For loop macro
A macro that takes as its only input parameter an expression of the special type system.ForLoopStmt can rewrite the entirety of a for loop:
import macros
macro enumerate(x: ForLoopStmt): untyped =
expectKind x, nnkForStmt
# check if the starting count is specified:
var countStart = if x[^2].len == 2: newLit(0) else: x[^2][1]
result = newStmtList()
# we strip off the first for loop variable and use it as an integer counter:
result.add newVarStmt(x[0], countStart)
var body = x[^1]
if body.kind != nnkStmtList:
body = newTree(nnkStmtList, body)
body.add newCall(bindSym"inc", x[0])
var newFor = newTree(nnkForStmt)
for i in 1..x.len-3:
newFor.add x[i]
# transform enumerate(X) to 'X'
newFor.add x[^2][^1]
newFor.add body
result.add newFor
# now wrap the whole macro in a block to create a new scope
result = quote do:
block: `result`
for a, b in enumerate(items([1, 2, 3])):
echo a, " ", b
# without wrapping the macro in a block, we'd need to choose different
# names for `a` and `b` here to avoid redefinition errors
for a, b in enumerate(10, [1, 2, 3, 5]):
echo a, " ", b
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