If expr is less than or equal to min and expr is greater than or equal to max, NOT BETWEEN returns true
, otherwise it returns false
> expr NOT BETWEEN min AND max
mysql> SELECT 2 NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 3, 2 NOT BETWEEN 3 and 1;
| 2 not between 1 and 3 | 2 not between 3 and 1 |
| false | true |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
create table t (id bigint unsigned, b int);
insert into t values(8894754949779693574,1);
insert into t values(8894754949779693579,2);
insert into t values(17790886498483827171,3);
mysql> select count(*) from t where id>=8894754949779693574 and id =17790886498483827171 order by 1 asc;
| count(*) |
| 0 |
mysql> select count(*) from t where id not between 8894754949779693574 and 17790886498483827171;
| count(*) |
| 3 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)