Service Proxy
The micro proxy is a service-to-service proxy.
A service proxy is a server which acts as an intermediary for requests from one service to another.
The micro proxy provides a proxy implementation of the go-micro framework. This consolidates go-micro features into a single location which allows offloading service discovery, load balancing, fault tolerance, plugins, wrappers, etc to the proxy itself. Rather than updating every Go Micro app for infrastructure level concerns, its easier to put them in the proxy. It also allows any language to be integrated with a thin client rather than having to implement all the features.
Run Proxy
Start the proxy
micro proxy
The server address is dynamic but can be configured as follows.
MICRO_SERVER_ADDRESS=localhost:9090 micro proxy
Proxy Services
Now the proxy is running you can quite simply proxy requests through it.
Start your go micro app like so
MICRO_PROXY=go.micro.proxy go run main.go
Your service will lookup the proxy in discovery then use it to route any requests. If multiple proxies exist it will balance it’s requests across them. It will also cache the proxy addresses locally.
If you would rather send requests through a single proxy specify it’s address like so.
MICRO_PROXY_ADDRESS=localhost:9090 go run main.go
Ensure the proxy is running on the address specified.
MICRO_SERVER_ADDRESS=localhost:9090 micro proxy
Single Backend
Use the proxy as a front proxy for a single backend
MICRO_SERVER_NAME=helloworld \
MICRO_PROXY_BACKEND=localhost:10001 \
micro proxy
All requests to helloworld will be sent to the backend at localhost:10001