MaximumFrom 2.1.0, Deprecated 2.7.0

  1. moment().max(Moment|String|Number|Date|Array);

Note: This function has been deprecated in 2.7.0. Consider moment.min instead.

Limits the moment to a maximum of another moment value. So a.max(b) is the same as a = moment.min(a, b) (note that max is converted to min).

Sometimes, server clocks are not quite in sync with client clocks. This ends up displaying humanized strings such as "in a few seconds" rather than "a few seconds ago". You can prevent that with moment#max():

This is the counterpart for moment#min.

  1. var momentFromServer = moment(input);
  2. var clampedMoment = momentFromServer.max();

You can pass anything to moment#max that you would pass to moment().

  1. moment().max(moment().add(1, 'd'));
  2. moment().max("2013-04-20T20:00:00+0800");
  3. moment().max("Jan 1 2001", "MMM D YYYY");
  4. moment().max(new Date(2012, 1, 8));