    -50001064ERROR 1064 (0B000): OB-1064:Failed to init SQL parser初始化SQL解析器失败失败
    -50011064ERROR 1064 (42000):OB-1064: %s near ‘%.s’ at line %d解析语法错误。失败
    -5002ERROR 5002 (HY000): OB-5002:Resolve errorSQL语义解析错误。失败
    -5003ERROR 5003 (HY000): OB-5003:Generate plan error产生物理执行计划错误。失败
    -50061149ERROR 1149 (42000): OB-1149: Youhave an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to yourMySQL server version for the right syntax to use语法错误。失败
    -50071222ERROR 1222 (21000): OB-1222:Wrong number of columns列数错误。失败
    -50081060ERROR 1060 (42S21): OB-1060:Duplicate column name ‘%.s’列名重复。失败
    -50091054ERROR 1054 (42S22): OB-1054:Unknown column ‘%.s’ in ‘%.s’列不存在。失败
    -5010ERROR 5010 (21000): OB-5010:Unknown operator未知运算符。失败
    -5011ERROR 5011 (42000): OB-5011:Duplicated star”使用错误。失败
    -5012ERROR 5012 (HY000):OB-5012: %s非法id。失败
    -5014ERROR 5014 (HY000): OB-5014:Illegal value值不合法。失败
    -50151475ERROR 1475 (42000): OB-1475:Ambiguous column列名有歧义。失败
    -5016ERROR 5016 (HY000): OB-5016:Generate logical plan error产生逻辑计划错误。失败
    -5017ERROR 5017 (HY000): OB-5017:Schema not setSchema未设置。失败
    -5018ERROR 5018 (42000): OB-5018:Illegal name非法的名字。失败
    -50201050ERROR 1050 (42S01): OB-1050:Table ‘%.s’ already exists表已经存在。失败
    -50191146ERROR 1146 (42S02): OB-1146:Table ‘%s.%s’ doesn’t exist表不存在。失败
    -5022ERROR 5022 (42000): OB-5022:Unknown expression表达式错误。失败
    -5023ERROR 5023 (S1004): OB-5023: unsupportMySQL type %d. Maybe you should use java.sql.Timestamp instead ofjava.util.Date.不支持的数据类型。失败
    -50251061ERROR 1061 (42000): OB-1061:Duplicate key name ‘%.s’主键重复。失败
    -50241062ERROR 1062 (23000): OB-1062:Duplicate entry ‘%s’ for key ‘%.s’已经存在。失败
    -5026ERROR 5026 (42000): OB-5026:Duplicated createtimeCREATETIME列已经存在。失败
    -5027ERROR 5027 (42000): OB-5027:Duplicated modifytimeMODIFYTIME列已经存在。失败
    -50281082ERROR 1082 (42S12): OB-1082:Illegal index索引不合法。失败
    -5029ERROR 5029 (HY000): OB-5029:Invalid schema无效的Schema。失败
    -50301171ERROR 1171 (42000): OB-1171:Insert null rowkeyINSERT的RowKey为NULL。失败
    -5031ERROR 5031 (HY000): OB-5031:Column not found列未找到。失败
    -5032ERROR 5032 (23000): OB-5032:Delete null rowkey非主键删除。失败
    -5034ERROR 5034 (01007): OB-5034: Nouser用户名不能为空。失败
    -50351449ERROR 1449 (01007): OB-1449:User not exist用户不存在。失败
    -50361227ERROR 1227 (42501): OB-1227:Access denied; you need (at least one of) the %s privilege(s) for thisoperation没有权限。失败
    -5037ERROR 5037 (HY000): OB-5037: Noprivilege entry没有进入权限。失败
    -50381133ERROR 1133 (42000): OB-1133:Incorrect password密码错误。失败
    -5039ERROR 5039 (01007): OB-5039:User locked用户被锁定。失败
    -5040ERROR 5040 (42000): OB-5040: Cannot update rowkey column更新RowKey列失败。失败
    -5041ERROR 5041 (42000): OB-5041: Cannot update join column更新JOIN列失败。失败
    -50421241ERROR 1241 (21000): OB-1241:Operand should contain %d column(s)列数过多,如建表时超过512列。失败
    -50431243ERROR 1243 (HY007): OB-1243: statementnot preparedPREPARE语句不可用。失败
    -50441193ERROR 1193 (HY000): OB-1193:Unknown system variable ‘%.s’变量不可用。失败
    -5046ERROR 5046 (HY000): OB-5046:Older privilege version使用了旧权限版本。失败
    -50471173ERROR 1173 (42000): OB-1173:Primary key column(s) not specified in the WHERE clauseWHERE子句缺少RowKey列。失败
