Analytics Dashboard

An Introduction to the LocalStack Pro Analytics Dashboard

LocalStack Event Analytics

LocalStack allows for transparent collection of execution events, in order to provide usage analytics and insights into the testing process overall.

Simply configure your system with the LOCALSTACK_API_KEY environment variable, and the system will start making your events accessible on the LocalStack dashboard at

Data Privacy

Please note that data privacy is one of our key concerns; data is only collected in an anonymized way, and never exposes any sensitive information about your application.

The following screenshot shows an the Analytics Dashboard in action:

Analytics Dashboard

The top row shows a summary of your LocalStack usage. A test process or Process ID refers to a single run of LocalStack. The table shows the detailed list of events sorted by date.


You can disable event reporting on your LocalStack client by setting the environment variable DISABLE_EVENTS=1.

Additional Info

Brave blocks localhost requests due to security by default via shields, some sites need access to localhost/ to work correctly. Easy option to allow a user to enable this is manually enabling via the site brave://settings/content/insecureContent.

Last modified December 16, 2021: improve documentation on browser compatibility with dashboard (#88) (cac2e50f)