

DC/OS 日志记录快速入门

使用本指南开始使用 DC/OS 日志记录。此处使用的许多命令在 CLI 命令参考 中有更全面的描述。



部署一个示例 Marathon 应用程序供在本快速入门指南中使用。

  1. 创建以下 Marathon 应用定义并另存为 test-log.json

    1. {
    2. "id": "/test-log",
    3. "cmd": "while true;do echo stdout;echo stderr >&2;sleep 1;done",
    4. "cpus": 0.001,
    5. "instances": 1,
    6. "mem": 128
    7. }
  2. 使用此 CLI 命令部署该应用程序:

    1. dcos marathon app add test-log.json
  3. 验证应用程序是否已成功部署,并记下任务 ID:

    1. dcos task test-log


  1. ```bash
  3. test-log root R test-log.e69c4b2f-c255-11e6-a451-aa711cbcaa78
  4. ```

查看 Mesos 和 DC/OS 日志

您可以通过 DC/OS CLI dcos task log 命令来本地访问 Mesos stderrstdout 日志。此例中,启动了一个任务,并访问 stderr 和 Mesos stdout 日志。

  1. 运行此命令以查看 stdout 日志,其中 <task_id> 是任务 ID:

    1. dcos task log <task_id>


  1. ```bash
  2. Thu Dec 15 00:49:10 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  3. Thu Dec 15 00:49:11 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  4. ```
  1. 运行此命令以追踪日志,其中 <task_id> 是任务 ID:

    1. dcos task log --follow <task_id>


  1. ```bash
  2. Wed Dec 14 16:50:12 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131]: stdout
  3. Wed Dec 14 16:50:13 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131]: stdout
  4. ```
  1. 运行此命令以获取最后 5 个日志条目:

    1. dcos task log <task_id> --lines=5


  1. ```bash
  2. Thu Dec 15 00:51:27 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  3. Thu Dec 15 00:51:28 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  4. Thu Dec 15 00:51:29 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  5. Thu Dec 15 00:51:30 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  6. Thu Dec 15 00:51:31 2016 ip-10-0-1-177.us-west-2.compute.internal Command Executor (Task: test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd) (Command: sh -c 'while true;d...') [7131] stdout
  7. ```

查看 Mesos 任务和系统日志

您可以使用 dcos node log 命令,查看任务或主机系统的日志。关于这些命令的更多信息可在 CLI 命令参考 部分找到。

  1. 运行此命令以查看领导 Mesos 管理节点日志:

    1. dcos node log --leader --lines 3


  1. ```bash
  2. Thu Dec 15 00:29:28 2016 ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal [10530] ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal nginx: - - [15/Dec/2016:00:29:28 +0000] "GET /service/marathon/v2/groups?_timestamp=1481761768409&embed=group.groups&embed=group.apps&embed=group.pods&embed=group.apps.deployments&embed=group.apps.counts&embed=group.apps.tasks&embed=group.apps.taskStats&embed=group.apps.lastTaskFailure HTTP/1.1" 200 1941 "http://joel-logg-elasticl-m6yuis5u674t-297942863.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36"
  3. Thu Dec 15 00:29:29 2016 ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal nginx [2929] 2016/12/15 00:29:29 [notice] 10530#0: *1136 [lua] auth.lua:131: validate_jwt_or_exit(): UID from valid JWT: `email@email.io`, client:, server: dcos.*, request: "GET /system/v1/logs/v1/range/?skip_prev=3 HTTP/1.1", host: "joel-logg-elasticl-m6yuis5u674t-297942863.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com"
  4. Thu Dec 15 00:29:29 2016 ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal dcos-oauth [1505] time="2016-12-15T00:29:29Z" level=info msg="HTTP request received" method=GET uri="/acs/api/v1/users/youremail@email.io"
  5. ```
  1. 运行此命令以查看 Mesos 代理节点 日志,其中节点 ID (<node_id>) 已指定:

    1. dcos node log --mesos-id=<node_id> --lines 3

运行 dcos task 以确定哪个节点正在运行应用程序,然后运行 dcos node 以获取节点 ID。


  1. ```bash
  2. Thu Dec 15 00:46:18 2016 ip-10-0-1-175.us-west-2.compute.internal mesos-agent [3284] I1215 00:46:18.794333 3315 http.cpp:288] HTTP GET for /slave(1)/state from with User-Agent='Mesos-State / Host: ip-10-0-1-175, Pid: 3023'
  3. Thu Dec 15 00:46:20 2016 ip-10-0-1-175.us-west-2.compute.internal mesos-agent [3284] I1215 00:46:20.800422 3319 http.cpp:288] HTTP GET for /slave(1)/state from with User-Agent='Mesos-State / Host: ip-10-0-1-175, Pid: 3023'
  4. Thu Dec 15 00:46:22 2016 ip-10-0-1-175.us-west-2.compute.internal spartan-env [2621] 00:46:22.575 [error] Lager event handler error_logger_lager_h exited with reason {'EXIT',{{badmatch,[<0.27147.0>,{info,{tcp_closed,#Port<0.9301>}},{wait_for_query,{state,#Port<0.9301>,{spartan_tcp_listener,{198,51,100,3}},ranch_tcp,<0.27148.0>}},exit,tcp_closed,state_functions,[{gen_statem,loop_event_result,9,[{file,"gen_statem.erl"},{line,978}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,247}]}]]},[{error_logger_lager_h,log_event,2,[{file,"/pkg/src/spartan/_build/default/lib/lager/src/error_logger_lager_h.erl"},{line,155}]},{gen_event,server_update,4,[{file,...},...]},...]}}
  5. ```
  1. 运行这些命令以查看在首要节点或代理节点上运行的组件的列表:
  • 首要节点:

    1. ```bash
    2. dcos node list-components --leader



  1. ```bash
  2. dcos-diagnostics.service
  3. dcos-adminrouter.service
  4. dcos-cosmos.service
  5. dcos-epmd.service
  6. dcos-exhibitor.service
  7. dcos-gen-resolvconf.service
  8. dcos-gen-resolvconf.timer
  9. dcos-history.service
  10. ...
  1. - 代理节点,其中您的节点 ID (`<mesos-id>`) 已指定:
  2. `
  1. ```bash
  2. dcos node list-components --mesos-id=<mesos-id>
  3. ```
  4. ````


  1. ```bash
  2. dcos-diagnostics.service
  3. dcos-diagnostics.socket
  4. dcos-adminrouter-agent.service
  5. dcos-docker-gc.service
  6. dcos-docker-gc.timer
  7. dcos-epmd.service
  8. dcos-gen-resolvconf.service
  9. ...
  1. 1. 运行此命令以查看 DC/OS 组件的领导管理节点组件日志。此例中,查询了 Marathon 组件日志:
  1. dcos node log --leader --component dcos-marathon.service
  2. ```


  1. ```bash
  2. Thu Dec 15 00:34:08 2016 ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal java [2541] [2016-12-15 00:34:08,121] INFO Received status update for task test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd: TASK_RUNNING (Reconciliation: Latest task state) (mesosphere.marathon.MarathonScheduler$$EnhancerByGuice$$28056dde:Thread-296)
  3. Thu Dec 15 00:34:08 2016 ip-10-0-6-165.us-west-2.compute.internal java [2541] [2016-12-15 00:34:08,121] INFO Received status update for task test-log.2fc56009-c25d-11e6-81b2-9a5d88789ccd: TASK_RUNNING (Reconciliation: Latest task state) (mesosphere.marathon.MarathonScheduler$$EnhancerByGuice$$28056dde:Thread-297)
  4. ...
  5. ```