Using the Headlamp Addon
Headlamp Addon
Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.
Enable Headlamp on minikube
To enable this addon, simply run:
minikube addons enable headlamp
Once the addon is enabled, you can access the Headlamp’s web UI using the following command.
minikube service headlamp -n headlamp
To authenticate in Headlamp, fetch the Authentication Token using the following command:
export SECRET=$(kubectl get secrets --namespace headlamp -o custom-columns="" | grep "headlamp-token")
kubectl get secret $SECRET --namespace headlamp --template=\{\{.data.token\}\} | base64 --decode
Headlamp can display more detailed information when metrics-server is installed. To install it, run:
minikube addons enable metrics-server
Testing installation
kubectl get pods -n headlamp
If everything went well, there should be no errors about Headlamp’s installation in your minikube cluster.
Disable headlamp
To disable this addon, simply run:
minikube addons disable headlamp
Last modified July 7, 2023: Add addon readmes to website (cf976f6dd)