dcos help

显示 DC/OS CLI 帮助信息


dcos help 命令显示 DC/OS CLI 帮助信息。


  1. dcos help <subcommand>


—help, h
—version, v


显示 dcos config 命令的帮助

dcos help config 命令与 dcos config --help一样。

  1. dcos help config
  2. Description:
  3. Manage the DC/OS configuration file.
  4. Usage:
  5. dcos config --help
  6. dcos config --info
  7. dcos config set <name> <value>
  8. dcos config show [<name>]
  9. dcos config unset <name>
  10. dcos config validate
  11. Commands:
  12. set
  13. Add or set a DC/OS configuration property.
  14. show
  15. Display the DC/OS configuration file contents.
  16. unset
  17. Remove a property from the configuration file.
  18. validate
  19. Validate changes to the configuration file.
  20. Options:
  21. -h, --help
  22. Display usage.
  23. --info
  24. Display a short description of this subcommand.
  25. --version
  26. Display version information.
  27. Positional Arguments:
  28. <name>
  29. The name of the property.
  30. <value>
  31. The value of the property.
  32. Environment Variables:
  33. Configuration properties all have corresponding environment variables. If a
  34. property is in the "core" section (ex. "core.foo"), it corresponds to
  35. environment variable DCOS_FOO. All other properties (ex "foo.bar")
  36. correspond to enviroment variable DCOS_FOO_BAR.
  37. Environment variables take precendence over corresponding configuration
  38. property.