    -5050ERROR 5050 (42710): OB-5050:User exists用户已存在。失败
    -5051ERROR 5051 (HY000): OB-5051:Empty password密码为空。失败
    -5052ERROR 5052 (42000): OB-5052:Failed to grant privelege授予权限失败。失败
    -5053ERROR 5053 (HY093): OB-5053:Incorrect arguments number to EXECUTE动态参数错误。失败
    -50541582ERROR 1582 (42000): OB-1582:Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function ‘%.s’参数个数错误。失败
    -50551305ERROR 1305 (42000):OB-1305: %s %s does not exist函数不存在。失败
    -5056ERROR 5056 (23000): OB-5056:CreateTime or ModifyTime column cannot be modifiedCREATETIME/MODIFYTIME列不允许修改。失败
    -5057ERROR 5057 (23000): OB-5057:Primary key cannot be modified主键列属性不允许修改。失败
    -5058ERROR 5058 (42000): OB-5058:Duplicated parameters参数名重复。失败
    -50591203ERROR 1203 (42000): OB-1203: Toomany sessionsSession过多。失败
    -5061ERROR 5061 (54023): OB-5061: Toomany prepared statementsPREPARED语句过多。失败
    -5063ERROR 5063 (42000): OB-5063:Unknown hint未知的Hint。失败
    -5064ERROR 5064 (23000): OB-5064:When condition not satisfiedWHEN条件不满足。失败
    -50651317ERROR 1317 (70100): OB-1317:Query execution was interrupted请求被中断。失败
    -5066ERROR 5066 (HY000): OB-5066:Session interruptedSession被中断。失败
    -5067ERROR 5067 (HY000): OB-5067:Unknown session IDSession ID不存在。失败
    -5068ERROR 5068 (HY000): OB-5068:Incorrect protocol不正确的协议。失败
    -5069ERROR 5069 (HY000): OB-5069:Write auth packet error登陆的时候服务端往客户端发送认证数据报的时候出错。失败
    -5070ERROR 5070 (42000): OB-5070:Wrong join info)合并信息错误。失败
    -5071ERROR 5071 (42000): OB-5071:Cannot alter index column不允许修改索引列。失败
    -5072ERROR 5072 (42000): OB-5072:Cannot modify index table不允许修改索引表。失败
    -50731082ERROR 1082 (42000): OB-1082:Index unavailable索引不可用。失败
    -5074ERROR 5074 (23000): OB-5074: NOPcannot be used hereNOP值。内部用特殊语义
    -50801390ERROR 1390 (54000): OB-1390:Prepared statement contains too many placeholdersPREPARED语句中包含过多的占位符。失败
    -5081ERROR 5081 (25000): OB-5081: Theserver is read only nowServer状态为只读。失败
    -5083ERROR 5083 (22000): OB-5083:invalid obj type for type promotion表达式中操作数的数据类型错误。失败
    -5084ERROR 5084 (22000): OB-5084: Cannot cast varchar value to bool type不可将VARCHAR转换为BOOL类型。失败
    -5085ERROR 5085 (22000): OB-5085: Nota number Can not cast varchar value to number type不可将VARCHAR转换为数字类型。失败
    -5086ERROR 5086 (22000): OB-5086: Nottimestamp Can not cast varchar value to timestamp type不可将VARCHAR转换为TIMESTAMP类型。失败
    -5087ERROR 5087 (22000): OB-5087:Result value was out of range when cast to number类型转换到Decimal时溢出。失败
    -5088ERROR 5088 (22000): OB-5088:value larger than specified precision(%ld整型值转Decimal时精度超过最大值。失败
    -5089ERROR 5089 (22000): OB-5089:value(%s) larger than specified precision(%ldDecimal精度超过最大值。失败
    -5090ERROR 5090 (22000): OB-5090:Precision was out of range建表时Decimal类型精度超出范围。失败
    -5091ERROR 5091 (22000): OB-5091:Scale value was out of range建表时Decimal类型的scale超出范围。失败
    -5092ERROR 5092 (42000): OB-5092:Unknown index未知的索引。失败
    -5093ERROR 5093 (22000): OB-5093:numeric overflow数字类型溢出。失败
    -5094ERROR 5094 (HY000): OB-5094: toomany joined tables太多的表连接。失败
    -5098ERROR 5098 (22001): OB-5098:Data too long(%d>%ld) for column ‘%s’数据过长超出列定义。失败
