日志打点一直是个调试最头疼的问题。如果直接在代码中插入埋点代码,不仅侵入性强而且工作量大也不够灵活,要是能做到智能打点就好了,koa-await-breakpoint 正是我们需要的。

6.1.1 什么是 koa-await-breakpoint

koa-await-breakpoint 是一个 Koa 的中间件,是一个在 routes/controllers 里(作用域包含 ctx)的 await 表达式前后自动打点的工具,不用插入一行日志打点代码,只需要在引入时配置一下,就可以记录每个请求到来时 await 表达式前后的现场,例如:

  1. await 表达式所在的文件及行列号(filename)。
  2. await 表达式是执行的第几步(step)。
  3. await 表达式字符串形式(fn)。
  4. 执行 await 表达式所花费的毫秒(take)。
  5. 执行 await 表达式的结果(result)。
  6. 当前请求的 ctx。


  1. // On top of the main file
  2. const koaAwaitBreakpoint = require('koa-await-breakpoint')({
  3. name: 'api',
  4. files: ['./routes/*.js']
  5. })
  6. const Koa = require('koa')
  7. const app = new Koa()
  8. // Generally, above other middlewares
  9. app.use(koaAwaitBreakpoint)
  10. ...
  11. app.listen(3000)

6.1.2 实现原理

  1. 重载 Module.prototype._compile,相当于 hack 了 require,如果发现是 require 了配置里指定的文件,则进行下一步,否则返回原始代码的内容,相关源代码如下:

    1. shimmer.wrap(Module.prototype, '_compile', function (__compile) {
    2. return function koaBreakpointCompile(content, filename) {
    3. if (!_.includes(filenames, filename)) {
    4. return __compile.call(this, content, filename);
    5. }
    6. ...
    7. };
    8. });
  2. 用 esprima 解析代码,生成 AST。例如:

    1. const Mongolass = require('mongolass')
    2. const mongolass = new Mongolass('mongodb://localhost:27017/test')
    3. const User = mongolass.model('users')
    4. exports.getUsers = async function getUsers(ctx) {
    5. await User.create({
    6. name: 'xx',
    7. age: 18
    8. })
    9. const users = await User.find()
    10. return users
    11. }

    会生成如下 AST,只截取了 await User.create(...) 相关的 AST:

    1. Script {
    2. ...
    3. AwaitExpression {
    4. type: 'AwaitExpression',
    5. argument:
    6. CallExpression {
    7. type: 'CallExpression',
    8. callee:
    9. StaticMemberExpression {
    10. type: 'MemberExpression',
    11. computed: false,
    12. object:
    13. Identifier {
    14. type: 'Identifier',
    15. name: 'User',
    16. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 10 }, end: { line: 6, column: 14 } } },
    17. property:
    18. Identifier {
    19. type: 'Identifier',
    20. name: 'create',
    21. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 15 }, end: { line: 6, column: 21 } } },
    22. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 10 }, end: { line: 6, column: 21 } } },
    23. arguments:
    24. [ ObjectExpression {
    25. type: 'ObjectExpression',
    26. properties:
    27. [ Property {
    28. type: 'Property',
    29. key:
    30. Identifier {
    31. type: 'Identifier',
    32. name: 'name',
    33. loc: { start: { line: 7, column: 6 }, end: { line: 7, column: 10 } } },
    34. computed: false,
    35. value:
    36. Literal {
    37. type: 'Literal',
    38. value: 'xx',
    39. raw: '\'xx\'',
    40. loc: { start: { line: 7, column: 12 }, end: { line: 7, column: 16 } } },
    41. kind: 'init',
    42. method: false,
    43. shorthand: false,
    44. loc: { start: { line: 7, column: 6 }, end: { line: 7, column: 16 } } },
    45. Property {
    46. type: 'Property',
    47. key:
    48. Identifier {
    49. type: 'Identifier',
    50. name: 'age',
    51. loc: { start: { line: 8, column: 6 }, end: { line: 8, column: 9 } } },
    52. computed: false,
    53. value:
    54. Literal {
    55. type: 'Literal',
    56. value: 18,
    57. raw: '18',
    58. loc: { start: { line: 8, column: 11 }, end: { line: 8, column: 13 } } },
    59. kind: 'init',
    60. method: false,
    61. shorthand: false,
    62. loc: { start: { line: 8, column: 6 }, end: { line: 8, column: 13 } } } ],
    63. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 22 }, end: { line: 9, column: 5 } } } ],
    64. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 10 }, end: { line: 9, column: 6 } } },
    65. loc: { start: { line: 6, column: 4 }, end: { line: 9, column: 6 } } },
    66. ...
  3. 遍历找到 awaitExpression 节点,进行以下包装后生成 AST,替换掉原来的节点。

    1. global.logger(
    2. (typeof ctx !== 'undefined' ? ctx : this),
    3. function(){
    4. return awaitExpression
    5. },
    6. awaitExpressionString,
    7. filename
    8. )


