Source Edit

Constructive mathematics is naturally typed. — Simon Thompson

Basic math routines for Nim.

Note that the trigonometric functions naturally operate on radians. The helper functions degToRad and radToDeg provide conversion between radians and degrees.


  1. import std/math
  2. from std/fenv import epsilon
  3. from std/random import rand
  4. proc generateGaussianNoise(mu: float = 0.0, sigma: float = 1.0): (float, float) =
  5. # Generates values from a normal distribution.
  6. # Translated from
  7. var u1: float
  8. var u2: float
  9. while true:
  10. u1 = rand(1.0)
  11. u2 = rand(1.0)
  12. if u1 > epsilon(float): break
  13. let mag = sigma * sqrt(-2 * ln(u1))
  14. let z0 = mag * cos(2 * PI * u2) + mu
  15. let z1 = mag * sin(2 * PI * u2) + mu
  16. (z0, z1)
  17. echo generateGaussianNoise()

This module is available for the JavaScript target.

See also


since, bitops, fenv


  1. FloatClass = enum
  2. fcNormal, ## value is an ordinary nonzero floating point value
  3. fcSubnormal, ## value is a subnormal (a very small) floating point value
  4. fcZero, ## value is zero
  5. fcNegZero, ## value is the negative zero
  6. fcNan, ## value is Not a Number (NaN)
  7. fcInf, ## value is positive infinity
  8. fcNegInf ## value is negative infinity

Describes the class a floating point value belongs to. This is the type that is returned by the classify func. Source Edit


  1. E = 2.718281828459045

Euler’s number. Source Edit

  1. MaxFloat32Precision = 8

Maximum number of meaningful digits after the decimal point for Nim’s float32 type. Source Edit

  1. MaxFloat64Precision = 16

Maximum number of meaningful digits after the decimal point for Nim’s float64 type. Source Edit

  1. MaxFloatPrecision = 16

Maximum number of meaningful digits after the decimal point for Nim’s float type. Source Edit

  1. MinFloatNormal = 2.225073858507201e-308

Smallest normal number for Nim’s float type (= 2^-1022). Source Edit

  1. PI = 3.141592653589793

The circle constant PI (Ludolph’s number). Source Edit

  1. TAU = 6.283185307179586

The circle constant TAU (= 2 * PI). Source Edit


  1. func `^`[T: SomeNumber](x: T; y: Natural): T

Computes x to the power of y.

The exponent y must be non-negative, use pow for negative exponents.

See also:


  1. doAssert -3 ^ 0 == 1
  2. doAssert -3 ^ 1 == -3
  3. doAssert -3 ^ 2 == 9

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  1. func almostEqual[T: SomeFloat](x, y: T; unitsInLastPlace: Natural = 4): bool {.
  2. inline.}

Checks if two float values are almost equal, using the machine epsilon.

unitsInLastPlace is the max number of units in the last place difference tolerated when comparing two numbers. The larger the value, the more error is allowed. A 0 value means that two numbers must be exactly the same to be considered equal.

The machine epsilon has to be scaled to the magnitude of the values used and multiplied by the desired precision in ULPs unless the difference is subnormal.


  1. doAssert almostEqual(PI, 3.14159265358979)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(Inf, Inf)
  3. doAssert not almostEqual(NaN, NaN)

Source Edit

  1. func arccos(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "acosf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arccos(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "acos", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the arc cosine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arccos(0.0)), 90.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arccos(1.0)), 0.0)

Source Edit

  1. func arccosh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "acoshf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arccosh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "acosh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.

See also:

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  1. func arccot[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse cotangent of x (arctan(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arccoth[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of x (arctanh(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arccsc[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse cosecant of x (arcsin(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arccsch[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of x (arcsinh(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arcsec[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse secant of x (arccos(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arcsech[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the inverse hyperbolic secant of x (arccosh(1/x)). Source Edit

  1. func arcsin(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "asinf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arcsin(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "asin", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the arc sine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arcsin(0.0)), 0.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arcsin(1.0)), 90.0)

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  1. func arcsinh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "asinhf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arcsinh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "asinh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.

See also:

Source Edit

  1. func arctan(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "atanf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arctan(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "atan", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Calculate the arc tangent of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(arctan(1.0), 0.7853981633974483)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arctan(1.0)), 45.0)

Source Edit

  1. func arctan2(y, x: float32): float32 {.importc: "atan2f", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arctan2(y, x: float64): float64 {.importc: "atan2", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Calculate the arc tangent of y/x.