    -5099ERROR 5099 (42000): OB-5099:System config unknown未知系统配置。失败
    -51001228ERROR 1228 (HY000): OB-1228:Variable ‘%.s’ is a SESSION variable and can’t be used with SET GLOBAL被set的变量是用户变量,要用set session。失败
    -51011229ERROR 1229 (HY000): OB-1229:Variable ‘%.s’ is a GLOBAL variable and shoubld be set with SET GLOBAL被set的变量是系统变量,要用set global。失败
    -51021621ERROR 1621 (HY000):OB-1621: %.s variable ‘%.s’ is read-only. Use SET %.s to assignthe value只读变量,要用set session。失败
    -51031238ERROR 1238 (HY000): OB-1238:Variable ‘%.s’ is a %.s variable变量不正确。失败
    -5104ERROR 5104 (42000): OB-5104:length(%d) of expire_info is larger than the max allowed(%ld)过期表达式过长。失败
    -5105ERROR 5105 (42000): OB-5105:total length(%ld) of expire_info and its expression is larger than the maxallowed(%ld)过期条件设置过长。失败
    -5106ERROR 5106 (42000): OB-5106:EXTRACT() expected timestamp or a string as date argumentEXTRACT()函数参数无效。失败
    -5107ERROR 5107 (42000): OB-5107:Invalid operand type for IS operatorIS运算符的参数非法。失败
    -5108ERROR 5108 (42000): OB-5108:function LENGTH() expected a varchar argumentLENGTH()函数参数无效。失败
    -5109ERROR 5109 (42000): OB-5109:invalid input format. ret=%d text=%s start=%s length=%s无效的输入格式。失败
    -5110ERROR 5110 (42000): OB-5110:TIME_TO_USEC() expected timestamp or a string as date argumentTIME_TO_USEC()函数参数无效。失败
    -5111ERROR 5111 (42000): OB-5111:USEC_TO_TIME expected a interger number as usec argumentUSEC_TO_TIME()函数参数无效。失败
    -5112ERROR 5112 (42P01): OB-5112:Variable %.s does not exists未知的用户变量。失败
    -5113ERROR 5113 (42000): OB-5113:MERGING_FROZEN_TIME() system function only be used in daily merging.MERGING_FROZEN_TIME()函数只能用在日常合并过程。失败
    -5114ERROR 5114 (42000): OB-5114:Invalid numeric char ‘%c’无效的数值失败
    -51151139ERROR 1139 (42000): OB-1139: Goterror ‘empty (sub)expression’ from regexp正则表达式错误。失败
    -5116ERROR 5116 (HY000): OB-5116:Logical operator child index overflow逻辑运算符子索引溢出。失败
    -5117ERROR 5117 (HY000): OB-5117:fail to explain plan物理执行计划失败。失败
    -5118ERROR 5118 (HY000): OB-5118:fail to copy logical operator拷贝逻辑运算符失败。失败
    -5119ERROR 5119 (HY000): OB-5119:fail to generate plan;生成计划失败。失败
    -5120ERROR 5120 (HY000): OB-5120:fail to create raw expr创建原表达式失败。失败
    -5121ERROR 5121 (HY000): OB-5121:fail to generate join order生成Join顺序失败。失败
    -5122ERROR 5122 (HY000): OB-5122:optimizer general error一般优化错误。失败
    -5130ERROR 5130 (HY000): OB-5130: sqlresolver no memorySQL解析器无内存。失败
    -5131ERROR 5131 (HY000): OB-5131:plan cache support dml only没有合适的执行计划。失败
    -5133ERROR 5133 (42000): OB-5133: Nosuch grant defined没有定义的权限。失败
    -51341046ERROR 1046 (3D000): OB-1046: Nodatabase selected没有选择数据库。失败
    -5135ERROR 5135 (HY000): OB-5135:plan cache is overflow计划缓存溢出。失败
    -5136ERROR 5136 (HY000): OB-5136:plan exists in plan cache already计划在计划缓存中已经存在。失败
    -5137ERROR 5137 (HY000): OB-5137:plan is expired计划已经过期。失败
    -5138ERROR 5138 (HY000): OB-5138: noplan exist没有计划存在。失败
    -51421115ERROR 1115 (42000): OB-1115:Unknown character set: ‘%.s’未知的字符集。失败
    -51431273ERROR 1273 (HY000): OB-1273:Unknown collation: ‘%.s’未知的校对规则。失败
    -51441253ERROR 1253 (42000): OB-1253:COLLATION ‘%.s’ is not valid for CHARACTER SET ‘%.s’校对规则和字符集不匹配。失败
