The Swagger connector enables LoopBack applications to interact with other RESTful APIs described using the OpenAPI (Swagger) specification.


The Swagger connector enables LoopBack applications to interact with other RESTful APIs described usingOpenAPI (Swagger) specification v.2.0.

Configure a Swagger data source

To interact with a Swagger API, we first configure a data source backed by the Swagger connector:

Options for the Swagger connector

  • spec: http url or local file system path to the swagger specification file (Specification file must be of .yaml/.yml or .json extension) or the specification.Note: Current implementation supports relative local path to the current working directory (i.e. process.cwd()).

  • validate: when true, validates provided spec against Swagger specification 2.0 before initializing a data source.default: false

  • security: security configuration for making authenticated requests to the API.Supports three types of security schemes: basic authentication, API Key & OAuth2

  • Basic authentication:

  • API Key:

  • OAuth2:Note: value of name must correspond to a security scheme declared in theSecurity Definitions object within spec document.

Create a model from the Swagger data source

NOTE: The Swagger connector loads the API specification document asynchronously.As a result, the data source won’t be ready to create models until it is connected.The recommended way is to use an event handler for the connected event of data source:

  1. ds.once('connected', function(){
  2. var PetService = ds.createModel('PetService', {});
  3. //...
  4. });

Once the model is created, all available Swagger API operations can be accessed as model methods.

For example:

  1. PetService.getPetById({petId: 1}, function (err, res){
  2. //...
  3. });

Extend a model to wrap/mediate API Operations

Once the model is defined, it can be wrapped or mediated to define new methods.The following example simplifies the getPetById operation to a method that takes petID and returns a Pet instance.

This custom method on the PetService model can be exposed as REST API end-point. It uses the loopback.remoteMethod to define the mappings:


coming soon…

Tags: connectors