Module Setting

This document introduces how to setup parameter and data tag point information in configuration for northbound applications and southbound drivers.


uint16 corresponds to the word type. uint32 corresponds to dword type.


The data collected from the device can be transmitted to the mqtt broker through mqtt application, and instructions can be sent to neuron through mqtt application.

Parameter Setting

client-idMQTT client id for communication, required. (default to node name)
upload-topicSubscription data reporting topic, required
formatThe json format selection of the reported data, required, there are values mode and tags mode, the default is values mode
cache-mem-sizeIn-memory cache limit (MB) in case of communication failure, required. Range in [0, 1024], default 0. Should not be larger than cache-disk-size.
cache-disk-sizeIn-disk cache limit (MB) in case of communication failure, required. Range in [0, 10240], default 0. If nonzero, cache-mem-size should also be nonzero.
hostMQTT Broker host, required
portMQTT Broker port number, required
usernameUsername to use when connecting to the broker, optional
passwordThe password to use when connecting to the broker, optional
sslWhether to enable mqtt ssl, default false
caca file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, in which case it is required
certcert file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional
keykey file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional
keypasskey file password, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional


The modbus protocol includes three drivers: modbus RTU, modbus tcp, and modbus RTU over TCP.Except for the device configuration, the three protocols support the same data types and address formats.

Modbus TCP / Modbus RTU over TCP Parameter Setting

connection modeThe way the driver connects to the device, the default is client, which means that the neuron driver is used as the client
hostWhen neuron is used as a client, host means the ip of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the ip used by neuron locally, and can be filled in by default
portWhen neuron is used as client, port means the tcp port of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the tcp port used by neuron locally. default 502
timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device

Modbus RTU Parameter Setting

deviceUse a serial device, e.g.”/dev/ttyUSB0”
stopstopbits, default 1
parityparity bit, default 2, which means even parity
baudbaudrate, default 9600
databytesize, default 8
timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • INT32
  • UINT16
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Address Format



Required, Slave is the slave address or site number.


Required, Address is the register address.The Modbus protocol has four areas, each area has a maximum of 65536 registers, and the address range of each area is shown in the table below. It should be noted that the storage area as large as 65536 is generally not required in practical applications. Generally, PLC manufacturers generally use an address range within 10000. Please pay attention to fill in the correct point address according to the area and function code of the device.

coil000001 ~ 065536read/write1bit0x1,0x5,0x0fbit
input100001 ~ 165536read1bit0x2bit
input register300001 ~ 365536read16bit0x4bit,int16,uint16,int32,uint32,float,string
hold register400001 ~ 465536read/write16bit0x3,0x6,0x10bit,int16,uint16,int32,uint32,float,string


Some device documents use function codes and register addresses to describe instructions. Because register address numbers start from 0, the register address range for each region is 0 to 65535. First, determine the highest digit of the address according to the function code, and add 1 to the register address as the address of Neuron.

example, function is 0x03, and register address is 0, then address used by neuron is 400001. function is 0x02, and register address is 5, then address used by neuron is 100006.


Optional, a bit of a register address, for example:

AddressData TypeDescription
1!300004.0bitRefers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, bit 0
1!400010.4bitRefers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400010, bit 4
2!400001.15bitRefers to station number 2, hold register area, address 400001, bit 15


Optional, endianness, applicable to int16/uint16/int32/uint32/float data types, see the table below for details.

SymbolendiannessData TypeRemark
#L1,2int16/uint16Leave blank, default byte order
#LL1,2,3,4int32/uint32/floatLeave blank, default byte order


AddressData TypeDescription
1!300004int16Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #L
1!300004#Bint16Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #B
1!300004#Luint16Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #L
1!400004int16Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #L
1!400004#Lint16Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #L
1!400004#Buint16Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #B
1!300004int32Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #LL
1!300004#BBuint32Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #BB
1!300004#LBuint32Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #LB
1!300004#BLfloatRefers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #BL
1!300004#LLint32Refers to station number 1, input area, address 300004, endianness is #LL
1!400004int32Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #LL
1!400004#LBuint32Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #LB
1!400004#BBuint32Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #BB
1!400004#LLint32Refers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #LL
1!400004#BLfloatRefers to station number 1, hold register area, address 400004, endianness is #BL


When the data type is string type, .LEN is a required, indicating the length of bytes that the string needs to occupy. Each register contains H, L, D and E four storage methods, as shown in the table below.

