Upgrading the MetalLB Operator

The automatic upgrade procedure does not work as expected from OKD 4.10 and earlier. A summary of the upgrade procedure is as follows:

  1. Delete the previously installed Operator version for example 4.10. Ensure that the namespace and the metallb custom resource are not removed.

  2. Install the 4.11 version of the Operator using the CLI. Install the 4.11 version of the Operator in the same namespace that the previously installed Operator version was installed to.

This procedure does not apply to automatic z-stream updates of the MetalLB Operator, which follow the standard straightforward method.

For detailed steps to upgrade the Operator, see the guidance that follows.

Deleting the MetalLB Operator from a cluster using the web console

Cluster administrators can delete installed Operators from a selected namespace by using the web console.


  • Access to an OKD cluster web console using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. Navigate to the OperatorsInstalled Operators page.

  2. Search for the MetalLB Operator. Then, click on it.

  3. On the right side of the Operator Details page, select Uninstall Operator from the Actions drop-down menu.

    An Uninstall Operator? dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select Uninstall to remove the Operator, Operator deployments, and pods. Following this action, the Operator stops running and no longer receives updates.

    This action does not remove resources managed by the Operator, including custom resource definitions (CRDs) and custom resources (CRs). Dashboards and navigation items enabled by the web console and off-cluster resources that continue to run might need manual clean up. To remove these after uninstalling the Operator, you might need to manually delete the Operator CRDs.

Deleting MetalLB Operator from a cluster using the CLI

Cluster administrators can delete installed Operators from a selected namespace by using the CLI.


  • Access to an OKD cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.

  • oc command installed on workstation.


  1. Check the current version of the subscribed MetalLB Operator in the currentCSV field:

    1. $ oc get subscription metallb-operator -n metallb-system -o yaml | grep currentCSV

    Example output

    1. currentCSV: metallb-operator.4.10.0-202207051316
  2. Delete the subscription:

    1. $ oc delete subscription metallb-operator -n metallb-system

    Example output

    1. subscription.operators.coreos.com "metallb-operator" deleted
  3. Delete the CSV for the Operator in the target namespace using the currentCSV value from the previous step:

    1. $ oc delete clusterserviceversion metallb-operator.4.10.0-202207051316 -n metallb-system

    Example output

    1. clusterserviceversion.operators.coreos.com "metallb-operator.4.10.0-202207051316" deleted

Upgrading the MetalLB Operator


  • Access the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


  1. Verify that the metallb-system namespace still exists:

    1. $ oc get namespaces | grep metallb-system

    Example output

    1. metallb-system Active 31m
  2. Verify the metallb custom resource still exists:

    1. $ oc get metallb -n metallb-system

    Example output

    1. NAME AGE
    2. metallb 33m
  3. Follow the guidance in “Installing from OperatorHub using the CLI” to install the latest 4.11 version of the MetalLB Operator.

    When installing the latest 4.11 version of the MetalLB Operator, you must install the Operator to the same namespace it was previously installed to.

  4. Verify the upgraded version of the Operator is now the 4.11 version.

    1. $ oc get csv -n metallb-system

    Example output

    2. metallb-operator.4.11.0-202207051316 MetalLB Operator 4.11.0-202207051316 Succeeded

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