It produces correct results even when the resulting angle is near PI/2 or -PI/2 (x near 0).

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(arctan2(1.0, 0.0), PI / 2.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(arctan2(1.0, 0.0)), 90.0)

Source Edit

  1. func arctanh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "atanhf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func arctanh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "atanh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.

See also:

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  1. func binom(n, k: int): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the binomial coefficient.


  1. doAssert binom(6, 2) == 15
  2. doAssert binom(-6, 2) == 1
  3. doAssert binom(6, 0) == 1

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  1. func cbrt(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "cbrtf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func cbrt(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "cbrt", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the cube root of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(cbrt(8.0), 2.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(cbrt(2.197), 1.3)
  3. doAssert almostEqual(cbrt(-27.0), -3.0)

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  1. func ceil(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "ceilf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func ceil(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "ceil", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the ceiling function (i.e. the smallest integer not smaller than x).

See also:


  1. doAssert ceil(2.1) == 3.0
  2. doAssert ceil(2.9) == 3.0
  3. doAssert ceil(-2.1) == -2.0

Source Edit

  1. func ceilDiv[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T {.inline.}

Ceil division is conceptually defined as ceil(x / y).

Assumes x >= 0 and y > 0 (and x + y - 1 <= high(T) if T is SomeUnsignedInt).

This is different from the system.div operator, which works like trunc(x / y). That is, div rounds towards 0 and ceilDiv rounds up.

This function has the above input limitation, because that allows the compiler to generate faster code and it is rarely used with negative values or unsigned integers close to high(T)/2. If you need a ceilDiv that works with any input, see:

See also:


  1. assert ceilDiv(12, 3) == 4
  2. assert ceilDiv(13, 3) == 5

Source Edit

  1. func clamp[T](val: T; bounds: Slice[T]): T {.inline.}

Like system.clamp, but takes a slice, so you can easily clamp within a range.


  1. assert clamp(10, 1 .. 5) == 5
  2. assert clamp(1, 1 .. 3) == 1
  3. type A = enum a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5
  4. assert a1.clamp(a2..a4) == a2
  5. assert clamp((3, 0), (1, 0) .. (2, 9)) == (2, 9)
  6. doAssertRaises(AssertionDefect): discard clamp(1, 3..2) # invalid bounds

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  1. func classify(x: float): FloatClass {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Classifies a floating point value.

Returns x’s class as specified by the FloatClass enum.


  1. doAssert classify(0.3) == fcNormal
  2. doAssert classify(0.0) == fcZero
  3. doAssert classify(0.3 / 0.0) == fcInf
  4. doAssert classify(-0.3 / 0.0) == fcNegInf
  5. doAssert classify(5.0e-324) == fcSubnormal

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  1. func copySign[T: SomeFloat](x, y: T): T {.inline.}

Returns a value with the magnitude of x and the sign of y; this works even if x or y are NaN, infinity or zero, all of which can carry a sign.


  1. doAssert copySign(10.0, 1.0) == 10.0
  2. doAssert copySign(10.0, -1.0) == -10.0
  3. doAssert copySign(-Inf, -0.0) == -Inf
  4. doAssert copySign(NaN, 1.0).isNaN
  5. doAssert copySign(1.0, copySign(NaN, -1.0)) == -1.0

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  1. func cos(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "cosf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func cos(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "cos", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the cosine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(cos(2 * PI), 1.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(cos(degToRad(60.0)), 0.5)

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  1. func cosh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "coshf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func cosh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "cosh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(cosh(0.0), 1.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(cosh(1.0), 1.543080634815244)

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  1. func cot[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the cotangent of x (1/tan(x)). Source Edit

  1. func coth[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the hyperbolic cotangent of x (1/tanh(x)). Source Edit

  1. func csc[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the cosecant of x (1/sin(x)). Source Edit

  1. func csch[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the hyperbolic cosecant of x (1/sinh(x)). Source Edit

  1. func cumsum[T](x: var openArray[T])

Transforms x in-place (must be declared as var) into its cumulative (aka prefix) summation.

See also:


  1. var a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
  2. cumsum(a)
  3. doAssert a == @[1, 3, 6, 10]

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  1. func cumsummed[T](x: openArray[T]): seq[T]

Returns the cumulative (aka prefix) summation of x.

If x is empty, @[] is returned.