HA register stores two bytes, the high byte is in front of the low byte
LA register stores two bytes, the low byte is in front of the high byte
DA register stores one byte, and is stored in the low byte
EA register stores one byte, and is stored in the high byte


AddressData TypeDescription
1!300001.10StringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 300001, the string length is 10, and endianness is L, the occupied address is 300001-300005
1!300001.10HStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 300001, the string length is 10, and endianness is H, the occupied address is 300001-300005
1!300001.10LStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 300001, the string length is 10, and endianness is L, the occupied address is 300001-300005
1!400001.10StringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 400001, the string length is 10, and endianness is L, the occupied address is 400001-400005
1!400001.10HStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 400001, the string length is 10, and endianness is H, the occupied address is400001 ~ 400005
1!400001.10LStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 400001, the string length is 10, and endianness is L, the occupied address is 400001-400005
1!400001.10DStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 400001, the string length is 10, and endianness is D, the occupied address is 400001-400010
1!400001.10EStringRefers to station number is 1, input area, the address is 400001, the string length is 10, and endianness is E, the occupied address is 400001-400010


Parameter Setting

endpoint urlThe address of the remote access plc, the default value is opc.tcp://
usernameThe user used when connecting to plc
passwordThe password used when connecting to plc
certThe certificate to provide login user authentication
keyThe private key to provide signature and encrypted transmissions

Authentication mode:

  • anonymos, requires OPCUA server to enable anonymous login;
  • username-password, The OPCUA server needs to create a username with access permission. Neuron will automatically match the security Settings of OPCUA server and try to log in.
  • cert-key + anonymos, which requires OPCUA server to enable appropriate security settings and set certificates, and enable anonymous login;
  • cert-key + username-password, the OPCUA server must have created a username with access permission, and enable appropriate security Settings and set the certificate;

Certificate Setting

OPCUA can login to OPC-UA server by user self-signed certificate, certificate and key must meet the following conditions.

  • CERTIFICATE and KEYFILE must be set at the same time
  • Certificate must be generated by X.509v3 standard
  • The SAN field of the Certficate must contain, with the “xxx” part being a custom part
  • Certificate file and key file must be encoded with DER format

The certificate file can be imported into the target server in advance and set as trust, or it can be set by neuron and submitted automatically and then set as trust by the server.

Certificate generation steps(Windows/Linux/Mac):

  1. $openssl req -config localhost.cnf -new -nodes -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhost.key -days 365 -subj "/C=DE/O=neuron/CN=NeuronClient@localhost" -out localhost.crt
  2. $openssl x509 -in localhost.crt -outform der -out client_cert.der
  3. $openssl rsa -inform PEM -in localhost.key -outform DER -out client_key.der
  4. $rm localhost.crt
  5. $rm localhost.key

The *.cnf file specified by -config can be modified using the template file for opensslModule Setting - 图1 (opens new window) to be modified to include the following configuration section:

  1. [ v3_req ]
  2. # Extensions to add to a certificate request
  3. basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
  4. keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
  5. subjectAltName = @alt_names
  6. [ alt_names ]
  7. URI.1 =
  8. DNS.1 = localhost
  9. #DNS.2 = localhost
  10. IP.1 =
  11. #IP.2 =

-days can set the value as desired.

Certificate conversion

You can convert PEM certificate and private key to DER format by following steps and commands

  1. Save all the contents including “——-BEGIN CERTIFICATE——-“ and “——-END CERTIFICATE——-“ as 1.crt;
  2. Save all the contents including “——-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY——-“ and “——-END PRIVATE KEY——-“ as 1.key;
  3. Execute the following command:
  1. openssl x509 -in 1.crt -outform der -out cert.der
  2. openssl rsa -inform PEM -in 1.key -outform DER -out key.der

Support Data Type

  • INT8 (OPCUA SBYTE type)
  • INT16
  • INT32
  • INT64
  • UINT8 (OPCUA BYTE type)
  • UINT16
  • UINT32 (also used to represent DATETIME types)
  • UINT64
  • BOOL

Addresses Format


IX is the namespace index.

NODEID is the node id.


