Collection Methods
For details on specific methods, including syntax and examples,click on the specific method to go to its reference page.
Name | Description |
db.collection.aggregate() | Provides access to the aggregation pipeline. |
db.collection.bulkWrite() | Provides bulk write operation functionality. |
db.collection.copyTo() | Deprecated. Copies data between collections when run against MongoDB 4.0 or earlier. Unsupported when run against MongoDB 4.2 or later. |
db.collection.count() | Wraps count to return a count of the number of documents in a collection or a view. |
db.collection.countDocuments() | Wraps the $group aggregation stage with a $sum expression to return a count of the number of documents in acollection or a view. |
db.collection.estimatedDocumentCount() | Wraps count to return an approximate count of the documents in a collection or a view. |
db.collection.createIndex() | Builds an index on a collection. |
db.collection.createIndexes() | Builds one or more indexes on a collection. |
db.collection.dataSize() | Returns the size of the collection. Wraps the size field in the output of the collStats . |
db.collection.deleteOne() | Deletes a single document in a collection. |
db.collection.deleteMany() | Deletes multiple documents in a collection. |
db.collection.distinct() | Returns an array of documents that have distinct values for the specified field. |
db.collection.drop() | Removes the specified collection from the database. |
db.collection.dropIndex() | Removes a specified index on a collection. |
db.collection.dropIndexes() | Removes all indexes on a collection. |
db.collection.ensureIndex() | Deprecated. Use db.collection.createIndex() . |
db.collection.explain() | Returns information on the query execution of various methods. |
db.collection.find() | Performs a query on a collection or a view and returns a cursor object. |
db.collection.findAndModify() | Atomically modifies and returns a single document. |
db.collection.findOne() | Performs a query and returns a single document. |
db.collection.findOneAndDelete() | Finds a single document and deletes it. |
db.collection.findOneAndReplace() | Finds a single document and replaces it. |
db.collection.findOneAndUpdate() | Finds a single document and updates it. |
db.collection.getIndexes() | Returns an array of documents that describe the existing indexes on a collection. |
db.collection.getShardDistribution() | For collections in sharded clusters, db.collection.getShardDistribution() reports data of chunk distribution. |
db.collection.getShardVersion() | Internal diagnostic method for sharded cluster. |
db.collection.insert() | Creates a new document in a collection. |
db.collection.insertOne() | Inserts a new document in a collection. |
db.collection.insertMany() | Inserts several new document in a collection. |
db.collection.isCapped() | Reports if a collection is a capped collection. |
db.collection.latencyStats() | Returns latency statistics for a collection. |
db.collection.mapReduce() | Performs map-reduce style data aggregation. |
db.collection.reIndex() | Rebuilds all existing indexes on a collection. |
db.collection.remove() | Deletes documents from a collection. |
db.collection.renameCollection() | Changes the name of a collection. |
db.collection.replaceOne() | Replaces a single document in a collection. | | Provides a wrapper around an insert() and update() to insert new documents. |
db.collection.stats() | Reports on the state of a collection. Provides a wrapper around the collStats . |
db.collection.storageSize() | Reports the total size used by the collection in bytes. Provides a wrapper around the storageSize field of the collStats output. |
db.collection.totalIndexSize() | Reports the total size used by the indexes on a collection. Provides a wrapper around the totalIndexSize field of the collStats output. |
db.collection.totalSize() | Reports the total size of a collection, including the size of all documents and all indexes on a collection. |
db.collection.update() | Modifies a document in a collection. |
db.collection.updateOne() | Modifies a single document in a collection. |
db.collection.updateMany() | Modifies multiple documents in a collection. | | Establishes a Change Stream on a collection. |
db.collection.validate() | Performs diagnostic operations on a collection. |