing infrastructure hosts, and one availability set containing application hosts. This allows for segmentation and the ability to use external load balancers within OKD.
See Manage the availability of Linux virtual machines for more information.
Network Security Groups
Network Security Groups (NSGs) provide a list of rules to either allow or deny traffic to resources deployed within an Azure Virtual Network. NSGs use numeric priority values and rules to define what items are allowed to communicate with each other. You can place restrictions on where communication is allowed to occur, such as within only the virtual network, from load balancers, or from everywhere.
Priority values allow for administrators to grant granular values on the order in which port communication is allowed or not allowed to occur.
See Plan virtual networks for more information.
Instances sizes
A successful OKD environment requires some minimum hardware requirements.
See the Minimum Hadware Requirements section in the OKD documentation or Sizes for Cloud Services for more information.
The Azure configuration file
Configuring OKD for Azure requires the /etc/azure/azure.conf file, on each node host.
If the file does not exist, you can create it.
tenantId: <> (1)
subscriptionId: <> (2)
aadClientId: <> (3)
aadClientSecret: <> (4)
aadTenantId: <> (5)
resourceGroup: <> (6)
cloud: <> (7)
location: <> (8)
vnetName: <> (9)
securityGroupName: <> (10)
primaryAvailabilitySetName: <> (11)
1 | The AAD tenant ID for the subscription that the cluster is deployed in. |
2 | The Azure subscription ID that the cluster is deployed in. |
3 | The client ID for an AAD application with RBAC access to talk to Azure RM APIs. |
4 | The client secret for an AAD application with RBAC access to talk to Azure RM APIs. |
5 | Ensure this is the same as tenant ID (optional). |
6 | The Azure Resource Group name that the Azure VM belongs to. |
7 | The specific cloud region. For example, AzurePublicCloud . |
8 | The compact style Azure region. For example, southeastasia (optional). |
9 | Virtual network containing instances and used when creating load balancers. |
10 | Security group name associated with instances and load balancers. |
11 | Availability set to use when creating resources such as load balancers (optional). |
The NIC used for accessing the instance must have an |
Example inventory for OKD on Microsoft Azure
The example inventory below assumes that the following items have been created:
A resource group
An Azure virtual network
One or more network security groups that contain the required OKD ports
A storage account
A service principal
Two load balancers
Two or more DNS entries for the routers and for the OKD web console
Three Availability Sets
Three master instances
Three infrastructure instances
One or more application instances
The inventory below uses the default storageclass
to create persistent volumes to be used by the metrics, logging, and service catalog components managed by a service principal. The registry uses Microsoft Azure blob storage.
If the Microsoft Azure instances use managed disks, provide the following variable in the inventory:
This ensures the |
oreg_auth_user=service_account (1)
oreg_auth_password=service_account_token (1)
openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'idm', 'challenge': 'true', 'login': 'true', 'kind': 'LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider', 'attributes': {'id': ['dn'], 'email': ['mail'], 'name': ['cn'], 'preferredUsername': ['uid']}, 'bindDN': 'uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com', 'bindPassword': 'ldapadmin', 'ca': '/etc/origin/master/ca.crt', 'insecure': 'false', 'url': 'ldap://ldap.example.com/cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com?uid?sub?(memberOf=cn=ose-user,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com)'}]
# Storage Class change to use managed storage
openshift_storageclass_parameters={'kind': 'managed', 'storageaccounttype': 'Standard_LRS'}
# service catalog
openshift_hosted_etcd_storage_labels={'storage': 'etcd'}
# metrics
openshift_metrics_hawkular_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
openshift_metrics_cassandra_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
openshift_metrics_heapster_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
# logging
openshift_logging_kibana_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
openshift_logging_curator_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
openshift_logging_es_nodeselector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": "true"}
# Setup azure blob registry storage
ocp-master-1 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-master"
ocp-master-2 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-master"
ocp-master-3 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-master"
ocp-infra-1 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-infra"
ocp-infra-2 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-infra"
ocp-infra-3 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-infra"
ocp-app-1 openshift_node_group_name="node-config-compute"
1 | If you use a container registry that requires authentication, such as the default container image registry, specify the credentials for that account. See Accessing and Configuring the Red Hat Registry. |
Configuring OKD for Microsoft Azure
You can configure OKD for Microsoft Azure in two ways:
Configuring OKD for Azure using Ansible
You can configure OKD for Azure at installation time or by running the Ansible inventory file after installation.