AddressData TypeDescription
0!2258UINT32Get the timestamp of the OPCUA server using the NODEID of the numeric type. NS is 0, and NODEID is 2258
2!Device1.Module1.Tag1INT8Get a data point of type SBYTE using a NODEID of type string. NS is 2, and NODEID is Device1.module1.tag1


Please refer to OPC UA standard for the explanation of namespace index and node id.

The data type set by Neuron must match the OPCUA data type.

Siemens S7 ISOTCP

The s7comm plugin is used for Siemens PLCs with network port, such as s7-200/300/400/1200/1500.

Parameter Setting

hostremote plc ip
portremote plc port, default 102
rackplc rack number, default 0
slotplc cpu slot, default 1


When using the S7COMM plugin to access the S7 1200/1500 PLC, you need to use Siemens software(TIA16) to make some settings for the PLC.( For detailed settings, please refer to plc-settings. )

  • The optimized block access must be turned off.
  • The access level must be “full” and the “connection mechanism” must allow GET/PUT.

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Address Format



Iint16/uint16/bitreadinputInput I、E
Oint16/uint16/bitread/writeoutputOutput Q、A
Fint16/uint16/bitread/writeflagFLAG Memory M
Tint16/uint16read/writetimerTimer T
Cint16/uint16read/writecounterCounter C
DBint16/uint16/bit/int32/uint32/float/double/stringread/writeglobal DB blockVariable Memory V, DB index 1


AddressData TypeDescription
I0int16I area, address is 0
I1uint16I area, address is 1
O2int16O area, address is 2
O3uint16O area, address is 3
F4int16F area, address is 0
F5int16F area, address is 0
T6int16T area, address is 0
T7int16T area, address is 0
C8uint16C area, address is 0
C9uint16C area, address is 0
DB10.DBW10int16In a data block of 10 , the starting data word is 10
DB12.DBW10uint16In a data block of 12 , the starting data word is 10
DB10.DBW10floatIn a data block of 10 , the starting data word is 10
DB11.DBW10doubleIn a data block of 11 , the starting data word is 10


Optional, referring to a bit of an address.


AddressData TypeDescription
I0.0bitI area, address 0, bit 0
I0.1bitI area, address 0, bit 1
O1.0bitO area, address 1, bit 0
O1.2bitO area, address 1, bit 2
F2.1bitF area, address 2, bit 1
F2.2bitF area, address 2, bit 2
T3.3bitT area, address 3, bit 3
T3.4bitT area, address 3, bit 4
C4.5bitC area, address 4, bit 5
C4.6bitC area, address 4, bit 6
DB1.DBW10.1bitIn a data block of 1 , the starting data word is 10, bit 0
DB2.DBW1.15bitIn a data block of 2 , the starting data word is 1, bit 15


When the data type is a string type, it is required and indicates the length of the string.


AddressData TypeDescription
DB1.DBW12.20stringIn a data block of 1 , the starting data word is 12, string length is 20


The fins plugin is used for Omron PLCs with network port, such as CP2E.

Parameter Setting

hostremote plc ip
portremote plc port, default 9600 |

Support Data Type

  • UINT8
  • INT8
  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Address Format



CIOAll types except uint8/int8read/writeCIO Area
AAll types except uint8/int8readAuxiliary Area
WAll types except uint8/int8read/writeWork Area
HAll types except uint8/int8read/writeHolding Area
DAll types except uint8/int8read/writeData Memory Area
PAll types except uint8/int8, but bit only supports readread/writePVs
Fint8/uint8readFlag Area
EMAll types except uint8/int8read/writeExtended Memory


AddressData TypeDescription
F0uint8F area, address is 0
F1int8F area, address is 1
CIO1int16CIO area, address is 1
CIO2uint16CIO area, address is 2
A2int32A area, address is 2
A4uint32A area, address is 4
W5floatW area, address is 5
W10floatW area, address is 10
H20doubleH area, address is 20
H30uint32H area, address is 30
D10int32D area, address is 10
D20floatD area, address is 20
EM10W100floatEM10 area, address is 100


Optional, referring to a bit of an address.


