E.3 Word Functions Header
E.3.1 Introduction
Include header:
- !include "WordFunc.nsh"
Call functions:
- Section Install
- ${WordFind} "A--H---S" "-" "+2" $R0
- ; $R0="H"
- SectionEnd
- Section un.Install
- ${WordReplace} "A--H---S" "-" "x" "+3*" $R0
- ; $R0="A--HxS"
- SectionEnd
E.3.2 WordFind
- Multi-features string function.
- Strings:
- "[word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter][word+3]..."
- "[delimiter][word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter]..."
- "[delimiter][delimiter][word+1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]..."
- "...[word-3][delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1]"
- "...[delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1][delimiter]"
- "...[delimiter][delimiter][word-1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]"
- ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
- ; one or several symbols
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +number : word number from start
- ; -number : word number from end
- ; +number} : delimiter number from start
- ; all space after this
- ; delimiter to output
- ; +number{ : delimiter number from start
- ; all space before this
- ; delimiter to output
- ; +number}} : word number from start
- ; all space after this word
- ; to output
- ; +number{{ : word number from start
- ; all space before this word
- ; to output
- ; +number{} : word number from start
- ; all space before and after
- ; this word (word exclude)
- ; +number*} : word number from start
- ; all space after this
- ; word to output with word
- ; +number{* : word number from start
- ; all space before this
- ; word to output with word
- ; # : sum of words to output
- ; * : sum of delimiters to output
- ; /word : number of word to output
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 delimiter not found
- ; $var=2 no such word number
- ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1},#,*,/word,...)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Note:- Accepted numbers 1,01,001,…
Example (Find word by number):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "-02" $R0
- ; $R0="Program Files"
- SectionEnd
Example (Delimiter exclude):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "-2}" $R0
- ; $R0=" C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (Sum of words):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "#" $R0
- ; $R0="3"
- SectionEnd
Example (Sum of delimiters):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "*" $R0
- ; $R0="2"
- SectionEnd
Example (Find word number):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " " "/Files" $R0
- ; $R0="3"
- SectionEnd
Example ( }} ):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2}}" $R0
- ; $R0=" C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example ( {} ):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2{}" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example ( *} ):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2*}" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (Get parent directory):
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 "C:\Program Files\NSIS\NSIS.chm"
- ; "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\"
- ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\NSIS.chm"
- ${WordFind} "$R0" "\" "-2{*" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\Program Files\NSIS"
- ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS"
- SectionEnd
Example (Coordinates):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C"
- IfErrors end
- StrLen $0 $R0 ; $0 = Start position of word (11)
- StrLen $1 ':\lo' ; $1 = Word length (4)
- ; StrCpy $R0 $R1 $1 $0 ; $R0 = :\lo
- end:
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "E[options]" $R0
- IfErrors 0 end
- StrCmp $R0 1 0 +2 ; errorlevel 1?
- MessageBox MB_OK 'delimiter not found' IDOK end
- StrCmp $R0 2 0 +2 ; errorlevel 2?
- MessageBox MB_OK 'no such word number' IDOK end
- StrCmp $R0 3 0 +2 ; errorlevel 3?
- MessageBox MB_OK 'syntax error'
- end:
- SectionEnd
Example (Without errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "_" "+1" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" (error: delimiter "_" not found)
- SectionEnd
Example (If found):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
- IfErrors notfound found
- found:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
- notfound:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
- end:
- SectionEnd
Example (If found 2):
- Section
- ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "+1{" $R0
- StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" notfound found ; error?
- found:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
- notfound:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
- end:
- SectionEnd
Example (To accept one word in string if delimiter not found):
- Section
- StrCpy $0 'OneWord'
- StrCpy $1 1
- loop:
- ${WordFind} "$0" " " "E+$1" $R0
- IfErrors 0 code
- StrCmp $1$R0 11 0 error
- StrCpy $R0 $0
- goto end
- code:
- ; ...
