HAProxy 和 Admin Router
在 Admin Router 前配置 HAProxy
通过在 Admin Router 和来自集群外部的用户代理程序请求之间设置代理,您可以使用自定义服务器证书与 DC/OS 集群建立安全的 HTTPS 通信。HTTP 代理必须执行即时 HTTP 请求和响应报文头修改,因为 DC/OS 不知道用户代理程序用于寻址 HTTP 代理的自定义主机名和端口。
在 Admin Router 前配置 HAProxy
使用 HAProxy 在 DC/OS Admin Router 前设置 HTTP 代理。如果您想向通过 HTTPS 连接到集群的用户代理程序提供自定义服务器证书,这可能非常有用。DC/OS 当前不支持将您自己的证书直接添加到 Admin Router 中。
以下说明提供了经测试的 HAProxy 配置示例,其处理命名请求/响应重写。此示例确保 HAProxy 和 DC/OS Admin Router 之间的通信是 TLS 加密的。
安装 HAProxy 1.6.9。
为 DC/OS 创建 HAProxy 配置。本示例适用于 AWS 上的 DC/OS 集群。有关 HAProxy 配置参数的更多信息,请参阅文档。
注意: 您可以使用代理程序 IP 地址 DNS 条目来查找任务 IP。
log local0
log local1 notice
maxconn 20000
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
log global
option dontlog-normal
mode http
retries 3
maxconn 20000
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
frontend http
# Bind on port 9090. HAProxy will listen on port 9090 on each
# available network for new HTTP connections.
# Specify your own server certificate chain and associated private key.
# See https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/configuration-1.6.html#5.1-crt
# bind *:9091 ssl crt /path/to/browser-trusted.crt
# Name of backend configuration for DC/OS.
default_backend dcos
# Store request Host header temporarily in transaction scope
# so that its value is accessible during response processing.
# Note: RFC 7230 requires clients to send the Host header and
# specifies it to contain both, host and port information.
http-request set-var(txn.request_host_header) req.hdr(Host)
# Overwrite Host header to 'dcoshost'. This makes the Location
# header in DC/OS Admin Router upstream responses contain a
# predictable hostname (NGINX uses this header value when
# constructing absolute redirect URLs). That value is used
# in the response Location header rewrite logic (see regular
# expression-based rewrite in the backend section below).
http-request set-header Host dcoshost
backend dcos
# Option 1: use TLS-encrypted communication with DC/OS Admin Router and
# perform server certificate verification (including hostname verification).
# If you are using the community-supported version of DC/OS, you must
# configure Admin Router with a custom TLS server certificate, see
#/cn/1.11/administering-clusters/. This step
# is not required for DC/OS Enterprise.
# Explanation for the parameters in the following `server` definition line:
# IP address and port that HAProxy uses to connect to DC/OS Admin
# Router. This needs to be adjusted to your setup.
# ssl verify required
# Instruct HAProxy to use TLS, and to error out if server certificate
# verification fails.
# ca-file dcos-ca.crt
# The local file `dcos-ca.crt` is expected to contain the CA certificate
# that Admin Router's certificate will be verified against. It must be
# retrieved out-of-band (on Mesosphere DC/OS Enterprise this can be
# obtained via https://dcoshost/ca/dcos-ca.crt)
# verifyhost frontend-xxx.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com
# When verifying the TLS certificate presented by DC/OS Admin Router,
# perform hostname verification using the hostname specified here
# (expect the server certificate to contain a DNSName SAN that is
# equivalent to the hostname defined here). The hostname shown here is
# just an example and needs to be adjusted to your setup.
server dcos-1 ssl verify required ca-file dcos-ca.crt verifyhost frontend-xxx.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com
# Option 2: use TLS-encrypted communication with DC/OS Admin Router, but do
# not perform server certificate verification (warning: this is insecure, and
# we hope that you know what you are doing).
# server dcos-1 ssl verify none
# Rewrite response Location header if it contains an absolute URL
# pointing to the 'dcoshost' host: replace 'dcoshost' with original
# request Host header (containing hostname and port).
http-response replace-header Location https?://dcoshost((/.*)?) "http://%[var(txn.request_host_header)]\1"
使用这些设置启动 HAProxy。