- 在原来的基础上,我们要先让树生长,即定义
方法 - 定义方法之前,我们要先指定两个属性:
- 每个位置随机生长出树木的概率
- 每个位置随机被闪电击中的概率
- 为了方便,我们定义一个辅助函数来生成随机
矩阵,大小与森林大小一致 - 按照给定的生长概率生成生长的位置,将
In [1]:
- import numpy as np
- class Forest(object):
- """ Forest can grow trees which eventually die."""
- def __init__(self, size=(150,150), p_sapling=0.0025, p_lightning=5.0e-6):
- self.size = size
- self.trees = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=bool)
- self.fires = np.zeros((self.size), dtype=bool)
- self.p_sapling = p_sapling
- self.p_lightning = p_lightning
- def __repr__(self):
- my_repr = "{}(size={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.size)
- return my_repr
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
- @property
- def num_cells(self):
- """Number of cells available for growing trees"""
- return np.prod(self.size)
- @property
- def tree_fraction(self):
- """
- Fraction of trees
- """
- num_trees = self.trees.sum()
- return float(num_trees) / self.num_cells
- @property
- def fire_fraction(self):
- """
- Fraction of fires
- """
- num_fires = self.fires.sum()
- return float(num_fires) / self.num_cells
- def _rand_bool(self, p):
- """
- Random boolean distributed according to p, less than p will be True
- """
- return np.random.uniform(size=self.trees.shape) < p
- def grow_trees(self):
- """
- Growing trees.
- """
- growth_sites = self._rand_bool(self.p_sapling)
- self.trees[growth_sites] = True
In [2]:
- forest = Forest()
- print forest.tree_fraction
- forest.grow_trees()
- print forest.tree_fraction
- 0.0
- 0.00293333333333
- 定义
:- 按照给定的概率生成被闪电击中的位置
- 如果闪电击中的位置有树,那么将其设为着火点
- 定义
:- 如果一棵树的上下左右有火,那么这棵树也会着火
- 定义
:- 进行一次生长,起火,燃烧
In [3]:
- import numpy as np
- class Forest(object):
- """ Forest can grow trees which eventually die."""
- def __init__(self, size=(150,150), p_sapling=0.0025, p_lightning=5.0e-6):
- self.size = size
- self.trees = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=bool)
- self.fires = np.zeros((self.size), dtype=bool)
- self.p_sapling = p_sapling
- self.p_lightning = p_lightning
- def __repr__(self):
- my_repr = "{}(size={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.size)
- return my_repr
- def __str__(self):
- return self.__class__.__name__
- @property
- def num_cells(self):
- """Number of cells available for growing trees"""
- return np.prod(self.size)
- @property
- def tree_fraction(self):
- """
- Fraction of trees
- """
- num_trees = self.trees.sum()
- return float(num_trees) / self.num_cells
- @property
- def fire_fraction(self):
- """
- Fraction of fires
- """
- num_fires = self.fires.sum()
- return float(num_fires) / self.num_cells
- def _rand_bool(self, p):
- """
- Random boolean distributed according to p, less than p will be True
- """
- return np.random.uniform(size=self.trees.shape) < p
- def grow_trees(self):
- """
- Growing trees.
- """
- growth_sites = self._rand_bool(self.p_sapling)
- self.trees[growth_sites] = True
- def start_fires(self):
- """
- Start of fire.
- """
- lightning_strikes = (self._rand_bool(self.p_lightning) &
- self.trees)
- self.fires[lightning_strikes] = True
- def burn_trees(self):
- """
- Burn trees.
- """
- fires = np.zeros((self.size[0] + 2, self.size[1] + 2), dtype=bool)
- fires[1:-1, 1:-1] = self.fires
- north = fires[:-2, 1:-1]
- south = fires[2:, 1:-1]
- east = fires[1:-1, :-2]
- west = fires[1:-1, 2:]
- new_fires = (north | south | east | west) & self.trees
- self.trees[self.fires] = False
- self.fires = new_fires
- def advance_one_step(self):
- """
- Advance one step
- """
- self.grow_trees()
- self.start_fires()
- self.burn_trees()
In [4]:
- forest = Forest()
- for i in range(100):
- forest.advance_one_step()
使用 matshow()
In [5]:
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib import cm
- %matplotlib inline
- plt.matshow(forest.trees, cmap=cm.Greens)
- plt.show()
In [6]:
- forest = Forest()
- forest2 = Forest(p_lightning=5e-4)
- tree_fractions = []
- for i in range(2500):
- forest.advance_one_step()
- forest2.advance_one_step()
- tree_fractions.append((forest.tree_fraction, forest2.tree_fraction))
- plt.plot(tree_fractions)
- plt.show()