AddressData TypeDescription
CIO0.0bitCIO area, address is 0, bit 0
CIO1.2bitCIO area, address is 1, bit 2
A2.1bitA area, address is 2, bit 1
A2.3bitA area, address is 2, bit 3
W3.4bitW area, address is 3, bit 4
W3.0bitW area, address is 3, bit 0
H4.15bitH area, address is 4, bit 15
H4.10bitH area, address is 4, bit 10
D5.2bitD area, address is 5, bit 2
D5.3bitD area, address is 5, bit 3
EM10W100.0bitEM10 area, address is 100, bit 0


When the data type is string type, it is a required, .LEN indicates the length of the string, including H and L two endianness, the default is H .


AddressData TypeDescription
CIO0.20stringCIO area, address 0, the string length is 20 bytes and the endianness is L
CIO1.20HstringCIO area, address 1, the string length is 20 bytes and the endianness is H
A2.10LstringA area, address 2, the string length is 10 bytes and the endianness is L
A2.30stringA area, address 2, the string length is 30 bytes and the endianness is L
W3.40HstringW area, address 3, the string length is 40 bytes and the endianness is H
W3.10stringW area, address 3, the string length is 10 bytes and the endianness is L
H4.15LstringH area, address 4, the string length is 15 bytes and the endianness is L
H4.10stringH area, address 4, the string length is 10 bytes and the endianness is L
D5.20HstringD area, address 5, the string length is 20 bytes and the endianness is H
D5.30stringD area, address 5, the string length is 30 bytes and the endianness is L
EM10.10stringEM area, address 10, the string length is 10 bytes and the endianness is L

Mitsubishi MELSEC QnA3E

The qna3e plugin is used to access Mitsubishi’s QnA compatible PLCs via Ethernet, including Q series (MC), iQ-F series (SLMP) and iQ-L series.

Parameter Setting

hostremote plc ip
portremote plc port, default 2000

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Address Format



Xbitread/writeInput relay (Q/iQ-F)
Ybitread/writeOutput relay (Q/iQ-F)
Bbitread/writeLink relay (Q/iQ-F)
SBbitread/writeLink special relay
Mbitread/writeInternal relay (Q/iQ-F)
SMbitread/writeSpecial relay (Q/iQ-F)
Lbitread/writeLatch relay (Q/iQ-F)
Fbitread/writeAnnunciator (Q/iQ-F)
Vbitread/writeEdge relay (Q/iQ-F)
TSbitread/writeTimer Contact (Q/iQ-F)
TCbitread/writeTimer Coil (Q/iQ-F)
STSbitread/writeRetentive timer Contact (Q/iQ-F)
CSbitread/writeCounter Contact (Q/iQ-F)
CCbitread/writeCounter Coil (Q/iQ-F)
TNallread/writeTimer Current value (Q/iQ-F)
STNallread/writeRetentive timer (Q/iQ-F)
CNallread/writeCounter Current value (Q/iQ-F)
Dallread/writeData register (Q/iQ-F)
SDallread/writeSpecical register (Q/iQ-F)
Wallread/writeLink register (Q/iQ-F)
SWallread/writeLink special register (Q/iQ-F)
Rallread/writeFile register (Q/iQ-F)
ZRallread/writeFile register (Q/iQ-F)
Zallread/writeIndex register (Q/iQ-F)


AddressData TypeDescription
X0bitX area, address is 0
X1bitX area, address is 1
Y0bitY area, address is 0
Y1bitY area, address is 1
D100int16D area, address is 100
D1000uint16D area, address is 1000
D200uint32D area, address is 200
D10floatD area, address is 10
D20doubleD area, address is 20


It can only be used in non-bit type area, which means to read the specified bit of the specified address, and the binary bit index range is [0, 15].

AddressData TypeDescription
D20.0bitD area, address is 20, bit 0
D20.2bitD area, address is 20, bit 2


When the data type is string, .LEN indicates the length of the string; H and L can be optional to indicate two byte orders, the default is H byte order.


AddressData TypeDescription
D1002.16LstringD area, address is 1002, string length is 16, endianness is L
D1003.16stringD area, address is 1003, string length is 16, endianness is H

IEC 60870-5-104

Parameter Setting

hostdevice ip
portdevice port, default 2404
cacommon address
intervalstation interrogation interval

Support Data Type

  • uint16
  • int16
  • float
  • bit
  • int8
  • uint8

Address Format




Parameter Setting

hostKNXnet/IP device ip, default
portKNXnet/IP device port, default 3671

Note that setting with the multicast address normally requires that the KNXnet/IP device and Neuron are in the same sub network.

