system.roles Collection

New in version 2.6.

The system.roles collection in the admin database stores theuser-defined roles. To create and manage these user-definedroles, MongoDB provides role management commands.

system.roles Schema

The documents in the system.roles collection have the followingschema:

  1. {
  2. _id: <system-defined id>,
  3. role: "<role name>",
  4. db: "<database>",
  5. privileges:
  6. [
  7. {
  8. resource: { <resource> },
  9. actions: [ "<action>", ... ]
  10. },
  11. ...
  12. ],
  13. roles:
  14. [
  15. { role: "<role name>", db: "<database>" },
  16. ...
  17. ]
  18. }

A system.roles document has the following fields:

  • admin.system.roles.role
  • The role field is a string thatspecifies the name of the role.
  • admin.system.roles.db
  • The db field is a string that specifiesthe database to which the role belongs. MongoDB uniquely identifieseach role by the pairing of its name (i.e.role) and its database.
  • admin.system.roles.privileges
  • The privileges array contains theprivilege documents that define the privileges for the role.

A privilege document has the following syntax:

  1. {
  2. resource: { <resource> },
  3. actions: [ "<action>", ... ]
  4. }

Each privilege document has the following fields:

  • admin.system.roles.privileges[n].resource
  • A document that specifies the resources upon which the privilegeactions apply. The documenthas one of the following form:
  1. { db: <database>, collection: <collection> }


  1. { cluster : true }

See Resource Document for more details.

  • admin.system.roles.privileges[n].actions
  • An array of actions permitted on the resource. For a list ofactions, see Privilege Actions.
  • admin.system.roles.roles
  • The roles array contains role documentsthat specify the roles from which this role inherits privileges.

A role document has the following syntax:

  1. { role: "<role name>", db: "<database>" }

A role document has the following fields:

  • admin.system.roles.roles[n].role
  • The name of the role. A role can be a built-in role provided by MongoDB or a user-definedrole.

  • admin.system.roles.roles[n].db

  • The name of the database where the role is defined.


Consider the following sample documents found in system.rolescollection of the admin database.

A User-Defined Role Specifies Privileges

The following is a sample document for a user-defined role appUserdefined for the myApp database:

  1. {
  2. _id: "myApp.appUser",
  3. role: "appUser",
  4. db: "myApp",
  5. privileges: [
  6. { resource: { db: "myApp" , collection: "" },
  7. actions: [ "find", "createCollection", "dbStats", "collStats" ] },
  8. { resource: { db: "myApp", collection: "logs" },
  9. actions: [ "insert" ] },
  10. { resource: { db: "myApp", collection: "data" },
  11. actions: [ "insert", "update", "remove", "compact" ] },
  12. { resource: { db: "myApp", collection: "system.js" },
  13. actions: [ "find" ] },
  14. ],
  15. roles: []
  16. }

The privileges array lists the five privileges that the appUserrole specifies:

  • The first privilege permits its actions ( "find","createCollection", "dbStats", "collStats") on all thecollections in the myApp database excluding its systemcollections. See Specify a Database as Resource.
  • The next two privileges permits additional actions on specificcollections, logs and data, in the myApp database. SeeSpecify a Collection of a Database as Resource.
  • The last privilege permits actions on one systemcollections in the myAppdatabase. While the first privilege gives database-wide permissionfor the find action, the action does not apply to myApp’ssystem collections. To give access to a system collection, aprivilege must explicitly specify the collection. SeeResource Document.

As indicated by the empty roles array, appUser inherits noadditional privileges from other roles.

User-Defined Role Inherits from Other Roles

The following is a sample document for a user-defined role appAdmindefined for the myApp database: The document shows that theappAdmin role specifies privileges as well as inherits privilegesfrom other roles:

  1. {
  2. _id: "myApp.appAdmin",
  3. role: "appAdmin",
  4. db: "myApp",
  5. privileges: [
  6. {
  7. resource: { db: "myApp", collection: "" },
  8. actions: [ "insert", "dbStats", "collStats", "compact" ]
  9. }
  10. ],
  11. roles: [
  12. { role: "appUser", db: "myApp" }
  13. ]
  14. }

The privileges array lists the privileges that the appAdminrole specifies. This role has a single privilege that permits itsactions ( "insert", "dbStats", "collStats", "compact")on all the collections in the myApp database excluding its systemcollections. See Specify a Database as Resource.

The roles array lists the roles, identified by the role names anddatabases, from which the role appAdmin inherits privileges.