See also:


  1. doAssert cumsummed([1, 2, 3, 4]) == @[1, 3, 6, 10]

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  1. func degToRad[T: float32 | float64](d: T): T {.inline.}

Converts from degrees to radians.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(degToRad(180.0), PI)

Source Edit

  1. func divmod[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): (T, T) {.inline.}

Specialized instructions for computing both division and modulus. Return structure is: (quotient, remainder)


  1. doAssert divmod(5, 2) == (2, 1)
  2. doAssert divmod(5, -3) == (-1, 2)

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  1. func erf(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "erff", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func erf(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "erf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the error function for x.

Note: Not available for the JS backend.

Source Edit

  1. func erfc(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "erfcf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func erfc(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "erfc", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the complementary error function for x.

Note: Not available for the JS backend.

Source Edit

  1. func euclDiv[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T

Returns euclidean division of x by y.


  1. doAssert euclDiv(13, 3) == 4
  2. doAssert euclDiv(-13, 3) == -5
  3. doAssert euclDiv(13, -3) == -4
  4. doAssert euclDiv(-13, -3) == 5

Source Edit

  1. func euclMod[T: SomeNumber](x, y: T): T

Returns euclidean modulo of x by y. euclMod(x, y) is non-negative.


  1. doAssert euclMod(13, 3) == 1
  2. doAssert euclMod(-13, 3) == 2
  3. doAssert euclMod(13, -3) == 1
  4. doAssert euclMod(-13, -3) == 2

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  1. func exp(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "expf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func exp(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "exp", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the exponential function of x (e^x).

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(exp(1.0), E)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(ln(exp(4.0)), 4.0)
  3. doAssert almostEqual(exp(0.0), 1.0)

Source Edit

  1. func fac(n: int): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the factorial of a non-negative integer n.

See also:


  1. doAssert fac(0) == 1
  2. doAssert fac(4) == 24
  3. doAssert fac(10) == 3628800

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  1. func floor(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "floorf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func floor(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "floor", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the floor function (i.e. the largest integer not greater than x).

See also:


  1. doAssert floor(2.1) == 2.0
  2. doAssert floor(2.9) == 2.0
  3. doAssert floor(-3.5) == -4.0

Source Edit

  1. func floorDiv[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T

Floor division is conceptually defined as floor(x / y).

This is different from the system.div operator, which is defined as trunc(x / y). That is, div rounds towards 0 and floorDiv rounds down.

See also:


  1. doAssert floorDiv( 13, 3) == 4
  2. doAssert floorDiv(-13, 3) == -5
  3. doAssert floorDiv( 13, -3) == -5
  4. doAssert floorDiv(-13, -3) == 4

Source Edit

  1. func floorMod[T: SomeNumber](x, y: T): T

Floor modulo is conceptually defined as x - (floorDiv(x, y) * y).

This func behaves the same as the % operator in Python.

See also:


  1. doAssert floorMod( 13, 3) == 1
  2. doAssert floorMod(-13, 3) == 2
  3. doAssert floorMod( 13, -3) == -2
  4. doAssert floorMod(-13, -3) == -1

Source Edit

  1. func frexp[T: float32 | float64](x: T): tuple[frac: T, exp: int] {.inline.}

Splits x into a normalized fraction frac and an integral power of 2 exp, such that abs(frac) in 0.5..<1 and x == frac * 2 ^ exp, except for special cases shown below.


  1. doAssert frexp(8.0) == (0.5, 4)
  2. doAssert frexp(-8.0) == (-0.5, 4)
  3. doAssert frexp(0.0) == (0.0, 0)
  4. # special cases:
  5. when sizeof(int) == 8:
  6. doAssert frexp(-0.0).frac.signbit # signbit preserved for +-0
  7. doAssert frexp(Inf).frac == Inf # +- Inf preserved
  8. doAssert frexp(NaN).frac.isNaN

Source Edit

  1. func frexp[T: float32 | float64](x: T; exponent: var int): T {.inline.}

Overload of frexp that calls (result, exponent) = frexp(x).


  1. var x: int
  2. doAssert frexp(5.0, x) == 0.625
  3. doAssert x == 3

Source Edit

  1. func gamma(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "tgammaf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func gamma(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "tgamma", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the gamma function for x.

Note: Not available for the JS backend.

See also:

  • lgamma func for the natural logarithm of the gamma function


  1. doAssert almostEqual(gamma(1.0), 1.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(gamma(4.0), 6.0)
  3. doAssert almostEqual(gamma(11.0), 3628800.0)

Source Edit

  1. func gcd(x, y: SomeInteger): SomeInteger

Computes the greatest common (positive) divisor of x and y, using the binary GCD (aka Stein’s) algorithm.