    -51451231ERROR 1231 (42000): OB-1231:Variable ‘%.s’ can’t be set to the value of ‘%.s’变量和赋值不匹配。失败
    -51461735ERROR 1735 (HY000): OB-1735:Unkown partition ‘%.s’ in table ‘%.s’表中未知的分区。失败
    -51471748ERROR 1748 (HY000): OB-1748:Found a row not matching the given partition set更新的行和设置的分区信息不匹配。失败
    -5148ERROR 5148 (HY000): OB-5148:Password hash should be a 40-digit hexadecimal number密码哈希值不正确。失败
    -5149ERROR 5149 (07000): OB-5149:Insert inner join column error插入内部关联列错误。失败
    -5151ERROR 5151 (42P01): OB-5151:tablegroup not exist表组不存在。失败
    -51531242ERROR 1242 (21000): OB-1242:Subquery returns more than 1 row子查询返回超过1行。失败
    -51541049ERROR 1049 (42000): OB-1049:Unknown database ‘%.s’未知的数据库名。失败
    -51551396ERROR 1396 (HY000): OB-1396:Operation %.s failed for %.s用户操作失败。失败
    -5156ERROR 5156 (HY000): OB-5156:tenant ‘%s’ already exist租户已经存在。失败
    -5117ERROR 5139 (HY000): OB-5139:Unknown tenant ‘%.s’未知的租户。失败
    -51581007ERROR 1007 (HY000): OB-1007:database already exist数据库已经存在。失败
    -5159ERROR 5159 (HY000): OB-5159:tablegroup already exist表组已经存在。失败
    -5160ERROR 5160 (HY000): OB-5160:invalid tenant name specified in connection string无效的租户名。失败
    -5161ERROR 5161 (HY000): OB-5161:tenant is empty租户为空。失败
    -51621102ERROR 1102 (42000): OB-1102:Incorrect database name ‘%.s’不正确的数据库名。失败
    -51631103ERROR 1103 (42000): OB-1103:Incorrect table name ‘%.s’不正确的表名。失败
    -51641166ERROR 1166 (42000): OB-1166:Incorrect column name ‘%.s’不正确的列名。失败
    -51651063ERROR 1063 (42000): OB-1063:Incorrect column specifier for column ‘%.s’不正确的列属性。失败
    -51661008ERROR 1008 (HY000): OB-1008:Can’t drop database ‘%.s’.database doesn’t exist不能执行drop database操作,数据库名不存在。失败
    -51671406ERROR 1406 (22001): OB-1406:Data too long for column ‘%.s’ at row %d对于列类型,数据过大。失败
    -51681136ERROR 1136 (21S01): OB-1136:column count does not match value count at row ‘%d’某一行,列的个数和值不匹配。失败
    -51701044ERROR 1044 (42000): OB-1044:Access denied for user用户无权访问。失败
    -51711142ERROR 1142 (42000): OB-1142: %.scommand denied to user ‘%.s’@’%.s’ for table ‘%.s’用户无权在表中操作失败
    -51721294ERROR 1294 (HY000): OB-1294:Invalid ON UPDATE clause for ‘%s’ column某列中ON UPDATE子句无效。失败
    -51731067ERROR 1067 (42000): OB-1067:Invalid default value for ‘%.s’无效的默认值。失败
    -51741093ERROR 1093 (HY000): OB-1093: Youcan’t specify target table ‘%s’ for update in FROM clause源表在FROM子句中不能执行UPDATE。失败
    -51751136ERROR 1136 (21S01): OB-1136:Column count doesn’t match value count at row %ld插入操作中列数和列值个数不匹配。失败
    -51761111ERROR 1111 (HY000): OB-1111:Invalid use of group function无效的分组功能调用失败
    -51771267ERROR 1267 (HY000): OB-1267:Illegal mix of collations非法的校对。失败
    -51781659ERROR 1659 (HY000): OB-1659:Field is of a not allowed type for this type of partitioning此类型不允许作为分区类型。失败
    -51791059ERROR 1059 (42000): OB-1059:Identifier name ‘%.s’ is too long标识名过长。失败
    -51801232ERROR 1232 (42000): OB-1232:Incorrect argument type to variable ‘%.s’变量对应的参数类型不正确。失败
    -51811470ERROR 1470 (HY000): OB-1470:String ‘%.s’ is too long for user name (should be no longer than 16)用户名过长。失败
    -51821221ERROR 1221 (HY000): OB-1221:Incorrect usage of DB GRANT and GLOBAL PRIVILEGES不能GRANT/REVOKE使用此类权限。失败