Due to the way how KNXnet/IP protocol works, the KNX plugin may not be able to work correctly if Neuron is installed using some virtualisation technology such as virtual machines or docker. In a Linux host with docker, using the docker option --net=host is required. In other cases, we recommend that you install Neuron using binary packages.

Support Data Type

  • bit
  • bool
  • int8
  • uint8
  • int16
  • uint16
  • float

Address Format


Represents a KNX individual address that is a member of the group address. When reading the KNX plugin sends a GroupValueRead tunnelling request using the specified group address, and updates the tag value upon receiving a GroupValueResp matching the specified individual address. When writing the KNX plugin sends a GroupValueWrite tunnelling request using the specified group address.


0/0/1,1.1.1 represents a KNX individual address 1.1.1 that is a member of the group address 0/0/1.


Same as above, but for uint8 values with fewer than 8 bits, such as KNX data point types B2 and B1U3, etc. BIT represents the number of bits.


0/0/1,1.1.1,2 represents a KNX individual address 1.1.1 that is a member of the group address 0/0/1, the data is of 2 bit.


Parameter Setting

hostBACnet device ip
portBACnet device port, default 47808

Support Data Type

  • float
  • bit

Address Format


AI0 - 0x3fffffreadfloatanalog input
AO0 - 0x3fffffread/writefloatanalog output
AV0 - 0x3fffffread/writefloatanalog value
BI0 - 0x3fffffreadbitbinary input
BO0 - 0x3fffffread/writebitbinary output
BV0 - 0x3fffffread/writebitbinary value
MSI0 - 0x3fffffreadbitmulti state input
MSO0 - 0x3fffffread/writebitmulti state output
MSV0 - 0x3fffffread/writebitmulti state value


AddressData TypeDescription
AI0floatAI area, address is 0
AI1floatAI area, address is 1
BO10floatBO area, address is 10
BO20floatBO area, address is 20
AV30floatAV area, address is 30
BI0bitBI area, address is 0
BI1bitBI area, address is 1
BV3bitBV area, address is 3
MSI10bitMAI area, address is 10
MSI20bitMSI area, address is 20
MSI30bitMSI area, address is 30


The dlt645 protocol supports serial and tcp connection.

Parameter Setting


timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device
intevalread instruction interval(ms)
deviceUse a serial device, e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0
stopstopbits, default 1
parityparity bit, default 2, which means even parity
baudbaudrate, default 9600
databytesize, default 8


timeoutTimeout for sending requests to the device
intevalread instruction interval(ms)
hostWhen neuron is used as a client, host means the ip of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the ip used by neuron locally, and can be filled in by default
portWhen neuron is used as client, port means the tcp port of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the tcp port used by neuron locally
connection modeThe way the driver connects to the device, the default is client, which means that the neuron driver is used as the client

Supported data types

  • UIN8
  • UINT16
  • UINT32
  • UIN64

Address format


  • mail_address represents the mailing address of the meter.
  • DI3-DI2-DI1-DI0 represents the data identification, and all points only support read attributes, and expressed in hexadecimal.

E.g 123456789012#02-01-01-00, represents the value of the A-phase voltage of the meter device with the mailing address 123456789012.


Support a node to configure multiple mailing addresses, that is a single serial port multi-device connection.

Please refer to the DL/T645-2007 industry standard data coding table for the specific data item name corresponding to the data identifier.