See also:


  1. doAssert gcd(12, 8) == 4
  2. doAssert gcd(17, 63) == 1

Source Edit

  1. func gcd[T](x, y: T): T

Computes the greatest common (positive) divisor of x and y.

Note that for floats, the result cannot always be interpreted as “greatest decimal z such that z*N == x and z*M == y where N and M are positive integers”.

See also:


  1. doAssert gcd(13.5, 9.0) == 4.5

Source Edit

  1. func gcd[T](x: openArray[T]): T

Computes the greatest common (positive) divisor of the elements of x.

See also:

  • gcd func for a version with two arguments


  1. doAssert gcd(@[13.5, 9.0]) == 4.5

Source Edit

  1. func hypot(x, y: float32): float32 {.importc: "hypotf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func hypot(x, y: float64): float64 {.importc: "hypot", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle with x as its base and y as its height. Equivalent to sqrt(x*x + y*y).


  1. doAssert almostEqual(hypot(3.0, 4.0), 5.0)

Source Edit

  1. func isNaN(x: SomeFloat): bool {.inline.}

Returns whether x is a NaN, more efficiently than via classify(x) == fcNan. Works even with --passc:-ffast-math.


  1. doAssert NaN.isNaN
  2. doAssert not Inf.isNaN
  3. doAssert not isNaN(3.1415926)

Source Edit

  1. func isPowerOfTwo(x: int): bool {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Returns true, if x is a power of two, false otherwise.

Zero and negative numbers are not a power of two.

See also:


  1. doAssert isPowerOfTwo(16)
  2. doAssert not isPowerOfTwo(5)
  3. doAssert not isPowerOfTwo(0)
  4. doAssert not isPowerOfTwo(-16)

Source Edit

  1. func lcm[T](x, y: T): T

Computes the least common multiple of x and y.

See also:


  1. doAssert lcm(24, 30) == 120
  2. doAssert lcm(13, 39) == 39

Source Edit

  1. func lcm[T](x: openArray[T]): T

Computes the least common multiple of the elements of x.

See also:

  • lcm func for a version with two arguments


  1. doAssert lcm(@[24, 30]) == 120

Source Edit

  1. func lgamma(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "lgammaf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func lgamma(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "lgamma", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the natural logarithm of the gamma function for x.

Note: Not available for the JS backend.

See also:

Source Edit

  1. func ln(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "logf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func ln(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "log", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the natural logarithm of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(ln(exp(4.0)), 4.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(ln(1.0), 0.0)
  3. doAssert almostEqual(ln(0.0), -Inf)
  4. doAssert ln(-7.0).isNaN

Source Edit

  1. func log[T: SomeFloat](x, base: T): T

Computes the logarithm of x to base base.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(log(9.0, 3.0), 2.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(log(0.0, 2.0), -Inf)
  3. doAssert log(-7.0, 4.0).isNaN
  4. doAssert log(8.0, -2.0).isNaN

Source Edit

  1. func log2(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "log2f", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func log2(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "log2", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the binary logarithm (base 2) of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(log2(8.0), 3.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(log2(1.0), 0.0)
  3. doAssert almostEqual(log2(0.0), -Inf)
  4. doAssert log2(-2.0).isNaN

Source Edit

  1. func log10(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "log10f", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func log10(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "log10", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the common logarithm (base 10) of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(log10(100.0) , 2.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(log10(0.0), -Inf)
  3. doAssert log10(-100.0).isNaN

Source Edit

  1. func `mod`(x, y: float32): float32 {.importc: "fmodf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func `mod`(x, y: float64): float64 {.importc: "fmod", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the modulo operation for float values (the remainder of x divided by y).

See also:


  1. doAssert 6.5 mod 2.5 == 1.5
  2. doAssert -6.5 mod 2.5 == -1.5
  3. doAssert 6.5 mod -2.5 == 1.5
  4. doAssert -6.5 mod -2.5 == -1.5

Source Edit

  1. func nextPowerOfTwo(x: int): int {....raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Returns x rounded up to the nearest power of two.

Zero and negative numbers get rounded up to 1.

See also:


  1. doAssert nextPowerOfTwo(16) == 16
  2. doAssert nextPowerOfTwo(5) == 8
  3. doAssert nextPowerOfTwo(0) == 1
  4. doAssert nextPowerOfTwo(-16) == 1

Source Edit

  1. func pow(x, y: float32): float32 {.importc: "powf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func pow(x, y: float64): float64 {.importc: "pow", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes x raised to the power of y.