    -51831144ERROR 1144 (42000): OB-1144:Illegal GRANT/REVOKE command; please consult the manual to see whichprivileges can be usedGRANT/REVOKE命令使用非法的权限类型。失败
    -51841467ERROR 1467 (HY000): OB-1467:Failed to read auto-increment value from storage engine从存储引起读取自增列值失败。失败
    -51851096ERROR 1096 (HY000): OB-1096: Notables used没有被使用的表。失败
    -51861052ERROR 1052 (23000): OB-1052:Column ‘%s’ in %s is ambiguous非唯一错误。失败
    -51871090ERROR 1090 (42000): OB-1090: Youcan’t delete all columns with ALTER TABLE; use DROP TABLE instead删除所有列不能用ALTER TABLE指令,通过DROP TABLE完成。失败
    -51881499ERROR 1499 (HY000): OB-1499: Toomany partitions (including subpartitions) were defined)定义了太多的分区失败
    -51891504ERROR 1504 (HY000): OB-1504:Number of partitions = 0 is not an allowed value分区数为0不被允许。失败
    -51901089ERROR 1089 (HY000): OB-1089: theused length is longer than the key part不支持前缀索引失败
    -51911391ERROR 1391 (HY000): OB-1391: Keypart ‘%.s’ length cannot be 0索引长度不能为0。失败
    -51921298ERROR 1298 (HY000): OB-1298:Unknown or incorrect time zone: ‘%.s’未知的或不准过却得时区。失败
    -51931075ERROR 1075 (42000): OB-1075:Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column不正确的表定义,只允许一列自增列。失败
    -51941069ERROR 1069 (42000): OB-1069: Toomany keys specified; max %d keys allowed过多的索引被定义失败
    -51951070ERROR 1070 (42000): OB-1070: Toomany key parts specified; max %d parts allowed过多的主键列被定义。失败
    -51961071ERROR 1071 (42000): OB-1071:Specified key was too long; max key length is %d bytes定义的主键长度大于定义的最大长度。失败
    -51971117ERROR 1117 (42000): OB-1117: Toomany columns列数过多。失败
    -51981074ERROR 1074 (42000): OB-1074:Column length too big for column ‘%s’ (max = %d)列长度过长。失败
    -51991118ERROR 1118 (42000): OB-1118: Rowsize too large行大小超出范围。失败
    -52001109ERROR 1109 (42S02): OB-1109:Unknown table ‘%.s’ in %.s未知的表。失败
    -52011051ERROR 1051 (42S02): OB-1051:Unknown table ‘%.s’未知的表。失败
    -52021425ERROR 1425 (42000): OB-1425: Toobig scale %d specified for column ‘%s’. Maximum is %ld.列定义的范围过大。失败
    -52031426ERROR 1426 (42000): OB-1426: Toobig precision %d specified for column ‘%s’. Maximum is %ld.列定义的精度过大。失败
    -52041427ERROR 1427 (42000): OB-1427: D)float(M,D), double(M, D) or decimal(M,D)数据类型中没M一定大于D。失败
    -52051439ERROR 1439 (42000): OB-1439:Display width out of range for column ‘%s’ (max = %ld)列的显示宽度超出范围。失败
    -52061056ERROR 1056 (42000): OB-1056:Can’t group on ‘%.s’不能分组。失败
    -52071052ERROR 1052 (23000): OB-1052:Column ‘%.s’ in %.s is ambiguous列不明确。失败
    -52081066ERROR 1066 (42000): OB-1066: Notunique table/alias: ‘%.s’不是唯一的表或别名。失败
    -52091091ERROR 1091 (42000): OB-1091:Can’t DROP ‘%.s’; check that column/key exists不能执行DROP操作,请确认列或索引是否存在。失败
    -52101068ERROR 1068 (42000): OB-1068:Multiple primary key defined多个主键被定义。失败
    -52111072ERROR 1072 (42000): OB-1072: Keycolumn ‘%.s’ doesn’t exist in table列索引在表中不存在。失败
    -5212ERROR 5212 (42000): OB-5212:auto-increment column ‘%.s’ should not be part of partition key自增列不能是分区键的一部分。失败
    -52131234ERROR 1234 (42000): OB-1234:Incorrect usage/placement of ‘%s’不正确的用法。失败
    -52141347ERROR 1347 (HY000): OB-1347:’%s.%s’ is not %s:’%s.%s’不是%s。失败
