Database Commands
All command documentation outlined below describes a command andits available parameters and provides a document template or prototypefor each command. Some command documentation also includes the relevantmongo
shell helpers.
To run a command against the current database, use db.runCommand()
- db.runCommand( { <command> } )
To run an administrative command against the admin
database, use db.adminCommand()
- db.adminCommand( { <command> } )
For details on specific commands, including syntax and examples,click on the specific command to go to its reference page.
User Commands
Aggregation Commands
Name | Description |
aggregate | Performs aggregation tasks such as group using the aggregation framework. |
count | Counts the number of documents in a collection or a view. |
distinct | Displays the distinct values found for a specified key in a collection or a view. |
mapReduce | Performs map-reduce aggregation for large data sets. |
Geospatial Commands
Name | Description |
geoSearch | Performs a geospatial query that uses MongoDB’s haystack index functionality. |
Query and Write Operation Commands
Name | Description |
delete | Deletes one or more documents. |
find | Selects documents in a collection or a view. |
findAndModify | Returns and modifies a single document. |
getLastError | Returns the success status of the last operation. |
getMore | Returns batches of documents currently pointed to by the cursor. |
getPrevError | Returns status document containing all errors since the last resetError command. |
insert | Inserts one or more documents. |
resetError | Resets the last error status. |
update | Updates one or more documents. |
Query Plan Cache Commands
Name | Description |
planCacheClear | Removes cached query plan(s) for a collection. |
planCacheClearFilters | Clears index filter(s) for a collection. |
planCacheListFilters | Lists the index filters for a collection. |
planCacheListPlans | Displays the cached query plans for the specified query shape. |
planCacheListQueryShapes | Displays the query shapes for which cached query plans exist. |
planCacheSetFilter | Sets an index filter for a collection. |
Database Operations
Authentication Commands
Name | Description |
authenticate | Starts an authenticated session using a username and password. |
getnonce | This is an internal command to generate a one-time password for authentication. |
logout | Terminates the current authenticated session. |
User Management Commands
Name | Description |
createUser | Creates a new user. |
dropAllUsersFromDatabase | Deletes all users associated with a database. |
dropUser | Removes a single user. |
grantRolesToUser | Grants a role and its privileges to a user. |
revokeRolesFromUser | Removes a role from a user. |
updateUser | Updates a user’s data. |
usersInfo | Returns information about the specified users. |
Role Management Commands
Name | Description |
createRole | Creates a role and specifies its privileges. |
dropRole | Deletes the user-defined role. |
dropAllRolesFromDatabase | Deletes all user-defined roles from a database. |
grantPrivilegesToRole | Assigns privileges to a user-defined role. |
grantRolesToRole | Specifies roles from which a user-defined role inherits privileges. |
invalidateUserCache | Flushes the in-memory cache of user information, including credentials and roles. |
revokePrivilegesFromRole | Removes the specified privileges from a user-defined role. |
revokeRolesFromRole | Removes specified inherited roles from a user-defined role. |
rolesInfo | Returns information for the specified role or roles. |
updateRole | Updates a user-defined role. |
Replication Commands
Name | Description |
applyOps | Internal command that applies oplog entries to the current data set. |
isMaster | Displays information about this member’s role in the replica set, including whether it is the master. |
replSetAbortPrimaryCatchUp | Forces the elected primary to abort sync (catch up) then complete the transition to primary. |
replSetFreeze | Prevents the current member from seeking election as primary for a period of time. |
replSetGetConfig | Returns the replica set’s configuration object. |
replSetGetStatus | Returns a document that reports on the status of the replica set. |
replSetInitiate | Initializes a new replica set. |
replSetMaintenance | Enables or disables a maintenance mode, which puts a secondary node in a RECOVERING state. |
replSetReconfig | Applies a new configuration to an existing replica set. |
replSetResizeOplog | Dynamically resizes the oplog for a replica set member. Available for WiredTiger storage engine only. |
replSetStepDown | Forces the current primary to step down and become a secondary, forcing an election. |
replSetSyncFrom | Explicitly override the default logic for selecting a member to replicate from. |
See also
Replication for more information regardingreplication.
Sharding Commands
Name | Description |
addShard | Adds a shard to a sharded cluster. |
addShardToZone | Associates a shard with a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
balancerStart | Starts a balancer thread. |
balancerStatus | Returns information on the balancer status. |
balancerStop | Stops the balancer thread. |
checkShardingIndex | Internal command that validates index on shard key. |
cleanupOrphaned | Removes orphaned data with shard key values outside of the ranges of the chunks owned by a shard. |
enableSharding | Enables sharding on a specific database. |
flushRouterConfig | Forces a mongod /mongos instance to update its cached routing metadata. |
getShardMap | Internal command that reports on the state of a sharded cluster. |
getShardVersion | Internal command that returns the config server version. |
isdbgrid | Verifies that a process is a mongos . |
listShards | Returns a list of configured shards. |
medianKey | Deprecated internal command. See splitVector . |
moveChunk | Internal command that migrates chunks between shards. |
movePrimary | Reassigns the primary shard when removing a shard from a sharded cluster. |
mergeChunks | Provides the ability to combine chunks on a single shard. |
removeShard | Starts the process of removing a shard from a sharded cluster. |
removeShardFromZone | Removes the association between a shard and a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
setShardVersion | Internal command to sets the config server version. |
shardCollection | Enables the sharding functionality for a collection, allowing the collection to be sharded. |
shardingState | Reports whether the mongod is a member of a sharded cluster. |
split | Creates a new chunk. |
splitChunk | Internal command to split chunk. Instead use the methods sh.splitFind() and sh.splitAt() . |
splitVector | Internal command that determines split points. |
unsetSharding | Internal command that affects connections between instances in a MongoDB deployment. |
updateZoneKeyRange | Adds or removes the association between a range of sharded data and a zone. Supports configuring zones in sharded clusters. |
See also
Sharding for more information about MongoDB’ssharding functionality.
