局部索引又名分区索引,创建索引的分区关键字是 LOCAL。局部索引的分区键等同于表的分区键,局部索引的分区数等同于表的分区数,所以局部索引的分区机制和表的分区机制一样。

    下述示例语句为给分区表 t1 创建一个局部索引 idx:

    1. create table t1(a int primary key, b int) partition by hash(a) partitions 5;
    2. create index idx on t1(b) local;


    下述示例语句为给分区表 t2 创建局部唯一索引 uk:

    1. OceanBase(admin@test)> create table t2(a int primary key, b int) partition by hash(a) partitions 5;
    2. OceanBase(admin@test)> create unique index uk on t2(b) local;
    3. ERROR-00600: internal error code, arguments: -5261, A UNIQUE INDEX must include all columns in the table's partitioning function
    4. OceanBase(admin@test)> create unique index uk2 on t2(b, a) local;
    5. Query OK, 0 rows affected (5.32 sec)

    在 OceanBase 中,局部索引同样支持分区裁剪。使用分区裁剪的前提条件是查询条件中能够指定分区键,可以减少在查询过程中读取的分区个数,从而能够提高查询检索的效率。下述示例语句为查询条件中指定分区键:

    1. explain select /*+index(t1 idx)*/ b from t1 where b=1 and a=1\G
    2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
    3. Query Plan: =====================================
    5. -------------------------------------
    6. |0 |TABLE GET|T1(IDX)|1 |52 |
    7. =====================================
    8. Outputs & filters:
    9. -------------------------------------
    10. 0 - output([T1.B]), filter(nil),
    11. access([T1.B]), partitions(p1)


    1. explain select /*+index(t1 idx)*/ b from t1 where b=1\G
    2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
    3. Query Plan: ====================================================
    5. ----------------------------------------------------
    6. |0 |EXCHANGE IN DISTR | |4950 |5308|
    7. |1 | EXCHANGE OUT DISTR |:EX10000|4950 |3083|
    8. |2 | PX PARTITION ITERATOR| |4950 |3083|
    9. |3 | TABLE SCAN |T1(IDX) |4950 |3083|
    10. ====================================================
    11. Outputs & filters:
    12. -------------------------------------
    13. 0 - output([T1.B]), filter(nil)
    14. 1 - output([T1.B]), filter(nil), dop=1
    15. 2 - output([T1.B]), filter(nil)
    16. 3 - output([T1.B]), filter(nil),
    17. access([T1.B]), partitions(p[0-4])