The users need to follow this guide to upgrade from v0.6.2 to v0.7.0.


  1. Make sure Kubernetes version >= v1.14.0
  2. Make backups for all the volumes.
  3. Stop the workload using the volumes.
    1. Live upgrade is not supported from v0.6.2 to v0.7.0


Use Rancher App

  1. Run the following command to avoid this ‘updates to provisioner are forbidden’ error:
  1. kubectl delete -f
  1. Click the Upgrade button in the Rancher UI
  2. Wait for the app to complete the upgrade.

Use YAML file

Use kubectl apply -f

And wait for all the pods to become running and Longhorn UI working.

  1. $ kubectl -n longhorn-system get pod
  3. compatible-csi-attacher-69857469fd-rj5vm 1/1 Running 4 3d12h
  4. csi-attacher-79b9bfc665-56sdb 1/1 Running 0 3d12h
  5. csi-attacher-79b9bfc665-hdj7t 1/1 Running 0 3d12h
  6. csi-attacher-79b9bfc665-tfggq 1/1 Running 3 3d12h
  7. csi-provisioner-68b7d975bb-5ggp8 1/1 Running 0 3d12h
  8. csi-provisioner-68b7d975bb-frggd 1/1 Running 2 3d12h
  9. csi-provisioner-68b7d975bb-zrr65 1/1 Running 0 3d12h
  10. engine-image-ei-605a0f3e-8gx4s 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  11. engine-image-ei-605a0f3e-97gxx 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  12. engine-image-ei-605a0f3e-r6wm4 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  13. instance-manager-e-a90b0bab 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  14. instance-manager-e-d1458894 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  15. instance-manager-e-f2caa5e5 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  16. instance-manager-r-04417b70 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  17. instance-manager-r-36d9928a 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  18. instance-manager-r-f25172b1 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  19. longhorn-csi-plugin-72bsp 4/4 Running 0 3d12h
  20. longhorn-csi-plugin-hlbg8 4/4 Running 0 3d12h
  21. longhorn-csi-plugin-zrvhl 4/4 Running 0 3d12h
  22. longhorn-driver-deployer-66b6d8b97c-snjrn 1/1 Running 0 3d12h
  23. longhorn-manager-pf5p5 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  24. longhorn-manager-r5npp 1/1 Running 1 3d14h
  25. longhorn-manager-t59kt 1/1 Running 0 3d14h
  26. longhorn-ui-b466b6d74-w7wzf 1/1 Running 0 50m


Error: “longhorn” is invalid: provisioner: Forbidden: updates to provisioner are forbidden.

  • This means you need to clean up the old longhorn storageClass for Longhorn v0.7.0 upgrade, since we’ve changed the provisioner from to

  • Noticed the PVs created by the old storageClass will still use as provisioner. Longhorn v0.7.0 supports attach/detach/deleting of the PVs created by the previous version of Longhorn, but it doesn’t support creating new PVs using the old provisioner name. Please use the new StorageClass for the new volumes.

If you are using YAML file:

  1. Clean up the deprecated StorageClass:
  1. kubectl delete -f
  1. Run
  1. kubectl apply

If you are using Rancher App:

  1. Clean up the default StorageClass:
  1. kubectl delete -f
  1. Follow this error instruction

Error: kind CustomResourceDefinition with the name “xxx” already exists in the cluster and wasn’t defined in the previous release…

  • This is a Helm bug.
  • Please make sure that you have not deleted the old Longhorn CRDs via the command curl -s | bash -s v062 or executed Longhorn uninstaller before executing the following command. Otherwise you MAY LOSE all the data stored in the Longhorn system.
  1. Clean up the leftover:
  1. kubectl -n longhorn-system delete ds longhorn-manager
  2. curl -s | bash -s v070
  1. Re-click the Upgrade button in the Rancher UI.


Since we upgrade the CSI framework from v0.4.2 to v1.1.0 in this release, rolling back from Longhorn v0.7.0 to v0.6.2 or lower means backward upgrade for the CSI plugin. But Kubernetes does not support the CSI backward upgrade. Hence restarting kubelet is unavoidable. Please be careful, check the conditions beforehand and follow the instruction exactly.


Steps to roll back:

  1. Clean up the components introduced by Longhorn v0.7.0 upgrade
  1. kubectl delete -f
  2. curl -s | bash -s v070
  1. Restart the Kubelet container on all nodes or restart all the nodes. This step WILL DISRUPT all the workloads in the system.

Connect to the node then run

  1. docker restart kubelet
  1. Rollback Use kubectl apply or Rancher App to rollback the Longhorn.

Migrate the old PVs to use the new StorageClass


Post upgrade

  1. Bring back the workload online.
  2. Make sure all the volumes are back online.
  3. Check all the existing manager pods are running v0.7.0. No v0.6.2 pods is running.
    1. Run kubectl -n longhorn-system get pod -o yaml|grep "longhorn-manager:v0.6.2" should yield no result.
  4. Run the following script to clean up the v0.6.2 CRDs.
    1. Must make sure all the v0.6.2 pods HAVE BEEN DELETED, otherwise the data WILL BE LOST!
  1. curl -s | bash -s v062