Configuring the web console in OKD

You can modify the OKD web console to set a logout redirect URL or disable the console.


  • Deploy an OKD cluster.

Configuring the web console

You can configure the web console settings by editing the resource.

  • Edit the resource:

    1. $ oc edit cluster

    The following example displays the sample resource definition for the console:

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Console
    3. metadata:
    4. name: cluster
    5. spec:
    6. authentication:
    7. logoutRedirect: "" (1)
    8. status:
    9. consoleURL: "" (2)
    1Specify the URL of the page to load when a user logs out of the web console. If you do not specify a value, the user returns to the login page for the web console. Specifying a logoutRedirect URL allows your users to perform single logout (SLO) through the identity provider to destroy their single sign-on session.
    2The web console URL. To update this to a custom value, see Customizing the web console URL.