- IntOp $1 $1 + 1
- goto loop
- error:
- StrCpy $1 ''
- StrCpy $R0 ''
- end:
- ; $R0="OneWord"
- SectionEnd
E.3.3 WordFindS
- Same as WordFind, but case sensitive.
E.3.4 WordFind2X
- Find word between two delimiters.
- Strings:
- "[delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][delimiter1][word+2][delimiter2]..."
- "[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][text]..."
- "...[delimiter1][word-2][delimiter2][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2]"
- "...[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2][text]"
- ${WordFind2X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
- ; first delimiter
- "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
- ; second delimiter
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +number : word number from start
- ; -number : word number from end
- ; +number}} : word number from start all space
- ; after this word to output
- ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
- ; before this word to output
- ; +number{} : word number from start
- ; all space before and after
- ; this word (word exclude)
- ; +number*} : word number from start
- ; all space after this
- ; word to output with word
- ; +number{* : word number from start
- ; all space before this
- ; word to output with word
- ; # : sum of words to output
- ; /word : number of word to output
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 no words found
- ; $var=2 no such word number
- ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Example (1):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "[C:\io.sys];[C:\logo.sys];[C:\WINDOWS]" "[C:\" "];" "+2" $R0
- ; $R0="logo.sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (2):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1" $R0
- ; $R0="logo"
- SectionEnd
Example (3):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{{" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:"
- SectionEnd
Example (4):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{}" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (5):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{*" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo."
- SectionEnd
Example (6):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "/logo" $R0
- ; $R0="2"
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordFind2X} "[io.sys];[C:\logo.sys]" "\" "];" "E+1" $R0
- ; $R0="1" ("\...];" not found)
- IfErrors 0 noerrors
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
- noerrors:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
- end:
- SectionEnd
E.3.5 WordFind2XS
- Same as WordFind2X, but case sensitive.
E.3.6 WordFind3X
- Find a word that contains a string, between two delimiters.
- ${WordFind3X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[center]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
- ; first delimiter
- "[center]" ;[center]
- ; center string
- "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
- ; second delimiter
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +number : word number from start
- ; -number : word number from end
- ; +number}} : word number from start all space
- ; after this word to output
- ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
- ; before this word to output
- ; +number{} : word number from start
- ; all space before and after
- ; this word (word exclude)
- ; +number*} : word number from start
- ; all space after this
- ; word to output with word
- ; +number{* : word number from start
- ; all space before this
- ; word to output with word
- ; # : sum of words to output
- ; /word : number of word to output
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 no words found
- ; $var=2 no such word number
- ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Example (1):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "+1" $R0
- ; $R0="1.AAB"
- SectionEnd
Example (2):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1" $R0
- ; $R0="2.BAA"
- SectionEnd
Example (3):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{{" $R0
- ; $R0="[1.AAB];"
- SectionEnd
Example (4):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{}" $R0
- ; $R0="[1.AAB];[3.BBB];"
- SectionEnd
Example (5):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{*" $R0
- ; $R0="[1.AAB];[2.BAA];"
- SectionEnd
Example (6):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "/2.BAA" $R0
- ; $R0="2"
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "XX" "];" "E+1" $R0
- ; $R0="1" ("[...XX...];" not found)
- IfErrors 0 noerrors
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
- noerrors:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
- end:
- SectionEnd
E.3.7 WordFind3XS
- Same as WordFind3X, but case sensitive.
E.3.8 WordReplace
- Replace or delete word from string.
