This is a deprecation roadmap which lists all current deprecation targets and will be updated from release to release. This lists the year when a specific method or class will be removed.
Deprecations on interfaces also affect the implementing classes!
- OCP\App::setActiveNavigationEntry has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\INavigationManager
- OCP\BackgroundJob::registerJob has been deprecated in favour of OCP\BackgroundJob\IJobList
- OCP\Contacts functions has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\Contacts\IManager
- OCP\DB functions have been deprecated in favour of the ones in \OCP\IDBConnection
- OCP\Files::tmpFile has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\ITempManager::getTemporaryFile
- OCP\Files::tmpFolder has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\ITempManager::getTemporaryFolder
- \OCP\IServerContainer::getDb has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\IServerContainer::getDatabaseConnection
- \OCP\IServerContainer::getHTTPHelper has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\Http\Client\IClientService
- Legacy applications not using the AppFramework are now likely to use the deprecated OCP\JSON and OCP\Response code:
- \OCP\JSON has been completely deprecated in favour of the AppFramework. Developers shall use the AppFramework instead of using the legacy OCP\JSON code. This allows testable controllers and is highly encouraged.
- \OCP\Response has been completely deprecated in favour of the AppFramework. Developers shall use the AppFramework instead of using the legacy OCP\JSON code. This allows testable controllers and is highly encouraged.
- Diverse OCP\Users function got deprecated in favour of OCP\IUserManager:
- OCP\Users::getUsers has been deprecated in favour of OCP\IUserManager::search
- OCP\Users::getDisplayName has been deprecated in favour of OCP\IUserManager::getDisplayName
- OCP\Users::getDisplayNames has been deprecated in favour of OCP\IUserManager::searchDisplayName
- OCP\Users::userExists has been deprecated in favour of OCP\IUserManager::userExists
- Various static OCP\Util functions have been deprecated:
- OCP\Util::linkToRoute has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\IURLGenerator::linkToRoute
- OCP\Util::linkTo has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\IURLGenerator::linkTo
- OCP\Util::imagePath has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\IURLGenerator::imagePath
- OCP\Util::isValidPath has been deprecated in favour of \OCP\IURLGenerator::imagePath
- OCP\AppFramework\IAppContainer: methods getCoreApi and log
- OCP\AppFramework\IApi: full class
- OCP\IDb: This interface and the implementing classes will be removed in favor of OCP\IDbConnection. Various layers in between have also been removed to be consistent with the PDO classes. This leads to the following changes:
- Replace all calls on the db using getInsertId with lastInsertId
- Replace all calls on the db using prepareQuery with prepare
- The __construct method of OCP\AppFramework\Db\Mapper no longer requires an instance of OCP\IDb but an instance of OCP\IDbConnection
- The execute method on OCP\AppFramework\Db\Mapper no longer returns an instance of OC_DB_StatementWrapper but an instance of PDOStatement
- The following methods have been moved into the OCP\Template::<method> class instead of being namespaced directly:
- OCP\image_path
- OCP\mimetype_icon
- OCP\preview_icon
- OCP\publicPreview_icon
- OCP\human_file_size
- OCP\relative_modified_date
- OCP\html_select_options
- OCP\simple_file_size has been deprecated in favour of OCP\Template::human_file_size
- The OCP\PERMISSION_<permission> and OCP\FILENAME_INVALID_CHARS have been moved to OCP\Constants::<old name>
- The OC_GROUP_BACKEND_<method> and OC_USER_BACKEND_<method> have been moved to OC_Group_Backend::<method> and OC_User_Backend::<method> respectively
- OCP\AppFramework\Controller: methods params, getParams, method, getUploadedFile, env, cookie, render