  • The data length is 1, and the data type is UINT8.
  • The data length is 2, and the data type is UINT16.
  • The data length is 3 or 4, and the data type is UINT32.
  • The data length is 5 or 6 or 7 or 8, and the data type is UINT64.
  • Set the value of Decimal according to the data format, e.g, if the data format is XXX.X, then Decimal is set to 0.1.
DI3DI2DI1DI0DescriptionType of dataDecimal valueExample
0000 ~ 0A00 ~ 3F00 ~ 0CDI3= 00, representing the electrical energy
DI0, representing the settlement date
UINT640.0100-00-00-00 Representative (current) combined active total energy
00-00-00-01 Representative (last settlement date) combined active total energy
0000 ~ 0CDI3= 00, representing the electrical energy
DI0, representing the settlement date
UINT640.0100-80-00-00 Representative (current) total associated power
00-80-00-01 Representative (last 1 settlement date) associated total power
00-15-00-01 Representative (last 1 settlement date) A-phase positive Active energy
00-15-00-01 represents (last 2 settlement days) A-phase forward active energy
00-29-00-02 represents (last 2 settlement days) B-phase forward active energy
0201 ~ 0901 ~ 0300DI3= 02, representing the variableUINT16
02-01-01-00 Represents A-phase voltage
02-02-01-00 Represents A-phase current
020A ~ 0B01 ~ 0301 ~15DI2= 0A, representing the voltage harmonic content
DI2 = 0B, representing the current harmonic content
DI1, representing A, B, C phase
DI~0~, representing the th order of harmonic content
UINT160.0102-0A-01-01 Represents the 1st harmonic content of A-phase voltage
02-0A-02-02 represents the 2nd harmonic content of B-phase voltage
02-0B-01-01 represents the 1st harmonic content of A-phase current
02-0B-02-02 represents the second harmonic content of phase B current
02800001 ~ 0ADI3= 02, representing the variableUINT160.0102-80-00-01 Represents zero line current
02-80-00-02 Represents grid frequency
040001 ~ 0E01 ~ 0CDI3= 04, representing the parameterUINT8
04-00-01-01 Represents date and time
04-00-01-03 represents maximum demand period
04-00-04-01 represents communication address
04-00-05-01 represents meter running status word 1
0600 ~ 060000 ~ 02DI3= 06, representing the load recordUINT8
006-00-00-00 Represents the oldest recorded block
06-06-00-00 represents the earliest recorded block of class 6 loads


Data collected by Neuron from the device can be transmitted from the edge to the Sparkplug_B application using the Sparkplug_B protocol. Users can also send data modification instructions to Neuron from the application. Sparkplug_B is an application-type protocol that runs on top of MQTT, so the setup in Neuron is similar to the MQTT driver.

Parameter Setting

client-idMQTT client ID, A unique identifier that can represent the edge end, required
group-idThe top-level logical group in Sparkplug_B, which can represent an entity such as a factory or workshop, required
node-idThe unique identifier of the edge node in the Sparkplug_B protocol, required
sslWhether to enable mqtt ssl, default false
hostMQTT Broker host, required
portMQTT Broker port number, required
usernameUsername to use when connecting to the broker, optional
passwordThe password to use when connecting to the broker, optional
caca file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, in which case it is required
certcert file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional
keykey file, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional
keypasskey file password, only enabled when the ssl value is true, optional


The non a11 plugin is used for NON-A11 device.

Parameter Setting

connection modeThe way the driver connects to the device, the default is client, which means that the neuron driver is used as the client
hostWhen neuron is used as a client, host means the ip of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the ip used by neuron locally, and can be filled in by default
portWhen neuron is used as client, port means the tcp port of the remote device. When used as a server, it means the tcp port used by neuron locally.
siteNON-A11 device site number.

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32

Address Format



AddressData TypeDescription
1!10.20stringcommand 1, offset 10, string length 20
12!1uint16/int16command 12, offset 1
20!32uint32/int32/floatcommand 20, offset 32


The ads plugin is used for Beckhoff ADS/AMS devices.

Parameter Setting

hostthe IP of the remote device.
portthe TCP port of the remote device (default 48898).
src-ams-net-idThe AMSNetId of the machine running neuron.
src-ads-portThe AMSPort of the machine running neuron.
dst-ams-net-idThe AMSNetId of the target PLC.
dst-ads-portThe AMSPort of the target PLC.

Note that a ADS route corresponding to the parameter setting should created in the target TC runtime (PLC), so that neuron could correctly communicate with the PLC.

Support Data Type

  • BOOL
  • INT8
  • UINT8
  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • INT64
  • UINT64

Address Format


Both INDEX_GROUP and INDEX_OFFSET could be in decimal or hexadecimal format independently.


AddressData TypeDescription
0x4040,0x7d01cboolindex_group 0x4040, index_offset 0x7d01c
16448,51029uint8index_group 0x4040, index_offset 0x7d01d
0x4040,512896.5stringindex_group 0x4040, index_offset 0x7d380, string length 5


Neuron can indirectly access OPCDA servers running on Windows operating systems through the external auxiliary program neuopc.exe. neuopc converts the DA protocol to the UA protocol, and then obtains data through Neuron’s existing opcua driver. All accessible points of DA are mapped to the “namespace 2” of UA, and the ID of the point is kept with DA. unanimous.