- ${WordReplace} "[string]" "[word1]" "[word2]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- "[word1]" ;[word1]
- ; word to replace or delete
- "[word2]" ;[word2]
- ; replace with (if empty delete)
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +number : word number from start
- ; -number : word number from end
- ; +number* : word number from start multiple-replace
- ; -number* : word number from end multiple-replace
- ; + : replace all results
- ; +* : multiple-replace all results
- ; { : if exists replace all delimiters
- ; from left edge
- ; } : if exists replace all delimiters
- ; from right edge
- ; {} : if exists replace all delimiters
- ; from edges
- ; {* : if exists multiple-replace all
- ; delimiters from left edge
- ; }* : if exists multiple-replace all
- ; delimiters from right edge
- ; {}* : if exists multiple-replace all
- ; delimiters from edges
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 word to replace not found
- ; $var=2 no such word number
- ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,+1*,-1*,+,+*,{},{}*)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Example (replace):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "bmp" "+2" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (delete):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "" "+" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io. C:\logo. C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (multiple-replace 1):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " " " "+1*" $R0
- ; +1* or +2* or +3* or +4* or +5* or +6*
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (multiple-replace 2):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sysSYSsys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "bmp" "+*" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.bmp C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (multiple-replace 3):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "sysSYSsysC:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWSsysSYSsys" "sys" "|" "{}*" $R0
- ; $R0="|C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS|"
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "sys" "bmp" "E+3" $R0
- ; $R0="2" (no such word number "+3")
- IfErrors 0 noerrors
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
- noerrors:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
- end:
- SectionEnd
E.3.9 WordReplaceS
- Same as WordReplace, but case sensitive.
E.3.10 WordAdd
- Add words to string1 from string2 if not exist or delete words if exist.
- ${WordAdd} "[string1]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string1]" ;[string1]
- ; string for addition or removing
- "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
- ; one or several symbols
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +string2 : words to add
- ; -string2 : words to delete
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
- ; $var=3 syntax error (use: +text,-text)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Example (add):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (delete):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\logo.sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (add to one):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (delete one):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys"
- SectionEnd
Example (No new words found):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "+C:\logo.sys" $R0
- StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "No new words found to add"
- SectionEnd
Example (No words deleted):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "-C:\config.sys" $R0
- StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "No words found to delete"
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "" "E-C:\logo.sys" $R0
- ; $R0="1" (delimiter is empty "")
- IfErrors 0 noerrors
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
- noerrors:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
- end:
- SectionEnd
E.3.11 WordAddS
- Same as WordAdd, but case sensitive.
E.3.12 WordInsert
- Insert word in string.
- ${WordInsert} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[word]" "[E][options]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
- ; one or several symbols
- "[word]" ;[word]
- ; word to insert
- "[E][options]" ;[options]
- ; +number : word number from start
- ; -number : word number from end
- ;
- ;[E]
- ; with errorlevel output
- ; IfErrors:
- ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
- ; $var=2 wrong word number
- ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1)
- ;[]
- ; no errorlevel output (default)
- ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Example (1):
- Section
- ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "C:\logo.sys" "-2" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (2):
- Section
- ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+2" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
- SectionEnd
Example (3):
- Section
- ${WordInsert} "" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+1" $R0
- ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS "
- SectionEnd
Example (With errorlevel output):
- Section
- ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "C:\logo.sys" "E+4" $R0
- ; $R0="2" (wrong word number "+4")
- IfErrors 0 noerrors
- MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
- noerrors:
- MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
- end:
- SectionEnd
E.3.13 WordInsertS
- Same as WordInsert, but case sensitive.
E.3.14 StrFilter
- Convert string to uppercase or lowercase.
- Set symbol filter.
