Micro is a runtime for microservices development
Micro addresses the key requirements for building scalable systems. It takes the microservice architecture pattern and transforms it into a set of tools which act as the building blocks of a platform. Micro deals with the complexity of distributed systems and provides simple abstractions already understood by developers.
Technology is constantly evolving. The infrastructure stack is always changing. Micro is a pluggable toolkit which addresses these issues. Plug in any stack or underlying technology. Build future-proof systems using micro.
The runtime is composed of the following features:
API Gateway: A single http entry point with dynamic request routing using service discovery. The API gateway allows you to build a scalable microservice architecture on the backend and consolidate serving a public api on the frontend. The micro api provides powerful routing via discovery and pluggable handlers to serve http, grpc, websockets, publish events and more.
Interactive CLI: A CLI to describe, query and interact directly with your platform and services from the terminal. The CLI gives you all the commands you expect to understand what’s happening with your micro services. It also includes an interactive mode.
Service Proxy: A transparent proxy built on Go Micro and the MUCP protocol. Offload service discovery, load balancing, message encoding, middleware, transport and broker plugins to a single a location. Run it standalone or alongside your service.
Service Templates: Generate new service templates to get started quickly. Micro provides predefined templates for writing micro services. Always start in the same way, build identical services to be more productive.
SlackOps Bot: A bot which runs on your platform and lets you manage your applications from Slack itself. The micro bot enables ChatOps and gives you the ability to do everything with your team via messaging. It also includes ability to create slack commmands as services which are discovered dynamically.
Web Dashboard: The web dashboard allows you to explore your services, describe their endpoints, the request and response formats and even query them directly. The dashboard is also includes a built in CLI like experience for developers who want to drop into the terminal on the fly.
Install Micro
go get
Or via Docker
docker pull micro/micro
Latest release binaries
# Mac OS or Linux
curl -fsSL | /bin/bash
# Windows
powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"
The micro runtime has two dependencies:
- Service Discovery - used for name resolution
- Protobuf - used for code generation
Service Discovery
Service discovery is used for name resolution, routing and centralising metadata. All services are register themselves in discovery so they can be found by other services.
Micro uses the go-micro registry interface for service discovery. Multicast DNS is the default implementation. This enables a zeroconf setup so you don’t have to change anything for local development. In case you’re using docker, kubernetes or need something more resilient we recommend etcd.
Etcd is an alternative highly available service discovery mechanism
# install
brew install etcd
# run
Pass —registry=etcd
or set the env var MICRO_REGISTRY=consul
for any command
# Use flag
micro --registry=etcd list services
# Use env var
MICRO_REGISTRY=etcd micro list services`
Specify the address of etcd where it’s not on the same host.
See go-plugins for more service discovery plugins.
Protobuf is used for code generation. It reduces the amount of boilerplate code needed to be written.
# install protobuf
brew install protobuf
# install protoc-gen-go
go get -u{proto,protoc-gen-go}
# install protoc-gen-micro
go get -u
See protoc-gen-micro for more details.
Writing a service
Micro includes new template generation to speed up writing applications
For full details on writing services see go-micro.
Generate template
Here we’ll quickly generate an example template using micro new
Specify a path relative to $GOPATH
micro new
The command will output
Dockerfile # A template docker file # A readme with command used
handler/ # Example rpc handler
main.go # The main Go program
proto/ # Protobuf directory
subscriber/ # Example pubsub Subscriber
Compile the protobuf code using protoc
protoc --proto_path=. --micro_out=. --go_out=. proto/example/example.proto
Now run it like any other go application
# cd into your service directory
# run the service
micro run service --local
Now we have a running application using micro new
template generation, let’s test it out.
List services
Each service registers with discovery so we should be able to find it.
micro list services
The example app has registered with the fully qualified domain name go.micro.srv.example
Get Service
Each service registers with a unique id, address and metadata.
micro get service go.micro.srv.example
service go.micro.srv.example
version latest
ID Address Port Metadata
go.micro.srv.example-437d1277-303b-11e8-9be9-f40f242f6897 53545 transport=http,broker=http,server=rpc,registry=etcd
Endpoint: Example.Call
Metadata: stream=false
Request: {
name string
Response: {
msg string
Endpoint: Example.PingPong
Metadata: stream=true
Request: {}
Response: {}
Endpoint: Example.Stream
Metadata: stream=true
Request: {}
Response: {}
Endpoint: Func
Metadata: subscriber=true,topic=topic.go.micro.srv.example
Request: {
say string
Response: {}
Endpoint: Example.Handle
Metadata: subscriber=true,topic=topic.go.micro.srv.example
Request: {
say string
Response: {}
Call service
Make an RPC call via the CLI. The query is sent as json.
micro call go.micro.srv.example Example.Call '{"name": "John"}'
"msg": "Hello John"
Look at the cli doc for more info.
Now let’s test call the service via HTTP.
The micro api is a http gateway which dynamically routes to backend services
Let’s run it so we can query the example service.
MICRO_API_NAMESPACE=go.micro.srv \
micro api
Some info:
sets the http handlerMICRO_API_NAMESPACE
sets the service namespace
Call API
Make POST request to the api using json
curl -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "John"}' http://localhost:8080/example/call
{"msg":"Hello John"}
See the api doc for more info.
Micro is built on go-micro making it a pluggable toolkit.
Go-micro provides abstractions for distributed systems infrastructure which can be swapped out.
Pluggable Features
The micro features which are pluggable:
- broker - pubsub message broker
- registry - service discovery
- selector - client side load balancing
- transport - request-response or bidirectional streaming
- client - the client which manages the above features
- server - the server which manages the above features
Find plugins at go-plugins
Using Plugins
Integrate go-micro plugins by simply linking them in a separate file
Create a plugins.go file
import (
// etcd v3 registry
_ ""
// nats transport
_ ""
// kafka broker
_ ""
Building Binary
Rebuild the micro binary using the Go toolchain
# For local use
go build -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
# For docker image
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -ldflags '-w' -i -o micro ./main.go ./plugins.go
Enable Plugins
Enable the plugins with command line flags or env vars
# flags
micro --registry=etcdv3 --transport=nats --broker=kafka [command]
# env vars
MICRO_REGISTRY=etcdv3 MICRO_TRANSPORT=nats MICRO_BROKER=kafka micro [command]