Add the following to the Ansible inventory file located at /etc/ansible/hosts by default to configure your OKD environment for Microsoft Azure:
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_client_id=<app_ID> (1)
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_client_secret=<secret> (2)
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_tenant_id=<tenant_ID> (3)
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_subscription_id=<subscription> (4)
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_resource_group=<resource_group> (5)
openshift_cloudprovider_azure_location=<location> (6)
1 | The app ID value for the service principal. |
2 | The secret containing the password for the service principal. |
3 | The tenant in which the service principal exists. |
4 | The subscription used by the service principal. |
5 | The resource group where the service account exists. |
6 | The Microsoft Azure location where the resource group exists. |
Installing with Ansible also creates and configures the following files to fit your Microsoft Azure environment:
Manually configuring OKD for Microsoft Azure
Manually configuring master hosts for Microsoft Azure
Perform the following on all master hosts.
Edit the master configuration file located at
by default on all masters and update the contents of theapiServerArguments
- "azure"
- "/etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf"
- "azure"
- "/etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf"
When triggering a containerized installation, only the /etc/origin and /var/lib/origin directories are mounted to the master and node container. Therefore, ensure master-config.yaml is in the /etc/origin/master directory instead of /etc/.
When you configure OKD for Microsoft Azure using Ansible, the
file is created automatically. Because you are manually configuring OKD for Microsoft Azure, you must create the file on all node instances and include the following:tenantId: <tenant_ID> (1)
subscriptionId: <subscription> (2)
aadClientId: <app_ID> (3)
aadClientSecret: <secret> (4)
aadTenantId: <tenant_ID> (5)
resourceGroup: <resource_group> (6)
location: <location> (7)
1 The tenant in which the service principal exists. 2 The subscription used by the service principal. 3 The appID value for the service principal. 4 The secret containing the password for the service principal. 5 The tenant in which the service principal exists. 6 The resource group where the service account exists. 7 The Microsoft Azure location where the resource group exists. Restart the OKD master services:
# master-restart api
# master-restart controllers
Manually configuring node hosts for Microsoft Azure
Perform the following on all node hosts.
Edit the appropriate node configuration map and update the contents of the
- "azure"
- "/etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf"
The NIC used for accessing the instance must have an internal DNS name set or the node will not be able to rejoin the cluster, display build logs to the console, and will cause
oc rsh
to not work correctly.Restart the OKD services on all nodes:
# systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node
Configuring the OKD registry for Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure provides object cloud storage that OKD can use to store container images using the OKD container image registry.
For more information, see Cloud Storage in the Azure documentation.
You can configure the registry either using Ansible or manually by configuring the registry configuration file.
You must create a storage account to host the registry images before installation. The following command creates a storage account which is used during installation for image storage:
You can use Microsoft Azure blob storage for storing container images. The OKD registry uses blob storage to allow for the registry to grow dynamically in size without the need for intervention from an administrator.
Create an Azure storage account:
az storage account create
--name <account_name> \
--resource-group <resource_group> \
--location <location> \
--sku Standard_LRS
This creates an account key. To view the account key:
az storage account keys list \
--account-name <account-name> \
--resource-group <resource-group> \
--output table
KeyName Permissions Value
key1 Full <account-key>
key2 Full <extra-account-key>
Only one account key value is required for the configuration of the OKD registry.