    -52151025ERROR 1025 (HY000): OB-1025:Error on rename of ‘%s.%s’ to ‘%s.%s’重命名报错。失败
    -52161167ERROR 1167 (42000): OB-1167: Theused storage engine can’t index column ‘%.s’长度为0的列不能作为主键或索引。失败
    -52171054ERROR 1054 (42S22): OB-1054:Unknown column ‘%.s’ in ‘%.s’不能识别的列失败
    -52181055ERROR 1055 (42000): OB-1055:’%s.%s.%s’ is not in GROUP BY所写字段或表达式不在GROUP BY中。失败
    -52191568ERROR 1568 (25001): OB-1568:Transaction characteristics can’t be changed while a transaction is inprogress事务执行过程中不能修改事务属性。失败
    -52201792ERROR 1792 (25006): OB-1792:Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.不能在只读事务中执行语句。失败
    -52211140ERROR 1140 (42000): OB-1140:Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),…) with no GROUP columns isillegal if there is no GROUP BY clause
    -52221292ERROR 1292 (22007): OB-1292:Incorrect datetime value: ‘%s’ for column ‘%s’ at row %d不正确的datetime值。失败
    -5223ERROR 5223 (42000): OB-5223:wrong ident name错误的识别名。失败
    -52241280ERROR 1280 (42000): OB-1280:Incorrect index name ‘%.s’索引名不正确。失败
    -52251247ERROR 1247 (42S22): OB-1247:Reference ‘%.s’ not supported (reference to group function))不支持的功能。失败
    -5226ERROR 5226 (42000): OB-5226:plan cache memory used reach the high water mark.执行计划内存使用已经超过水位。失败
    -52271827ERROR 1827 (42000): OB-1827: Thepassword hash doesn’t have the expected format. Check if the correct passwordalgorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.密码的哈希值不符合预期格式。失败
    -52281288ERROR 1288 (HY000): OB-1288: Thetarget table tt of the UPDATE is not updatable目标表不是一个可更新的表。失败
    -52291264ERROR 1264 (22003): OB-1264: Outof range value for column ‘%.s’ at row %ld)行中某列的值超出范围。失败
    -52301486ERROR 1486 (HY000): OB-1486: Constantor random or timezone-dependent expressions in (sub)partitioning function arenot allowed值分区(子分区)函数中不允许使用常量或随机值或基于时区表达式失败
    -52311356ERROR 1356 (42S22): OB-1356: View\’%.s.%.s\’ references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) ordefiner/invoker of view lack rights to use themView基于无效的表或列或函数或缺少权限使用的view失败
    -52331290ERROR 1290 (HY000): OB-1290: TheMySQL server is running with the –read-only option so it cannot execute thisstatementMySQL server正在只读方式允许,因此不允许执行当前语句失败
    -5234--ERROR 5234 (HY000): OB-5234: Thedatabase \’%.s\’ is read only so it cannot execute this statement当前数据库只能,因此不能执行当前语句失败
    -5235ERROR 5235 (HY000): OB-5235: Thetable \’%.s.%.s\’ is read only so it cannot execute this statement只读表不能执行当前语句失败
    -52361192ERROR 1192 (HY000): OB-1192: Cann’texecute the given command because you have active locked tables or an activetransaction不能执行当前命令,因为已经激活所或事务失败
    -52371652ERROR 1652 (HY000): OB-1652: Duplicatepartition field name ‘%.s’同样的副本分区域名失败
    -52381250ERROR 1250 (HY000): OB-1250: Table\’%.s\’ from one of the SELECTs cannot be used in global ORDER clauseSELECTs表不能被用在全局的ORDER子句中失败
    -52391462ERROR 1462 (42S42): OB-1462: \’%.s’.’%.s\’contains view recursionView包含递归view失败
    -5240ERROR 5240 (HY000): OB-5240: Columnpart of USING clause cannot have qualifierUsing子句的列部分不能有修饰词失败
    -52411525ERROR 1525 (HY000): OB-1525: Incorrect%s value:‘%s’错误数值失败
    -52421353ERROR 1353 (HY000): OB-1353: View’sSELECT and view’s field list have different column counts视图的SELECT和视图域列表不同的数量失败
