Rotate Log Files
When used with the —logpath
option or systemLog.path
and mongos
instances reporta live account of all activity and operations to a log file.When reporting activity data to a log file, by default, MongoDB only rotates logsin response to the logRotate
command, or when themongod
or mongos
process receives a SIGUSR1
signal from the operating system.
MongoDB’s standard log rotation approach archives the currentlog file and starts a new one. To do this, the mongod
instance renames the current log file by appending aUTC timestamp to the filename, in ISODate format. It thenopens a new log file, closes the old log file, and sends all new logentries to the new log file.
You can also configure MongoDB to support the Linux/Unixlogrotate utilityby setting systemLog.logRotate
to reopen
. With reopen
, mongod
or mongos
closes the log file, andthen reopens a log file with the same name, expecting that anotherprocess renamed the file prior to rotation.
Finally, you can configure mongod
to send log data to thesyslog
using the —syslog
option. In this case, you cantake advantage of alternate logrotation tools.
See also
For information on logging, see theProcess Logging section.
Default Log Rotation Behavior
By default, MongoDB uses the—logRotate rename
behavior.With rename
, mongod
renames the current log file by appending a UTCtimestamp to the filename, opens a new log file, closes the old log file,and sends all new log entries to the new log file.
Start a mongod instance.
- mongod -v --logpath /var/log/mongodb/server1.log
You can also explicitly specify —logRotate rename
List the log files
In a separate terminal, list the matching files:
- ls /var/log/mongodb/server1.log*
The results should include one log file, server1.log
Rotate the log file.
Rotate the log file by issuing the logRotate
commandfrom the admin
database in a mongo
- db.adminCommand( { logRotate : 1 } )
View the new log files
List the new log files to view the newly-created log:
- ls /var/log/mongodb/server1.log*
There should be two log files listed: server1.log
, which is thelog file that mongod
or mongos
made when itreopened the log file, and server1.log.<timestamp>
, the renamedoriginal log file.
Rotating log files does not modify the “old” rotated log files. Whenyou rotate a log, you rename the server1.log
file to includethe timestamp, and a new, empty server1.log
file receives allnew log input.
Log Rotation with —logRotate reopen
New in version 3.0.0.
Log rotation with —logRotate reopen
closes and opensthe log file following the typical Linux/Unix log rotate behavior.
Start a mongod instance, specifying the reopen —logRotate behavior.
- mongod -v --logpath /var/log/mongodb/server1.log --logRotate reopen --logappend
You must use the —logappend
option with—logRotate reopen
List the log files
In a separate terminal, list the matching files:
- ls /var/log/mongodb/server1.log*
The results should include one log file, server1.log
Rotate the log file.
Rotate the log file by issuing the logRotate
commandfrom the admin
database in a mongo
- db.adminCommand( { logRotate : 1 } )
You should rename the log file using an external process, followingthe typical Linux/Unix log rotate behavior.
Syslog Log Rotation
With syslog log rotation, mongod
sends log data to the syslograther than writing it to a file.
Starting in version 4.2, MongoDB includes the component in its log messages to syslog
Start a mongod instance with the —syslog option
- mongod --syslog
Do not include —logpath
. Since —syslog
to send log data to the syslog, specifying a—logpath
will causes an error.
To specify the facility level used when logging messages to the syslog,use the —syslogFacility
option orsystemLog.syslogFacility
configuration setting.
Rotate the log.
Store and rotate the log output using your systems default logrotation mechanism.
Forcing a Log Rotation with SIGUSR1
For Linux and Unix-based systems, you can use the SIGUSR1
signalto rotate the logs for a single process, as in the following:
- kill -SIGUSR1 <mongod process id>