Service worker

Explore the Service worker preset with Nitro to push the boundaries of Nuxt rendering to the edge.

Service worker - 图1 Can be used for edge-side rendering

Service worker - 图2 No dependency on Node.js

Service worker - 图3 No Node.js environment and features

Service worker - 图4

Back to presets list.

Deployment as a service worker has some limitations since SSR code is not running in Node.js environment but pure JavaScript.


You can use the Nuxt config to explicitly set the preset to use:


  1. export default {
  2. nitro: {
  3. 'browser-worker'
  4. }
  5. }

Or directly use the NITRO_PRESET environment variable when running nuxt build:

  1. NITRO_PRESET=worker npx nuxt build

Entry point

The worker preset produces a service worker that can provide full HTML rendering within a worker context (for example Cloudflare Workers). It registers appropriate handlers for fetch, install and activate.

For more information, you can check out the source code.