Configuring your logging deployment

You can configure your logging subsystem deployment with Custom Resource (CR) YAML files implemented by each Operator.

Red Hat Openshift Logging Operator:

  • ClusterLogging (CL) - Deploys the collector and forwarder which currently are both implemented by a daemonset running on each node.

  • ClusterLogForwarder (CLF) - Generates collector configuration to forward logs per user configuration.

Loki Operator:

  • LokiStack - Controls the Loki cluster as log store and the web proxy with OpenShift Container Platform authentication integration to enforce multi-tenancy.

OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator:

These CRs are generated and managed by the ClusterLogging Operator, manual changes cannot be made without being overwritten by the Operator.

  • ElasticSearch - Configure and deploy an Elasticsearch instance as the default log store.

  • Kibana - Configure and deploy Kibana instance to search, query and view logs.

The supported way of configuring the logging subsystem for Red Hat OpenShift is by configuring it using the options described in this documentation. Do not use other configurations, as they are unsupported. Configuration paradigms might change across OpenShift Container Platform releases, and such cases can only be handled gracefully if all configuration possibilities are controlled. If you use configurations other than those described in this documentation, your changes will disappear because the Operators reconcile any differences. The Operators reverse everything to the defined state by default and by design.

If you must perform configurations not described in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation, you must set your Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator to Unmanaged. An unmanaged OpenShift Logging environment is not supported and does not receive updates until you return OpenShift Logging to Managed.

Enabling stream-based retention with Loki

With Logging version 5.6 and higher, you can configure retention policies based on log streams. Rules for these may be set globally, per tenant, or both. If you configure both, tenant rules apply before global rules.

  1. To enable stream-based retention, create or edit the LokiStack custom resource (CR):
  1. oc create -f <file-name>.yaml
  1. You can refer to the examples below to configure your LokiStack CR.

Example global stream-based retention

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: LokiStack
  3. metadata:
  4. name: logging-loki
  5. namespace: openshift-logging
  6. spec:
  7. limits:
  8. global: (1)
  9. retention: (2)
  10. days: 20
  11. streams:
  12. - days: 4
  13. priority: 1
  14. selector: '{kubernetes_namespace_name=~"test.+"}' (3)
  15. - days: 1
  16. priority: 1
  17. selector: '{log_type="infrastructure"}'
  18. managementState: Managed
  19. replicationFactor: 1
  20. size: 1x.small
  21. storage:
  22. schemas:
  23. - effectiveDate: "2020-10-11"
  24. version: v11
  25. secret:
  26. name: logging-loki-s3
  27. type: aws
  28. storageClassName: standard
  29. tenants:
  30. mode: openshift-logging
1Sets retention policy for all log streams. Note: This field does not impact the retention period for stored logs in object storage.
2Retention is enabled in the cluster when this block is added to the CR.
3Contains the LogQL query used to define the log stream.

Example per-tenant stream-based retention

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: LokiStack
  3. metadata:
  4. name: logging-loki
  5. namespace: openshift-logging
  6. spec:
  7. limits:
  8. global:
  9. retention:
  10. days: 20
  11. tenants: (1)
  12. application:
  13. retention:
  14. days: 1
  15. streams:
  16. - days: 4
  17. selector: '{kubernetes_namespace_name=~"test.+"}' (2)
  18. infrastructure:
  19. retention:
  20. days: 5
  21. streams:
  22. - days: 1
  23. selector: '{kubernetes_namespace_name=~"openshift-cluster.+"}'
  24. managementState: Managed
  25. replicationFactor: 1
  26. size: 1x.small
  27. storage:
  28. schemas:
  29. - effectiveDate: "2020-10-11"
  30. version: v11
  31. secret:
  32. name: logging-loki-s3
  33. type: aws
  34. storageClassName: standard
  35. tenants:
  36. mode: openshift-logging
1Sets retention policy by tenant. Valid tenant types are application, audit, and infrastructure.
2Contains the LogQL query used to define the log stream.
  1. Then apply your configuration:

  1. oc apply -f <file-name>.yaml

This is not for managing the retention for stored logs. Global retention periods for stored logs to a supported maximum of 30 days is configured with your object storage.

Enabling multi-line exception detection

Enables multi-line error detection of container logs.

Enabling this feature could have performance implications and may require additional computing resources or alternate logging solutions.

Log parsers often incorrectly identify separate lines of the same exception as separate exceptions. This leads to extra log entries and an incomplete or inaccurate view of the traced information.

Example java exception

  1. java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.toString()" because "<param1>" is null
  2. at testjava.Main.handle(
  3. at testjava.Main.printMe(
  4. at testjava.Main.main(
  • To enable logging to detect multi-line exceptions and reassemble them into a single log entry, ensure that the ClusterLogForwarder Custom Resource (CR) contains a detectMultilineErrors field, with a value of true.

Example ClusterLogForwarder CR

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ClusterLogForwarder
  3. metadata:
  4. name: instance
  5. namespace: openshift-logging
  6. spec:
  7. pipelines:
  8. - name: my-app-logs
  9. inputRefs:
  10. - application
  11. outputRefs:
  12. - default
  13. detectMultilineErrors: true


When log messages appear as a consecutive sequence forming an exception stack trace, they are combined into a single, unified log record. The first log message’s content is replaced with the concatenated content of all the message fields in the sequence.

Table 1. Supported languages per collector:









When enabled, the collector configuration will include a new section with type: detect_exceptions

Example vector configuration section

  1. [transforms.detect_exceptions_app-logs]
  2. type = "detect_exceptions"
  3. inputs = ["application"]
  4. languages = ["All"]
  5. group_by = ["kubernetes.namespace_name","kubernetes.pod_name","kubernetes.container_name"]
  6. expire_after_ms = 2000
  7. multiline_flush_interval_ms = 1000

Example fluentd config section

  1. <label @MULTILINE_APP_LOGS>
  2. <match kubernetes.**>
  3. @type detect_exceptions
  4. remove_tag_prefix 'kubernetes'
  5. message message
  6. force_line_breaks true
  7. multiline_flush_interval .2
  8. </match>
  9. </label>