Navigation and pre-app configuration

Adding a navigation entry

Navigation entries for apps can be created by adding a navigation section to the appinfo/info.xml file, containing the name, order and route the navigation entry should link to. For details on the XML schema check the app store documentation.

  1. <navigation>
  2. <name>MyApp</name>
  3. <route></route>
  4. <order>0</order>
  5. </navigation>

Initialization events

Often apps do not need to load their JavaScript and CSS on every page. For this purpose there are several events emitted that an app can act upon.

  • OCA\Files::loadAdditionalScripts (string): loaded on the files list page
  • OCA\Files_Sharing::loadAdditionalScripts (string): loaded on the public sharing page
  • OCA\Files_Sharing::loadAdditionalScripts::publicShareAuth (string): loaded on the public share authentication page
  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS (constant): loaded when a template response is finished
  • OCP\AppFramework\Http\TemplateResponse::EVENT_LOAD_ADDITIONAL_SCRIPTS_LOGGEDIN (constant): loaded when a template response is finished for a logged in user

You can subscribe listeners to these events in the bootstrapping code of the app. See the events documentation for more details on the event dispatcher and available events.