    -5243ERROR 5243 (HY000): OB-5243: systemvariables’ version maybe different系统变量的版本不同失败
    -52441869ERROR 1869 (HY000): OB-1869: Auto-incrementvalue in UPDATE conflicts with internally generated value自增数据在update语句中与其产生的数据冲突失败
    -5245ERROR 5245 (HY000): OB-5245: sometasks are skipped, skipped server addr is ‘%s’, the orginal error code is %d跳过一些任务失败失败
    -52461474ERROR 1474 (HY000): OB-1474: Namehas become ‘’”, “ Name \’%.s\’has become ‘’名字变为空失败
    -52471466ERROR 1466 (HY000): OB-1466: Leadingspaces are removed from name \’%.s\’前导空格被移除失败
    -5248ERROR 5248 (HY000): OB-5248: Altertable add auto_increment column is dangerous,table_name=\’%.s\’,column_name=\’%.s\’修改表增加自增列是有危险的失败
    -5249ERROR 5249 (HY000): OB-5249: Altertable change nullable column to not nullable is dangerous,table_name=\’%.s\’,column_name=\’%.s\’改变表中nullable列为非nullable是有危险的失败
    -52501300ERROR 1300 (HY000): OB-1300: Invalid%.s character string: \’%.s\’无效的字符串失败
    -52511095ERROR 1095 (HY000): OB-1095: Youare not owner of thread %lu不是线程的拥有者失败
    -5252ERROR 5252 (HY000): OB-5252: Columndefinition is ambiguous. Column has both NULL and NOT NULL attributes列定义有歧义,有NULL 和NOT NULL属性失败
    -52531065ERROR 1065 (HY000): OB-1065: Querywas empty空查询失败
    -52541260ERROR 1260 (HY000): OB-1260: Row%ld was cut by GROUP_CONCAT()GROUP_CONCAT()剪裁列失败
    -52551488ERROR 1488 (HY000): OB-1488: Fieldin list of fields for partition function not found in table用于分区函数的字段在表中没有找到失败
    -52561171ERROR 1171 (HY000): OB-1171: Allparts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, useUNIQUE instead主键所有列都必须为非空,可以用UNIQUEkey来替换失败
    -52571491ERROR 1491 (HY000): OB-1491: ThePARTITION function returns the wrong type分区函数返回错误类型失败
    -5258ERROR 5258 (HY000): OB-5258: Invalidblock size, block size should between 16384 and 1048576错误的块大小失败
    -52591286ERROR 1286 (HY000): OB-1286: Unknownstorage engine \’%.s\’未知的存储引擎失败
    -5260ERROR 5260 (HY000): OB-5260: Tenant\’%.s\’ is locked租户已锁失败
    -52611503ERROR 1503(HY000): OB-1503: A %smust include all columns in the table’s partitioning function对于唯一的索引或者主键必须包含分区函数的所有列失败
    -52621564ERROR 1564 (HY000): OB-1564: Thispartition function is not allowed分区函数不符合规范失败
    -52633028ERROR 3028 (HY000): OB-3028: Expression#%d of ORDER BY contains aggregate function andapplies to a UNIONORDER BY子句的表达式含有聚集函数用于UNION失败
    -5264ERROR 5264 (HY000): OB-5264: Outline\’%.s\’ already existsOutline 已经存在失败
    -5265ERROR 5265 (HY000): OB-5265: Outline\’%.s\’ doesn’t existsOutline 不存在失败
    -52661708ERROR 1708 (HY000): OB-1708: Thevalue of \’%s\’ should be no less than the value of \’%s\’当前值不应小于要求数值失败
    -5267ERROR 5267 (HY000): OB-5267: invalidoutline, error info:%s无效的outline失败
    -5268ERROR 5268 (HY000): OB-5268: SQLreash max concurrent num %ld到达了SQL最大并发数失败
    -5269ERROR 5269 (HY000): OB-5269: cannot perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin无法处理超过回收站的DDL/DML对象失败
    -5270ERROR 5270 (HY000): OB-5270: Objectnot in RECYCLE BIN对象不在回收站失败
    -52711040ERROR 1040 (HY000): OB-1040: Toomany connections太多连接失败
    -5272ERROR 5272 (HY000): OB-5272: Outlinecontent ‘%.s’of outline ‘%.s’already exists when added新增的Outline已经存在失败
