Variables in Aggregation Expressions

Aggregation expressions can use bothuser-defined and system variables.

Variables can hold any BSON type data.To access the value of the variable, use a string with the variablename prefixed with double dollar signs (); i.e. "<variable>".

If the variable references an object, to access a specific field in theobject, use the dot notation; i.e. "$$<variable>.<field>".

User Variables

User variable names can contain the ascii characters [_a-zA-Z0-9]and any non-ascii character.

User variable names must begin with a lowercase ascii letter [a-z]or a non-ascii character.

System Variables

MongoDB offers the following system variables:

- NOW-A variable the returns the current datetime value.NOW returns the same value for all members of thedeployment and remains the same throughout all stages of theaggregation pipeline.New in version 4.2.
- CLUSTER_TIME-A variable that returns the current timestamp value.CLUSTER_TIME is only available on replica sets andsharded clusters.CLUSTER_TIME returns the same value for all membersof the deployment and remains the same throughout all stages ofthe pipeline.New in version 4.2.
- ROOT-References the root document, i.e. the top-level document, currentlybeing processed in the aggregation pipeline stage.
- CURRENT-References the start of the field path being processed in theaggregation pipeline stage. Unless documented otherwise, allstages start with CURRENT the same asROOT.CURRENT is modifiable. However, since $<field>is equivalent to $$CURRENT.<field>, rebindingCURRENT changes the meaning of $ accesses.
- REMOVE-A variable which evaluates to the missing value. Allows for theconditional exclusion of fields. In a $projection, afield set to the variable REMOVE is excluded fromthe output.For an example of its usage, see Conditionally Exclude Fields.New in version 3.6.
- DESCEND-One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.
- PRUNE-One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.
- KEEP-One of the allowed results of a $redact expression.

See also

$let, $redact, $map