- ${StrFilter} "[string]" "[options]" "[symbols1]" "[symbols2]" $var
- "[string]" ;[string]
- ; input string
- ;
- "[options]" ;[+|-][1|2|3|12|23|31][eng|rus]
- ; + : convert string to uppercase
- ; - : convert string to lowercase
- ; 1 : only Digits
- ; 2 : only Letters
- ; 3 : only Special
- ; 12 : only Digits + Letters
- ; 23 : only Letters + Special
- ; 31 : only Special + Digits
- ; eng : English symbols (default)
- ; rus : Russian symbols
- ;
- "[symbols1]" ;[symbols1]
- ; symbols include (not changeable)
- ;
- "[symbols2]" ;[symbols2]
- ; symbols exclude
- ;
- $var ;output (result)
Note:- Error flag if syntax error - Same symbol to include & to exclude = to exclude
Example (UpperCase):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+" "" "" $R0
- ; $R0="123ABC 456DEF 7890|%#"
- SectionEnd
Example (LowerCase):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "-" "ef" "" $R0
- ; $R0="123abc 456dEF 7890|%#"
- SectionEnd
Example (Filter1):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "2" "|%" "" $R0
- ; $R0="abcDEF|%" ;only Letters + |%
- SectionEnd
Example (Filter2):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "13" "af" "4590" $R0
- ; $R0="123a 6F 78|%#" ;only Digits + Special + af - 4590
- SectionEnd
Example (Filter3):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+12" "b" "def" $R0
- ; $R0="123AbC4567890" ;only Digits + Letters + b - def
- SectionEnd
Example (Filter4):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "+12rus" "ä" "ãå" $R0
- ; $R0="123ÀÁÂ456ä7890" ;only Digits + Letters + ä - ãå
- SectionEnd
Example (English + Russian Letters):
- Section
- ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2rus" "" "" $R0
- ; $R0="ÀÁÂãäå" ;only Russian Letters
- ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2" "$R0" "" $R0
- ; $R0="abcÀÁÂDEFãäå" ;only English + Russian Letters
- SectionEnd
Example (Word Capitalize):
- Section
- Call Capitalize
- Pop $R0
- ; $R0="_01-Perpetuous_Dreamer__-__The_Sound_Of_Goodbye_(Orig._Mix).mp3_"
- ${WordReplace} "$R0" "_" " " "+*" $R0
- ; $R0=" 01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3 "
- ${WordReplace} "$R0" " " "" "{}" $R0
- ; $R0="01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3"
- SectionEnd
- Function Capitalize
- Exch $R0
- Push $0
- Push $1
- Push $2
- ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-eng' '' '' $R0
- ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-rus' '' '' $R0
- StrCpy $0 0
- loop:
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1
- StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
- StrCmp $1 '' end
- StrCmp $1 ' ' +5
- StrCmp $1 '_' +4
- StrCmp $1 '-' +3
- StrCmp $1 '(' +2
- StrCmp $1 '[' 0 loop
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1
- StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
- StrCmp $1 '' end
- ${StrFilter} '$1' '+eng' '' '' $1
- ${StrFilter} '$1' '+rus' '' '' $1
- StrCpy $2 $R0 $0
- IntOp $0 $0 + 1
- StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $0
- IntOp $0 $0 - 2
- StrCpy $R0 '$2$1$R0'
- goto loop
- end:
- Pop $2
- Pop $1
- Pop $0
- Exch $R0
- FunctionEnd
E.3.15 StrFilterS
- Same as StrFilter, but case sensitive.
E.3.16 VersionCompare
- Compare version numbers.
- ${VersionCompare} "[Version1]" "[Version2]" $var
- "[Version1]" ; First version
- "[Version2]" ; Second version
- $var ; Result:
- ; $var=0 Versions are equal
- ; $var=1 Version1 is newer
- ; $var=2 Version2 is newer
- Section
- ${VersionCompare} "" "" $R0
- ; $R0="1"
- SectionEnd
E.3.17 VersionConvert
- Convert version in the numerical format which can be compared.
- ${VersionConvert} "[Version]" "[CharList]" $var
- "[Version]" ; Version
- ;
- "[CharList]" ; List of characters, which will be replaced by numbers
- ; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (default)
- ;
- $var ; Result: converted version
Note:- Converted letters are separated with dot - If character is non-digit and not in list then it will be converted to dot
- Section
- ${VersionConvert} "9.0a" "" $R0
- ; $R0="9.0.01"
- ${VersionConvert} "9.0c" "" $R1
- ; $R1="9.0.03"
- ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
- ; $R2="2" version2 is newer
- SectionEnd
- Section
- ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-9m" "" $R0
- ; $R0=""
- ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-1n" "" $R1
- ; $R1=""
- ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
- ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
- SectionEnd
- Section
- ${VersionConvert} "0.15c+" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R0
- ; $R0="0.15.0327"
- ${VersionConvert} "0.15c" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R1
- ; $R1="0.15.03"
- ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
- ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
- SectionEnd