Option 1: Configuring the OKD registry for Azure using Ansible
Configure the Ansible inventory for the registry to use the storage account:
# Azure Registry Configuration
openshift_hosted_registry_replicas=1 (1)
openshift_hosted_registry_storage_azure_blob_accountkey=<account_key> (2)
openshift_hosted_registry_storage_azure_blob_accountname=<account_name> (3)
openshift_hosted_registry_storage_azure_blob_container=<registry> (4)
1 The number of replicas to configure. 2 The account key associated with the <account-name>. 3 The storage account name. 4 Directory used to store the data. registry
by default
Option 2: Manually configuring OKD registry for Microsoft Azure
To use Microsoft Azure object storage, edit the registry’s configuration file and mount to the registry pod.
Export the current config.yml:
$ oc get secret registry-config \
-o jsonpath='{.data.config\.yml}' -n default | base64 -d \
>> config.yml.old
Create a new configuration file from the old config.yml:
$ cp config.yml.old config.yml
Edit the file to include the Azure parameters:
enabled: true
blobdescriptor: inmemory
accountname: <account-name> (1)
accountkey: <account-key> (2)
container: registry (3)
realm: core.windows.net (4)
1 Replace with the storage account name. 2 The account key associated to the <account-name>. 3 Directory used to store the data. registry
by default4 Storage realm core.windows.net
by defaultDelete the
secret:$ oc delete secret registry-config -n default
Recreate the secret to reference the updated configuration file:
$ oc create secret generic registry-config \
--from-file=config.yml -n default
Redeploy the registry to read the updated configuration:
$ oc rollout latest docker-registry -n default
Verifying the registry is using blob object storage
To verify if the registry is using Microsoft Azure blob storage:
After a successful registry deployment, the registry
will always show that the registry is using anemptydir
instead of Microsoft Azure blob storage:$ oc describe dc docker-registry -n default
/registry from registry-storage (rw)
Type: EmptyDir (1)
1 The temporary directory that shares a pod’s lifetime. Check if the /registry mount point is empty. This is the volume Microsoft Azure storage will use:
$ oc exec \
$(oc get pod -l deploymentconfig=docker-registry \
-o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -i -t -- ls -l /registry
total 0
If it is empty, it is because the Microsoft Azure blob configuration is performed in the
secret:$ oc describe secret registry-config
Name: registry-config
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Type: Opaque
config.yml: 398 bytes
The installer creates a config.yml file with the desired configuration using the extended registry capabilities as seen in Storage in the installation documentation. To view the configuration file, including the
section where the storage bucket configuration is stored:$ oc exec \
$(oc get pod -l deploymentconfig=docker-registry \
-o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
cat /etc/registry/config.yml
version: 0.1
level: debug
addr: :5000
enabled: true
blobdescriptor: inmemory
accountname: registry
accountkey: uZekVBJBa6xzwAqK8EDz15/hoHUoc8I6cPfP31ZS+QOSxLfo7WT7CLrVPKaqvtNTMgztxH7CGjYfpFRNUhvMiA==
container: registry
realm: core.windows.net
realm: openshift
- name: openshift
- name: openshift
pullthrough: True
acceptschema2: True
enforcequota: False
- name: openshift
Or you can view the secret:
$ oc get secret registry-config -o jsonpath='{.data.config\.yml}' | base64 -d
version: 0.1
level: debug
addr: :5000
enabled: true
blobdescriptor: inmemory
accountname: registry
accountkey: uZekVBJBa6xzwAqK8EDz15/hoHUoc8I6cPfP31ZS+QOSxLfo7WT7CLrVPKaqvtNTMgztxH7CGjYfpFRNUhvMiA==
container: registry
realm: core.windows.net
realm: openshift
- name: openshift
- name: openshift
pullthrough: True
acceptschema2: True
enforcequota: False
- name: openshift
If using an emptyDir
volume, the /registry
mountpoint looks like the following:
$ oc exec \
$(oc get pod -l deploymentconfig=docker-registry \
-o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -i -t -- df -h /registry
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc 30G 226M 30G 1% /registry
$ oc exec \
$(oc get pod -l deploymentconfig=docker-registry \
-o=jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -i -t -- ls -l /registry
total 0
drwxr-sr-x. 3 1000000000 1000000000 22 Jun 19 12:24 docker
Configuring OKD to use Microsoft Azure storage
OKD can use Microsoft Azure storage using persistent volumes mechanisms. OKD creates the disk in the resource group and attaches the disk to the correct instance.
