Offline usage

Cache Rules Everything Around minikube

minikube has built-in support for caching downloaded resources into $MINIKUBE_HOME/cache. Here are the important file locations:

  • ~/.minikube/cache - Top-level folder
  • ~/.minikube/cache/iso - VM ISO image. Typically updated once per major minikube release.
  • ~/.minikube/cache/images - Docker images used by Kubernetes.
  • ~/.minikube/cache/<version> - Kubernetes binaries, such as kubeadm and kubelet

Kubernetes image cache

NOTE: the none driver caches images directly into Docker rather than a separate disk cache.

minikube start caches all required Kubernetes images by default. This default may be changed by setting --cache-images=false. These images are not displayed by the minikube cache command.

Sharing the minikube cache

For offline use on other hosts, one can copy the contents of ~/.minikube/cache. As of the v1.0 release, this directory contains 685MB of data:

  1. cache/iso/minikube-v1.0.0.iso
  2. cache/images/
  3. cache/images/
  4. cache/images/
  5. cache/images/
  6. cache/images/
  7. cache/images/
  8. cache/images/
  9. cache/images/
  10. cache/images/
  11. cache/images/
  12. cache/images/
  13. cache/images/
  14. cache/images/
  15. cache/v1.14.0/kubeadm
  16. cache/v1.14.0/kubelet

If any of these files exist, minikube will use copy them into the VM directly rather than pulling them from the internet.

Last modified April 4, 2020: Change directory case (4593ac355)