
NATS account configurations are built using the nsc tool. The NSC tool allows you to:

  • Create and edit Operators, Accounts, Users
  • Manage publish and subscribe permissions for Users
  • Define Service and Stream exports from an account
  • Reference Service and Streams from another account
  • Generate Activation tokens that grants access to a private service or stream
  • Generate User credential files
  • Describe Operators, Accounts, Users, and Activations
  • Push and pull account JWTs to an account JWTs server


Installing nsc is easy:

  1. curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nats-io/nsc/master/install.py | python

The script will download the latest version of nsc and install it into your system.

In case NSC is not initialized already do nsc init

Output of tree -L 2 nsc/

  1. nsc/
  2. ├── accounts
  3. ├── nats
  4. └── nsc.json
  5. └── nkeys
  6. ├── creds
  7. └── keys
  8. 5 directories, 1 file

IMPORTANT: nsc version 2.2.0 has been released. This version of nsc only supports nats-server v2.2.0 and nats-account-server v1.0.0. For more information please refer to the nsc 2.2.0 release notes.


You can find various task-oriented tutorials to working with the tool here:

Tool Documentation

For more specific browsing of the tool syntax, check out the nsc tool documentation. It can be found within the tool itself:

  1. nsc help

Or an online version here.