


In [1]:

  1. x = 0.5
  2. if x > 0:
  3. print "Hey!"
  4. print "x is positive"
  1. Hey!
  2. x is positive

在这里,如果 x > 0False ,那么程序将不会执行两条 print 语句。

虽然都是用 if 关键词定义判断,但与C,Java等语言不同,Python不使用 {}if 语句控制的区域包含起来。Python使用的是缩进方法。同时,也不需要用 () 将判断条件括起来。


  1. print "Hey!"
  2. print "x is positive"

就叫做一个代码块,同一个代码块使用同样的缩进值,它们组成了这条 if 语句的主体。


x > 0 时:

In [2]:

  1. x = 0.5
  2. if x > 0:
  3. print "Hey!"
  4. print "x is positive"
  5. print "This is still part of the block"
  6. print "This isn't part of the block, and will always print."
  1. Hey!
  2. x is positive
  3. This is still part of the block
  4. This isn't part of the block, and will always print.

x < 0 时:

In [3]:

  1. x = -0.5
  2. if x > 0:
  3. print "Hey!"
  4. print "x is positive"
  5. print "This is still part of the block"
  6. print "This isn't part of the block, and will always print."
  1. This isn't part of the block, and will always print.


一个完整的 if 结构通常如下所示(注意:条件后的 : 是必须要的,缩进值需要一样):

  1. if <condition 1>:
  2. <statement 1>
  3. <statement 2>
  4. elif <condition 2>:
  5. <statements>
  6. else:
  7. <statements>

当条件1被满足时,执行 if 下面的语句,当条件1不满足的时候,转到 elif ,看它的条件2满不满足,满足执行 elif 下面的语句,不满足则执行 else 下面的语句。


In [4]:

  1. x = 0
  2. if x > 0:
  3. print "x is positive"
  4. elif x == 0:
  5. print "x is zero"
  6. else:
  7. print "x is negative"
  1. x is zero

elif 的个数没有限制,可以是1个或者多个,也可以没有。

else 最多只有1个,也可以没有。

可以使用 andor , not 等关键词结合多个判断条件:

In [5]:

  1. x = 10
  2. y = -5
  3. x > 0 and y < 0


  1. True

In [6]:

  1. not x > 0


  1. False

In [7]:

  1. x < 0 or y < 0


  1. True


In [8]:

  1. year = 1900
  2. if year % 400 == 0:
  3. print "This is a leap year!"
  4. # 两个条件都满足才执行
  5. elif year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0:
  6. print "This is a leap year!"
  7. else:
  8. print "This is not a leap year."
  1. This is not a leap year.




  • False
  • None
  • 0
  • 空字符串,空列表,空字典,空集合

In [9]:

  1. mylist = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]
  2. if mylist:
  3. print "The first element is:", mylist[0]
  4. else:
  5. print "There is no first element."
  1. The first element is: 3


In [10]:

  1. mylist = []
  2. if mylist:
  3. print "The first element is:", mylist[0]
  4. else:
  5. print "There is no first element."
  1. There is no first element.

当然这种用法并不推荐,推荐使用 if len(mylist) > 0: 来判断一个列表是否为空。

原文: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/lijin-THU/notes-python/blob/master/02-python-essentials/02.14-if-statement.ipynb