6.7 Locale Resolution

Micronaut supports several strategies for resolving locales for a given request. The getLocale— method is available on the request, however it only supports parsing the Accept-Language header. For other use cases where the locale can be in a cookie, the user’s session, or should be set to a fixed value, HttpLocaleResolver can be used to determine the current locale.

The LocaleResolver API does not need to be used directly. Simply define a parameter to a controller method of type java.util.Locale and the locale will be resolved and injected automatically.

There are several configuration options to control how to resolve the locale:


Table 1. Configuration Properties for HttpLocaleResolutionConfigurationProperties



The locale resolution configuration



Set the language tag for the locale. Supports BCP 47 language tags (e.g. “en-US”) and ISO standard (e.g “en_US”).



Sets the key in the session to look for the locale.



Sets the name of the cookie that is used to store the locale.



Set to true if the locale should be resolved from the Accept-Language header. Default value (true).



Sets the locale that will be used if the locale cannot be resolved through any means. Defaults to the system default.

Locales can be configured in the “en_GB” format, or in the BCP 47 (Language tag) format. If multiple methods are configured, the fixed locale takes precedence, followed by session/cookie, then header.

If any of the built-in methods do not meet your use case, create a bean of type HttpLocaleResolver and set its order (through the getOrder method) relative to the existing resolvers.