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This module contains procs for serialization and deserialization of arbitrary Nim data structures. The serialization format uses JSON.

Restriction: For objects, their type is not serialized. This means essentially that it does not work if the object has some other runtime type than its compiletime type.

Basic usage


  1. import std/marshal
  2. type
  3. A = object of RootObj
  4. B = object of A
  5. f: int
  6. let a: ref A = new(B)
  7. assert $$a[] == "{}" # not "{f: 0}"
  8. # unmarshal
  9. let c = to[B]("""{"f": 2}""")
  10. assert typeof(c) is B
  11. assert c.f == 2
  12. # marshal
  13. assert $$c == """{"f": 2}"""

Note: The to and $$ operations are available at compile-time!

See also


streams, typeinfo, json, intsets, tables, unicode


  1. proc `$$`[T](x: sink T): string

Returns a string representation of x (serialization, marshalling).

Note: to serialize x to JSON use %x from the json module or jsonutils.toJson(x).


  1. type
  2. Foo = object
  3. id: int
  4. bar: string
  5. let x = Foo(id: 1, bar: "baz")
  6. ## serialize:
  7. let y = $$x
  8. assert y == """{"id": 1, "bar": "baz"}"""

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  1. proc load[T](s: Stream; data: var T)

Loads data from the stream s. Raises IOError in case of an error.


  1. import std/streams
  2. var s = newStringStream("[1, 3, 5]")
  3. var a: array[3, int]
  4. load(s, a)
  5. assert a == [1, 3, 5]

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  1. proc store[T](s: Stream; data: sink T)

Stores data into the stream s. Raises IOError in case of an error.


  1. import std/streams
  2. var s = newStringStream("")
  3. var a = [1, 3, 5]
  4. store(s, a)
  5. s.setPosition(0)
  6. assert s.readAll() == "[1, 3, 5]"

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  1. proc to[T](data: string): T

Reads data and transforms it to a type T (deserialization, unmarshalling).


  1. type
  2. Foo = object
  3. id: int
  4. bar: string
  5. let y = """{"id": 1, "bar": "baz"}"""
  6. assert typeof(y) is string
  7. ## deserialize to type 'Foo':
  8. let z =[:Foo]
  9. assert typeof(z) is Foo
  10. assert == 1
  11. assert == "baz"

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