The following
is created when you configure the Azure cloud provider at installation using theopenshift_cloudprovider_kind=azure
variables in the Ansible inventory:$ oc get --export storageclass azure-standard -o yaml
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
creationTimestamp: null
name: azure-standard
kind: Shared
storageaccounttype: Standard_LRS
provisioner: kubernetes.io/azure-disk
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
If you did not use Ansible to enable OKD and Microsoft Azure integration, you can create the
manually. See the Dynamic provisioning and creating storage classes section for more information.Currently, the default
kind isshared
which means that the Microsoft Azure instances must use unmanaged disks. You can optionally modify this by allowing instances to use managed disks by providing theopenshift_storageclass_parameters={'kind': 'Managed', 'storageaccounttype': 'Premium_LRS'}
oropenshift_storageclass_parameters={'kind': 'Managed', 'storageaccounttype': 'Standard_LRS'}
variables in the Ansible inventory file at installation.
Microsoft Azure disks are |
About Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage
Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage (RHOCS) is a provider of agnostic persistent storage for OKD either in-house or in hybrid clouds. As a Red Hat storage solution, RHOCS is completely integrated with OKD for deployment, management, and monitoring regardless if it is installed on OKD (converged) or with OKD (independent). OpenShift Container Storage is not limited to a single availability zone or node, which makes it likely to survive an outage. You can find complete instructions for using RHOCS in the RHOCS3.11 Deployment Guide.
Using the Microsoft Azure external load balancer as a service
OKD can leverage the Microsoft Azure load balancer by exposing services externally using a LoadBalancer
service. OKD creates the load balancer in Microsoft Azure and creates the proper firewall rules.
Currently, a bug causes extra variables to be included in the Microsoft Azure infrastructure when using it as a cloud provider and when using it as an external load balancer. See the following for more information: |
Ensure the the Azure configuration file located at /etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf is correctly configured with the appropriate objects. See the Manually configuring OKD for Microsoft Azure section for an example /etc/origin/cloudprovider/azure.conf file.
Once the values are added, restart the OKD services on all hosts:
# systemctl restart atomic-openshift-node
# master-restart api
# master-restart controllers
Deploying a sample application using a load balancer
Create a new application:
$ oc new-app openshift/hello-openshift
Expose the load balancer service:
$ oc expose dc hello-openshift --name='hello-openshift-external' --type='LoadBalancer'
This creates a
service similar to the following:apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: hello-openshift
name: hello-openshift-external
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- name: port-1
nodePort: 30714
port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
- name: port-2
nodePort: 30122
port: 8888
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8888
app: hello-openshift
deploymentconfig: hello-openshift
sessionAffinity: None
type: LoadBalancer
Verify that the service has been created:
$ oc get svc
hello-openshift ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP,8888/TCP 1m
hello-openshift-external LoadBalancer 8080:30714/TCP,8888:30122/TCP 4m
type andExternal-IP
fields indicate that the service is using Microsoft Azure load balancers to expose the application.
This creates the following required objects in the Azure infrastructure:
A load balancer:
az network lb list -o table
Location Name ProvisioningState ResourceGroup ResourceGuid
---------- ----------- ------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------
eastus kubernetes Succeeded refarch-azr 30ec1980-b7f5-407e-aa4f-e570f06f168d
eastus OcpMasterLB Succeeded refarch-azr acb537b2-8a1a-45d2-aae1-ea9eabfaea4a
eastus OcpRouterLB Succeeded refarch-azr 39087c4c-a5dc-457e-a5e6-b25359244422
To verify that the load balancer is properly configured, run the following from an external host:
$ curl (1)
Hello OpenShift!
1 | Replace with the values from the EXTERNAL-IP verification step above as well as the port number. |