Session Commands
Commands | Descriptions |
abortTransaction | Abort transaction.New in version 4.0. |
commitTransaction | Commit transaction.New in version 4.0. |
endSessions | Expire sessions before the sessions’ timeout period.New in version 3.6. |
killAllSessions | Kill all sessions.New in version 3.6. |
killAllSessionsByPattern | Kill all sessions that match the specified patternNew in version 3.6. |
killSessions | Kill specified sessions.New in version 3.6. |
refreshSessions | Refresh idle sessions.New in version 3.6. |
startSession | Starts a new session.New in version 3.6. |
Administration Commands
Name | Description |
clean | Internal namespace administration command. |
cloneCollection | Copies a collection from a remote host to the current host. |
cloneCollectionAsCapped | Copies a non-capped collection as a new capped collection. |
collMod | Add options to a collection or modify a view definition. |
compact | Defragments a collection and rebuilds the indexes. |
connPoolSync | Internal command to flush connection pool. |
convertToCapped | Converts a non-capped collection to a capped collection. |
create | Creates a collection or a view. |
createIndexes | Builds one or more indexes for a collection. |
currentOp | Returns a document that contains information on in-progress operations for the database instance. |
drop | Removes the specified collection from the database. |
dropDatabase | Removes the current database. |
dropConnections | Drops outgoing connections to the specified list of hosts. |
dropIndexes | Removes indexes from a collection. |
filemd5 | Returns the md5 hash for files stored using GridFS. |
fsync | Flushes pending writes to the storage layer and locks the database to allow backups. |
fsyncUnlock | Unlocks one fsync lock. |
getParameter | Retrieves configuration options. |
killCursors | Kills the specified cursors for a collection. |
killOp | Terminates an operation as specified by the operation ID. |
listCollections | Returns a list of collections in the current database. |
listDatabases | Returns a document that lists all databases and returns basic database statistics. |
listIndexes | Lists all indexes for a collection. |
logRotate | Rotates the MongoDB logs to prevent a single file from taking too much space. |
reIndex | Rebuilds all indexes on a collection. |
renameCollection | Changes the name of an existing collection. |
setFeatureCompatibilityVersion | Enables or disables features that persist data that are backwards-incompatible. |
setParameter | Modifies configuration options. |
shutdown | Shuts down the mongod or mongos process. |
Diagnostic Commands
Name | Description |
availableQueryOptions | Internal command that reports on the capabilities of the current MongoDB instance. |
buildInfo | Displays statistics about the MongoDB build. |
collStats | Reports storage utilization statics for a specified collection. |
connPoolStats | Reports statistics on the outgoing connections from this MongoDB instance to other MongoDB instances in the deployment. |
connectionStatus | Reports the authentication state for the current connection. |
cursorInfo | Removed in MongoDB 3.2. Replaced with metrics.cursor . |
dataSize | Returns the data size for a range of data. For internal use. |
dbHash | Returns hash value a database and its collections. |
dbStats | Reports storage utilization statistics for the specified database. |
diagLogging | Removed in MongoDB 3.6. To capture, replay, and profile commands sent to your MongoDB deployment, use mongoreplay . |
driverOIDTest | Internal command that converts an ObjectId to a string to support tests. |
explain | Returns information on the execution of various operations. |
features | Reports on features available in the current MongoDB instance. |
getCmdLineOpts | Returns a document with the run-time arguments to the MongoDB instance and their parsed options. |
getLog | Returns recent log messages. |
hostInfo | Returns data that reflects the underlying host system. |
isSelf | Internal command to support testing. |
listCommands | Lists all database commands provided by the current mongod instance. |
netstat | Internal command that reports on intra-deployment connectivity. Only available for mongos instances. |
ping | Internal command that tests intra-deployment connectivity. |
profile | Interface for the database profiler. |
serverStatus | Returns a collection metrics on instance-wide resource utilization and status. |
shardConnPoolStats | Reports statistics on a mongos ’s connection pool for clientoperations against shards. |
top | Returns raw usage statistics for each database in the mongod instance. |
validate | Internal command that scans for a collection’s data and indexes for correctness. |
whatsmyuri | Internal command that returns information on the current client. |
Free Monitoring Commands
Name | Description |
setFreeMonitoring | Enables/disables free monitoring during runtime. |
Auditing Commands
Name | Description |
logApplicationMessage | Posts a custom message to the audit log. |