Parameter Setting

The component package of neuopc can be downloaded from the project pageModule Setting - 图2 (opens new window) of neuopc (neuopc is an open source project under the GPL agreement). Refer to neuopc operating environment settings for system configuration of installation and remote connection.

Module Setting - 图3

neuopc setting

DA HostNeed to connect to the target host ID, which can be the target IP or Hostname, and this machine can not be set
DA ServerThe name of the DA server, such as “Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1”, after filling in the DA Host, you can click the drop-down button to try to get the Server list
UA PortThe listening port setting of the UA server, the default 48401
UA UserAuthorized access user name of UA server, default admin
UA PasswordAccess password of UA server, default 123456


  1. Fill in DA Host, you can fill in IP or Hostname, if you don’t fill in, it defaults to this machine;
  2. Try to click the drop-down button of DA Server, you can try to get the DA Server list of the target Host, if the drop-down is empty, it means that no DA Server on the target host can be detected;
  3. Click the Connect button. After the server is successfully connected, all available measuring point information of the current DA Server will be displayed, and the connection information of the current server will appear in the status bar, as shown in Figure 8;
  4. Set UA Port;
  5. Set UA User;
  6. Set UA Password;
  7. Click the Run button. After the UA server starts, all the measuring points in the list will be mapped to the NeuOPC directory of the UA Server. The UA namespace of all measuring points is 2. At this time, the related setting items of UA will become unavailable. ;
  8. Double-click the Name column of the neuopc measuring point list to copy the corresponding measuring point name to the clipboard, and then paste it in the neuron tag form.

Neuron opcua connection configuration

endpoint urlThe access address of neuopc, the default is opc.tcp://
usernameAuthorized username for neuopc
passwordAccess password for neuopc


  1. Add an opcua device in neuron southbound device management;
  2. Modify the endpoint url in the device configuration to the UA Server address of neuopc;
  3. Fill in the Username in the device configuration, which is consistent with the setting in neuopc;
  4. Fill in the Password in the device configuration, which is the same as that set in neuopc;
  5. Submit the setup form directly without filling in the Cert and Key.

Support Data Type

  • INT8(OPCUA SBYTE type)
  • INT16
  • INT32
  • INT64
  • UINT8(OPCUA BYTE type)
  • UINT16
  • UINT32(also used to represent DATETIME types)
  • UINT64
  • BOOL

Address Format


IX Namespace index, IX can only be 2 when accessing neuopc.

NODEID Node ID, consistent with the string in the UA server.


AddressData TypeDescription
1!Bucket Brigade.UInt2UINT16Get a datatag of type UINT16; NS is 2, NODEID is Bucket Brigade.UInt2


Support arch: amd64, armv7

Parameter Setting

hostdevice ip address
portdevice port, default 8193
timeoutconnection timeout, default 3000ms

Support Data Type

  • uint8
  • int8
  • uint16
  • int16
  • uint32
  • int32
  • uint64
  • int64
  • float
  • double
  • bit
  • string

CNC Data

tag addressdescriptiondata typeparameter
actfactual feed rateint64/uint64-
absoluteabsolute position data of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
machinemachine position data of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
relativerelative position data of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
distancedistance to go of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
actsactual rotational speed of the spindleint64/uint64-
skipskipped position of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
srvdelayservo delay amount of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
accdecdlyacceleration/deceration delay amount of axisint64/uint64axis number(.n)
spcss_srpmconverted spindle speedint64/uint64-
spcss_sspmspecified surface speedint64/uint64-
spcss_smaxclamp of maxmum spindle speedint64/uint64-
movrlap_inputinput overlapped motion valueint64/uint64axis number(.n)
movrlap_outputoutput overlapped motion valueint64/uint64axis number(.n)
sploadload information of the serial spindleint32/uint32spindle number(.n)
spmaxrpmmaximum r.p.m ratio of serial spindleint32/uint32spindle number(.n)
spgeargear ratio of the serial spindleint32/uint32spindle number(.n)

CNC address example

actfread actual feed rate
absolute.1read absolute position of no.1 axis
machine.3read machine position of no.3 axis
spload.1read load information of no.1 spindle
spmaxrpm.3read maximum r.p.m ratio of no.3 spindle

