CDN Support with Asset Prefix

Attention: Deploying to Vercel automatically configures a global CDN for your Next.js project. You do not need to manually setup an Asset Prefix.

Note: Next.js 9.5+ added support for a customizable Base Path, which is better suited for hosting your application on a sub-path like /docs. We do not suggest you use a custom Asset Prefix for this use case.

To set up a CDN, you can set up an asset prefix and configure your CDN’s origin to resolve to the domain that Next.js is hosted on.

Open next.config.js and add the assetPrefix config:

  1. const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
  2. module.exports = {
  3. // Use the CDN in production and localhost for development.
  4. assetPrefix: isProd ? '' : '',
  5. }

Next.js will automatically use your asset prefix for the JavaScript and CSS files it loads from the /_next/ path (.next/static/ folder).

Asset prefix support does not influence the following paths:

  • Files in the public folder; if you want to serve those assets over a CDN, you’ll have to introduce the prefix yourself
  • /_next/data/ requests for getServerSideProps pages. These requests will always be made against the main domain since they’re not static.
  • /_next/data/ requests for getStaticProps pages. These requests will always be made against the main domain to support Incremental Static Generation, even if you’re not using it (for consistency).



Introduction to next.config.js

Learn more about the configuration file used by Next.js.]($


Static File Serving

Serve static files, like images, in the public directory.]($