    1. findAwaitAndWrapLogger(parsedCodes)
    2. try {
    3. content = escodegen.generate(parsedCodes, {
    4. format: { indent: { style: ' ' } },
    5. sourceMap: filename,
    6. sourceMapWithCode: true
    7. })
    8. } catch (e) {
    9. console.error('cannot generate code for file: %s', filename)
    10. console.error(e.stack)
    11. process.exit(1)
    12. }
    13. debug('file %s regenerate codes:\n%s', filename, content.code)

    findAwaitAndWrapLogger 的作用就是遍历 AST,将 awaitExpression 替换成用日志函数包裹后新的 awaitExpression 的 AST。最后用 escodegen 将 AST 生成代码(支持 soucemap,所以错误栈对应的行数是正确的)。

核心:每个请求到来时,生成一个 requestId(可自定义,默认为 uuid)挂载到 ctx 上,这样就可以通过 requestId 将日志串起来了。

特点:可以记录每个请求的每一步(await 表达式)的现场及返回值,方便查日志。

6.1.3 使用 koa-await-breakpoint



  1. const koaAwaitBreakpoint = require('koa-await-breakpoint')({
  2. name: 'api',
  3. files: ['./routes/*.js']
  4. })
  5. const Paloma = require('paloma')
  6. const app = new Paloma()
  7. const userRouter = require('./routes/user')
  8. app.use(koaAwaitBreakpoint)
  9. app.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/users', controller: userRouter.getUsers })
  10. app.listen(3000)


  1. const Mongolass = require('mongolass')
  2. const mongolass = new Mongolass('mongodb://localhost:27017/test')
  3. const User = mongolass.model('users')
  4. exports.getUsers = async function getUsers (ctx) {
  5. await User.create({
  6. name: 'xx',
  7. age: 18
  8. })
  9. const users = await User.find()
  10. ctx.body = users
  11. }


  1. $ DEBUG=koa-await-breakpoint node app.js

终端打印出转换后的代码,可以看出 routes/users.js 被转换成了:

  1. const Mongolass = require('mongolass');
  2. const mongolass = new Mongolass('mongodb://localhost:27017/test');
  3. const User = mongolass.model('users');
  4. exports.getUsers = async function getUsers(ctx) {
  5. await global.logger(typeof ctx !== 'undefined' ? ctx : this, function () {
  6. return User.create({
  7. name: 'xx',
  8. age: 18
  9. });
  10. }, 'User.create({\n name: \'xx\',\n age: 18\n})', '/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:6:2');
  11. const users = await global.logger(typeof ctx !== 'undefined' ? ctx : this, function () {
  12. return User.find();
  13. }, 'User.find()', '/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:11:16');
  14. ctx.body = users;
  15. };

访问 localhost:3000/users,终端打印出:

  1. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.100Z","this":...,"type":"start","step":1,"take":0}
  2. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","step":2,"filename":"/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:6:2","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.104Z","this":...,"type":"beforeAwait","fn":"User.create({\n name: 'xx',\n age: 18\n})","take":4}
  3. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","step":3,"filename":"/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:6:2","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.175Z","this":...,"type":"afterAwait","fn":"User.create({\n name: 'xx',\n age: 18\n})","result":{"result":{"ok":1,"n":1},"ops":[{"name":"xx","age":18,"_id":"5a93a9c3cf8c8797c9b47482"}],"insertedCount":1,"insertedIds":["5a93a9c3cf8c8797c9b47482"]},"take":71}
  4. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","step":4,"filename":"/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:11:16","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.175Z","this":...,"type":"beforeAwait","fn":"User.find()","take":0}
  5. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","step":5,"filename":"/Users/nswbmw/Desktop/test/routes/user.js:11:16","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.180Z","this":...,"type":"afterAwait","fn":"User.find()","result":[{"_id":"5a93a9c3cf8c8797c9b47482","name":"xx","age":18}],"take":5}
  6. {"name":"api","requestId":"50dbda0c-9e13-4659-acce-b237bc5178b7","timestamp":"2018-02-26T06:31:31.181Z","this":...,"type":"end","step":6,"take":1}

注意:type 是以下其中一种,take 的单位是 ms。

  1. start:请求到来时第 1 次打点。
  2. beforeAwait:上一个 awaitExpression 之后到这一个 awaitExpression 之前。
  3. afterAwait:这个 awaitExpression 开始到结束。
  4. error:错误日志,包含了错误信息。
  5. end:请求结束时打点。

6.1.4 自定义日志存储

store 参数最好自己定义(默认打印日志到 stdout),该参数是一个对象并且有一个 save 方法即可。在 save 方法内可做一些逻辑修改或者日志策略,比如:

  1. 添加日志标识(例如:name)方便区分不同服务的日志。
  2. 针对错误日志,添加一些额外字段方便追踪现场。
  3. 将日志发送到 Logstash 或其他日志服务。
  4. 限制日志频率,比如:只有响应时间大于 500ms 的请求日志才会被记录。


  1. exports.save = function save(record, ctx) {
  2. record.name = 'app name'
  3. record.env = process.env.NODE_ENV
  4. if (record.error) {
  5. record.error = {
  6. message: record.error.message,
  7. stack: record.error.stack,
  8. status: record.error.status || record.error.statusCode || 500
  9. }
  10. }
  11. ...
  12. logstash.send(record)
  13. }

6.1.5 参考链接

上一节:5.2 Elastic APM

下一节:6.2 async_hooks