PMC Data

tag addressdescriptiondata typeaccess
Amessage demandallread/write
Ddata tableallread/write
Eextended relayallread/write
Fsignal to CNC -> PMCallread
Gsignal to PMC -> CNCallread/write
Kkeep relayallread/write
Minput signal from other deviceallread/write
Noutput signal from other deviceallread/write
Rinternal relayallread/write
Tchangeable timerallread/write
Xsignal to machine -> PMCallread
Ysignal to PMC -> machineallread/write

PMC address example

addressdata typedescrption
A0uint8/int8/uint16/int16/uint32/int32/int64/uint64/float/doublePMC message demand,address 0
A0.1bitPMC message demand ,no.1 bit of address 0
A0.0bitPMC message demand ,no.0 bit of address 0
A0.2stringPMC message demand ,address 0 starts with a string of length 2
D0.2stringPMC data table ,address 0 starts with a string of length 2
D0.7bitPMC data table ,no.7 bit of address 0

Mitsubishi MELSEC A1E

The a1e plug-in is used to access Mitsubishi’s A series, FX3U, FX3G, iQ-F series PLCs via Ethernet, iQ-F requires a specific firmware version.

Parameter Setting

hostremote plc ip
portremote plc port, default 2000

Support Data Type

  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • BIT

Address Format



Xbitread/writeInput relay (FX3/iQ-F)
Ybitread/writeOutput relay (FX3/iQ-F)
Mbitread/writeInternal relay (FX3/iQ-F)
Lbitread/writeLatch relay (FX3/iQ-F)
Fbitread/writeAnnunciator (FX3/iQ-F)
Bbitread/writeLink relay (FX3/iQ-F)
SBbitread/writeLink special relay (FX3/iQ-F)
Dallread/writeData register (FX3/iQ-F)
Wallread/writeLink register (FX3/iQ-F)
TSbitread/writeTimer Contact (FX3/iQ-F)
TCbitread/writeTimer Coil (FX3/iQ-F)
TNallread/writeTimer Current value (FX3/iQ-F)
STSbitread/writeRetentive timer Contact (FX3/iQ-F)
STCbitread/writeRetentive timer Coil (FX3/iQ-F)
STNallread/writeRetentive timer (FX3/iQ-F)
CSbitread/writeCounter Contact (FX3/iQ-F)
CCbitread/writeCounter Coil (FX3/iQ-F)
CNallread/writeCounter Current value (FX3/iQ-F)
LCSbitread/writeLong Counter Contact (FX3/iQ-F)
LCCbitread/writeLong Counter Coil (FX3/iQ-F)
LCNallread/writeLong Counter Current value (FX3/iQ-F)
SBbitread/writeLink special relay (FX3/iQ-F)
SWallread/writeLink special register (FX3/iQ-F)
SMbitread/writeSpecial relay (FX3/iQ-F)
SDallread/writeSpecical register (FX3/iQ-F)
Zallread/writeIndex register (FX3/iQ-F)
LZallread/writeLong Index register (FX3/iQ-F)
DXbitread/writeLink input (FX3/iQ-F)
DYbitread/writeLink output(FX3/iQ-F)
Rallread/writeFile register (FX3/iQ-F)


AddressData TypeDescription
X0bitX area, address is 0
X1bitX area, address is 1
Y0bitY area, address is 0
Y1bitY area, address is 1
D100int16D area, address is 100
D1000uint16D area, address is 1000
D200uint32D area, address is 200
D10floatD area, address is 10
D20doubleD area, address is 20


It can only be used in non-bit type area, which means to read the specified bit of the specified address, and the binary bit index range is [0, 15].

AddressData TypeDescription
D20.0bitD area, address is 20, bit 0
D20.2bitD area, address is 20, bit 2


When the data type is string, .LEN indicates the length of the string; H and L can be optional to indicate two byte orders, the default is H byte order.


AddressData TypeDescription
D1002.16LstringD area, address is 1002, string length is 16, endianness is L
D1003.16stringD area, address is 1003, string length is 16, endianness is H


Parameter Setting

hostdevice ip
portdevice port, default 44818
slotcpu slot, default 0

Data Type

  • INT8
  • UINT8
  • INT16
  • UINT16
  • INT32
  • UINT32
  • INT64
  • UINT64
  • BOOL
  • BIT
  • WORD

Address Format