帮助 NodeBB 项目

NodeBB 是一个开源项目,会永久免费。即使你不是程序员,同样可以通过这些途径帮助我们。

翻译 NodeBB 为其他语言

NodeBB uses Transifex, which is a user friendly visual tool which allows any individual to translate text into a language of their choice. You don’t need to be a programmer to do this, so what are you waiting for? Join the translation team now :)


These docs were written using Sphinx and published using rtfd.org.

You can edit these docs directly on GitHub, or by clicking on “View page source” on the top right of any page.

If you wish, you can clone the repository and compile the documentation yourself. Check out the Getting Started section for more info on how to accomplish the latter.

Documentation are auto-compiled and pushed to rtfd.org after every commit.