To compute the power between integers (e.g. 2^6), use the ^ func.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(pow(100, 1.5), 1000.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(pow(16.0, 0.5), 4.0)

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  1. func prod[T](x: openArray[T]): T

Computes the product of the elements in x.

If x is empty, 1 is returned.

See also:


  1. doAssert prod([1, 2, 3, 4]) == 24
  2. doAssert prod([-4, 3, 5]) == -60

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  1. func radToDeg[T: float32 | float64](d: T): T {.inline.}

Converts from radians to degrees.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(radToDeg(2 * PI), 360.0)

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  1. func round(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "roundf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func round(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "round", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Rounds a float to zero decimal places.

Used internally by the round func when the specified number of places is 0.

See also:


  1. doAssert round(3.4) == 3.0
  2. doAssert round(3.5) == 4.0
  3. doAssert round(4.5) == 5.0

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  1. func round[T: float32 | float64](x: T; places: int): T

Decimal rounding on a binary floating point number.

This function is NOT reliable. Floating point numbers cannot hold non integer decimals precisely. If places is 0 (or omitted), round to the nearest integral value following normal mathematical rounding rules (e.g. round(54.5) -> 55.0). If places is greater than 0, round to the given number of decimal places, e.g. round(54.346, 2) -> 54.350000000000001421…. If places is negative, round to the left of the decimal place, e.g. round(537.345, -1) -> 540.0.


  1. doAssert round(PI, 2) == 3.14
  2. doAssert round(PI, 4) == 3.1416

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  1. func sec[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the secant of x (1/cos(x)). Source Edit

  1. func sech[T: float32 | float64](x: T): T

Computes the hyperbolic secant of x (1/cosh(x)). Source Edit

  1. func sgn[T: SomeNumber](x: T): int {.inline.}

Sign function.


  • -1 for negative numbers and NegInf,
  • 1 for positive numbers and Inf,
  • 0 for positive zero, negative zero and NaN


  1. doAssert sgn(5) == 1
  2. doAssert sgn(0) == 0
  3. doAssert sgn(-4.1) == -1

Source Edit

  1. proc signbit(x: SomeFloat): bool {.inline.}

Returns true if x is negative, false otherwise.


  1. doAssert not signbit(0.0)
  2. doAssert signbit(-0.0)
  3. doAssert signbit(-0.1)
  4. doAssert not signbit(0.1)

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  1. func sin(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "sinf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func sin(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "sin", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the sine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(sin(PI / 6), 0.5)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(sin(degToRad(90.0)), 1.0)

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  1. func sinh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "sinhf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func sinh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "sinh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the hyperbolic sine of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(sinh(0.0), 0.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(sinh(1.0), 1.175201193643801)

Source Edit

  1. func splitDecimal[T: float32 | float64](x: T): tuple[intpart: T, floatpart: T]

Breaks x into an integer and a fractional part.

Returns a tuple containing intpart and floatpart, representing the integer part and the fractional part, respectively.

Both parts have the same sign as x. Analogous to the modf function in C.


  1. doAssert splitDecimal(5.25) == (intpart: 5.0, floatpart: 0.25)
  2. doAssert splitDecimal(-2.73) == (intpart: -2.0, floatpart: -0.73)

Source Edit

  1. func sqrt(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "sqrtf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func sqrt(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "sqrt", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the square root of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(sqrt(4.0), 2.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(sqrt(1.44), 1.2)

Source Edit

  1. func sum[T](x: openArray[T]): T

Computes the sum of the elements in x.

If x is empty, 0 is returned.

See also:


  1. doAssert sum([1, 2, 3, 4]) == 10
  2. doAssert sum([-4, 3, 5]) == 4

Source Edit

  1. func tan(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "tanf", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func tan(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "tan", header: "<math.h>", ...raises: [],
  2. tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the tangent of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(tan(degToRad(45.0)), 1.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(tan(PI / 4), 1.0)

Source Edit

  1. func tanh(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "tanhf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Source Edit

  1. func tanh(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "tanh", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x.

See also:


  1. doAssert almostEqual(tanh(0.0), 0.0)
  2. doAssert almostEqual(tanh(1.0), 0.7615941559557649)

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  1. func trunc(x: float32): float32 {.importc: "truncf", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

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  1. func trunc(x: float64): float64 {.importc: "trunc", header: "<math.h>",
  2. ...raises: [], tags: [], forbids: [].}

Truncates x to the decimal point.

See also:


  1. doAssert trunc(PI) == 3.0
  2. doAssert trunc(-1.85) == -1.0

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