    -5273ERROR 5273 (HY000): OB-5273: Maxconcurrent in outline ‘%.s’already exists when added新增outline时已经到了最大并发数失败
    -52741697ERROR 1697 (HY000): OB-1697: VALUESvalue for partition \’%.s\’ must have type INTVALUES数值的分区必须包含INT类型失败
    -52751654ERROR 1654 (HY000): OB-1654: Partitioncolumn values of incorrect type分区列数据类型不正确失败
    -52761653ERROR 1653 (HY000): OB-1653: Inconsistencyin usage of column lists for partitioning列表分区时不一致使用失败
    -52771657ERROR 1657 (HY000): OB-1657: Cannothave more than one value for this type of RANGE partitioningRange 分区时这个数据类型不能多于一个数值失败
    -52781564ERROR 1564 (HY000): OB-1564: Thepartition function is not allowed分区函数不合理失败
    -5279ERROR 5279 (HY000): OB-5279: Partitioninterval must have type INT分区间距必须有INT类型失败
    -52801517ERROR 1517 (HY000): OB-1517: Duplicatepartition name \’%.s\’分区名冲突失败
    -52811493ERROR 1493 (HY000): OB-1493: VALUESLESS THAN value must be strictly increasing for each partition在每一个分区上,对于VALUESLESS THAN数值必须严格递增失败
    -52821064ERROR 1064 (HY000): OB-1064: Wrongnumber of partitions defined, mismatch with previous setting错误分区数,与之前设置不一致失败
    -52831503ERROR 1503 (HY000): OB-1503: APRIMARY KEY must include all columns in the table\’s partitioning function主键必须包含所有分区函数列失败
    -52841526ERROR 1526 (HY000): OB-1526: Tablehas no partition for value对于当前值,分区表没有对应的分区失败
    -52851566ERROR 1566 (HY000): OB-1566: Notallowed to use NULL value in VALUES LESS THAN不允许使用NULL值在VALUES LESS THAN失败
    -52861563ERROR 1563 (HY000): OB-1563: Partitionconstant is out of partition function domain分区常量超过了分区函数的域值失败
    -52871655ERROR 1655 (HY000): OB-1655: Toomany fields in \’list of partition fields\’太多字段在分区字段中失败
    -52881283ERROR 1283 (HY000): OB-1283: Column‘%。*s’ cannot bepart of FULLTEXT index该列不能建FULLTEXT索引失败
    -52891176ERROR 1176 (HY000): OB-1176: Key‘%.s’ doesn’t exist in table ‘%.s’健不在表中失败
    -52903105ERROR 3105 (HY000): OB-3105:The value specified for generated column‘%.s’ in table ‘%.s’ is not allowed该数值允许使用在生成列上失败
    -5291ERROR 5291 (HY000): OB-5291: TheCTXCAT column must be contiguous in the index column listCTXCAT列在索引列表中必须是连续的失败
    -52923106ERROR 3106 (HY000): OB-3106: ‘%s’is not supported for generated columns在产生列上不支持该操作失败
    -52933108ERROR 3108 (HY000): OB-3108: Column‘%.*s’has a generated column dependency该列有产生列依赖失败
    -52941172ERROR 1172 (42000): OB-1172: Resultconsisted of more than one row结果有多行失败
    -52951083ERROR 1083 (42000): OB-1083: Fieldseparator argument is not what is expected; check the manual字段分隔符不是期望的失败
    -5296ERROR 5296(42000): OB-5296: therehas no readable replica没有可读的副本失败
    -53021505ERROR 1505(HY000): OB-1505: Partitionmanagement on a not partitioned table is not possible在非分区表上不能进行分区管理操作失败
    -53031507ERROR 1507 (HY000): OB-1507: Errorin list of partitions to %s在删除某分区时失败失败
    -5304ERROR 5304 (HY000): OB-5304: Partitionmanagement on a two-part table is not possible不可以在两个分区进行分区管理操作失败
    -53051512ERROR 1512 (HY000): OB-1512: %s PARTITION can only be used on RANGE/LISTpartition只可以用在RANGE/LIST分区上失败
    -53061508ERROR 1508 (HY000): OB-1508: Cannotremove all partition, use DROP TABLE instead不可以删除所有的分区,推荐使用删除表操作失败